Chapter 15: The Past

Chapter 15: The Past

Amanda fidgeted with her phone, frowning as she messaged Lee while she continued to rumple the covers with her movement. She’d already changed into her pajamas–a cute lacy nightgown instead of the usually stained shorts and holey shirt–and was waiting anxiously for Levi to put the kids to bed and come to see her; what for, she still didn’t know.

She’d more or less summed up the last few days to Lee over text, leaving out things like, well, werewolves and gunshot wounds. As far as Leeanne knew, Levi was the rude guy from the store, who had taken his two kids camping but hurt his arm while hiking, so they were staying with her until they could continue their camping trip. She hoped that Lee didn’t look up the weather and call BS, since no one in their right mind would be out on the mountain at the moment. Luckily, as usual, Lee was too interested in the relationships rather than what all was going on around it.

Lee: maybe he wants to confess his love