Chapter 15

I hadn't heard much of Sarah's and Crystals questions as I walked back to our rooms. My mind flashing me pictures of my messy bed as if teasing my sleepy body.

"Maybe the man you danced with was the prince?" Sarah proposed.

"Mmm" I replied, but when I repeated the words in my head a few times and finally processed them I pondered them. "The chances are very slim and anyway his name isn't the same" I nodded to my self.

"He told you his name?" Crystal said out of shock. "The man I danced with refused to answer any personal questions!"

"It was the same with mine" Sarah added.

I really didn't want to think about anything other than my bed.

"He gave me the invitation personally" I replied stupidly, without deciding whether I should have shared such sensitive information. I should just stop talking.

"He visited you personally?! He must have really liked you" Crystal said a bit too loudly.

"He just wanted to check out the clothes…" I retorted, cheeks flushing despite myself.

"Clothes?… he visited the store" I nodded to Crystal who thankfully whispered this to me, "he must definitely like you".

"Why would he? He could have any girl with his face…" I sighed, "let's discuss this in the morning".

We had finally got to our room and without changing I fell on the bed and immediately shut off.

I hadn't heard the girls wake up at all later that morning. I do remember remember Crystal telling me to wake, but I think I told her I'd follow her and ended up falling asleep.

I had woken up, nicely rested thinking it was probably noon. It, thankfully, was still the late morning and I managed to wash myself and get dressed. I assumed the other girls had begun getting familiar with each other from the sound of chatter I could faintly hear from outside.

I wasn't sure I wanted to join in, but I didn't have anything else to do. My only options were staying here and doing nothing or…

Just as I thought I noticed two red waxed letters, holding the seal of the imperial family on the table. They were opened and with a nosy glance I caught the names of Crystal and Sarah on each.

That must be their results…

I looked to my dressing table, but there was no unopened letter. Nothing, but the customary small boxes of creams and perfumes.

An ominous feeling washed over me and I decided I best join the other young ladies. I asked the nearest footman to direct me and he did with the most expressive display of manners.

He walked me to the garden which was the first time I let down my guard since I entered the palace. It was beautiful. Flowers bloomed at every corner and such an array I was in shock. The garden was a palace alone.

"I can't enter further unfortunately, but if you follow the path you should be able to encounter the gathering" I barely heard him as I walked ahead, gaze trickling to everywhere and even though I walked slowly, it felt too fast and too unappreciative.

Just as I decided to head back to get a better look at a rather interesting bud, did I hear the giggling of women. I felt my mood stiffen.

If I struggled with talking at any point in life, it was most definitely at gatherings of nobility. Blood wise I was noble, but that meant nothing without a title. My mother was a noble, sister to Count Hart, but she married my father and gave that up. It was often the topic of ridicule in parties like these and I knew this one would be no different.

I stepped into the gathering, where garden tables and chairs gleamed as if made of porcelain. Trays upon trays of sweets served atop them and the scent of tea mixing in with the smell of flowers.

The chatter slowed to a halt as everyone turned to me. Their eyes looking me and up and down before a few began to wave and call me over so warmly I thought we might be as well be friends.

"Lady Colter!" A beautiful ginger haired girl, with wide blue eyes flashed me a smile. I did not recognise her and she definitely was not a noble. "I'm so glad you joined. The girls and I were hoping to figure out how you made that tea".

The girls around the table either gave me looks of excitement or caution. Some took a long glance at my dress, one I selected from the boutique.

"Well, Dearest child" I playfully said, hoping not to give off that I had no clue who she was. Thankfully the ladies chuckled, "I hate to disappoint you, but I simply made tea".

I didn't sit down, finding myself searching for Crystal and Sarah, but I didn't get a glimpse of either.

"Is that true?" This time the person who asked spoke sharply and I knew exactly who it was.

That pale blonde hair, those striking pink eyes that could subdue even the wildest animals. The lashes that shouldn't humanly be so long. To top it off a beautiful face as well. Charlotte Willow, one of the most outstanding women of nobility and practically a princess as daughter of one of three dukes.

"Of course, Lady Willow. I was surprised at his majesties taste, but I realised he may be more human than we make him out to be" I laughed, hoping to not seem like a threat. I had to make Charlotte a friend. She could ruin my life with a few words.

"The late king did say so as well" the red haired girl from earlier said.

"But the rumours…" Lady Brown, daughter of Marques Brown muttered and immediately regretted it as Charlottes fan snapped closed and she glared at the poor girl.

"We do not gossip about such unseemly things Silica!" She snarled and poor Lady Brown quivered.

"I'm so sorry, Charlotte. That was thoughtless of me" she lowered her head and I frowned at the sight. Hoping to stop any further harm coming along I spoke up.

"The palace gardens are rather splendid, are they not?" I pathetically chimed, "I've never entered the palace before this competition so I hadn't had the luxury of experiencing such wonder" I hoped I sounded elegant and not the country bumpkin I was.

"I thought so too!" The red headed lady follows up, "I used to love visiting these gardens. Are they not just magical?" She asked with flushed cheeks as if embarrassed.

"They truly are something from a fairy tale" I mused, and then the sight of something struck me as peculiar enough to bring up. "Are those not….?" I carried off unable to form my words as I caught sight of the men in those suits, masks covering their eyes as they attended to the tea party like footmen.

"I thought it was quite peculiar too" Charlotte spoke, "it seems we are being watched at all times".

I caught the eyes of one of them and they bowed and continued on their way.

I wonder if Jules is here? I found my temper flaring at the very thought of him.

"Lady Colter" Charlotte's voice distracted me from my day dreams of compromising the potential children Jules may have, "I was hoping to know what you discussed with his highness"-

"There you are!" A hand clamped on my shoulder as the familiar shrill of Anastasias voice rung in my ear, "you look wide awake today and your shoes are on right too".

My face burned at her words.

"Did- Did I wear my shoes the wrong way round during our first task?" I asked as the world around me began to darken.

"Not at all, but the look on your face is too funny right now" she laughed.

Eh? … this bitch…

"You truly know how to make people want to burn themselves on a stake, Lady Archangel" I muttered trying to keep my polite smile. She was too valuable of customer to lose.

"I only like a bit of fun, isn't that right Lady Willow" she flashed a grin to Charlotte with enough authority to rival hers.

Then again, the Archangels weren't a joke either. They had money. Lots of it.

"Of course. Would you like to join us for tea?" I could see Charlottes eye twitching despite her polite mask.

"Thank you for the offer, but I was hoping to buy a few dresses from my friend here. Mind if I borrow her?" She asked Charlotte as if I had no say. Charlotte nodded.

"Of course. I hope you enjoy tea with us soon, Lady Colter" she gave me a warm smile which I returned with a curtsy.

"It would be my pleasure".

Anastasia had no intention of buying dresses so my business smile was absolutely for nothing.

"You are in deep shit, my friend" she pointed at me with a chocolate biscuit.

"You don't need to tell me. I'm not sure how I've managed to get myself in this situation" I found that eating macarons made me feel a little less empty.

"Right now you happen to be the most likely to be queen. You should be glad it's just the first task so atleast try to fail the next ones" she sighed.

"Well you speak so proudly for someone who also seems to have passed. What did you serve him?" I asked out of interest.

"Boiling water" she said with a straight face.

I laughed, expecting it to be a joke, but when she continued to stare blankly I faltered.

"You- You actually did that?!"

"I was trying to fail".

"It seems to me you were trying to get yourself killed!"

"He liked it anyway" she brushed some minuscule dust off her shoulder.

"I wonder if I should have served milk mixed with tea leaves… I might've failed then" i sighed.

"That weirdo would've enjoyed it".

I wish I didn't believe that.