Chapter 27

"That's a rather interesting approach" the ginger replied thoughtfully, but I could barely comprehend him as I stared at Jules.

I wasn't angry. Not angry at all.

I was rather… confused.

Because for a moment… for a moment I thought he wanted me to win this. He wanted me… as his queen.

I wanted to laugh at the notion. I really wanted to dismiss it, but… he stared back at me.

"I don't think that would be smart. How exactly would we persuade nobility to go to a hospital that commoners like yourself would go to" I heard the snide way Lady Sanchez said 'like yourself' and simply brushed it off.

"Well, as someone whose main clientele are nobility it isn't truly difficult." I replied softly.

"Oh my, I forgot you run a business" Lady Sanchez gave a laugh, "it must be troublesome".

"Not at all" I smiled back at her. "I enjoy being kept busy".

I could feel the way the prince stared at me and Lady Sanchez, but it wasn't until I stopped speaking did he intervene.

"I quite like your idea of having a built in business as the main provider, but wouldn't the store have to bring in a lot of profit to run a hospital?" His voice silenced Lady Sanchez and I heard Lady Hue take a deep breath as if to compose herself.

"That's why the idea wasn't worth sharing. The business would have to run for at least a year before the profits could be put towards the hospital and build a reputation among folk. But it would also mean to limit the amount of hospitals available to the public to a single one" I wanted to throw my hands up in defeat and declare my dislike for this. I hated debating because it was so unorganised and messy.

"Then why not have the business run independent to the hospital. That way profits can properly be distributed when more than one hospital are set to be running" the prince wrapped it up so perfectly I was unable to help the admiring smile on my face as I clapped.

"That would be the perfect set-up" I agreed and then when he smiled at me I caught myself. I glanced towards the ginger and almost double took when I caught a refreshed smile on his face.

Oh god… what have I done…?

I was silent for the rest of the discussion. Mind stressing over the fact that I had got tricked into potentially passing this round and had not caught on.

Jules didn't look at me after that but I couldn't help but feel the sense that he was here solely to ruin me over.

Did he truly want me to be queen?

Did he want me?

The thought excited me as much as it dreaded me.

When the ginger man finally clapped and finished the session I had promptly stood up and rushed over to where the girls who had finished stood. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't look back. I couldn't.

A silence fell over the girls as the ginger haired man and the prince looked to each other, speaking lowly as they looked over a few papers. The ginger occasionally scribbling away at the paper.

"You look like you've died inside" came a snicker in my ear and I looked over to Anastasia with the eyes of a dead fish.

"I think I passed…"

"Maybe being queen is your true calling" Anastasia half joked and then after a moment of silence, "the prince is fond of you".

"Is it obvious…?"

"He doesn't care who notices so yes" her voice was no longer teasing but concerned.

I didn't reply. I couldn't because I didn't understand. I couldn't. There was not a single moment when I got the feeling he saw me romantically. I was sure he didn't see me in that light at all.

So why was he so bent on making me queen?

Was it fun for him? Did he enjoy watching people walk paths they didn't wish to?


The biggest question I need to answer is-

I caught his eyes. The narrowed red eyes staring at me from afar, the feeling that he could read my mind and could predict my next move washed over me, but I didn't back down. No matter how small I felt under his gaze.

-how can I fight back against the infamous half-blood war stricken prince?