Chapter 16: The Past, Part Two
It was only half a moon later when their father was in the same position.
Levi had begged him not to go. Stella was not one to crave revenge, and even though every day Levi thought about tracking down the man who had killed his sister and taken her from her pups, he knew that there was always the chance that it would mean the pups were parentless again. Jacob didn’t just have two pups to worry about. He had the entire pack.
He didn’t listen.
The healer did all she could. They amputated his front limb, but he refused to stay human to let it heal, and soon it became infected, and death followed not long after that. Levi had reeled at the injustice of it all; losing nearly all of his family in the span of a month. And then there had been one last, terrible surprise at the end of it all.