Affecting her brother's realtionship

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She wanted to say something but felt like something got stuck in her throat. She watched his expressionless face looking back at her.

Those were the same eyes that looked back at her with love and respect this very morning.

Those were the very eyes that assured her of trust and loyalty.

But now all she could see was an empty gaze.

Looks like she won't even have a happy marriage from now on. And the whole reason for it was… her brother. He ruined her life once in the past and again now he was ruining her life. She looked at him with hurt and hate-filled eyes. She said nothing.

But Zaros could see the complaints, anger, betrayal, and other things in her eyes. Closing his eyes, he pinched the space between his brows. He didn't know how to make this situation better. But the expression on his sister's face tells him, he broke her trust to an irreparable point.

"Lady Valorine! You will no longer live in my chambers. You will be allotted your personal chambers on the west side of the wing. You will have everything available that you need in your personal chambers," Maximus said.

"Mom, please take care of this thing personally. As for the crowning which has to be held tomorrow, I will be having another meeting with the Werewolf Elders. Till then consider it as canceled," Maximus added through his gritted teeth as he looked at his lifeless little sister.

"I will inform everyone and ask everyone to put a stop to the preparations. Also, Lady Elphaba asked for your and your sister's presence before sunrise today. At least you go and meet her," Serene said. Maximus nodded.

"Mom, call someone and let them escort Lady Valorine out," Maximus said not even sparing a glance at Lenora.

That's it! The barrier broke as a tear slipped from Lenora's eyes but she quickly wiped it out. She came prepared for this kind of treatment. But after two months of experiencing their love and care, experiencing their hate was something she couldn't digest.

And it's all because of her brother.

If only, he was good with her sister-in-law. If only… he took better care of her. If only he took better care of her. Then this wouldn't have happened.

But why did he even torture a little soul? Who wasn't even twenty-five years old?

She could see the bruises on her neck and other parts. She knew what they were.

Lenora thought her brother was loving towards everyone except for her. But now… it seemed different. He doesn't deserve her. She spoke with Adira many times. Adira was a lovely child. How could he be so heartless towards her?

This wasn't good.

It took only one month for him to get her into this position. What if it's one year? She may even die.

This wasn't fair anymore.

Lenora felt a bitter taste as she looked at her sister-in-law. That's when she remembered the line that Adira said. "I am happy for you, sister-in-law,"

If she was in Adira's place she would have felt jealous but the pure child was not even jealous. She expressed her happiness. As she thought about it, it made sense to her. Her horror-stricken face of her when she noticed her brother was looking at her. And the way she didn't even touch the food made sense. So, she was so scared of her brother.

She clenched her hands tighter as she looked at her. Taking a deep breath, she threw a disgusted glare at her brother before leaving Adira's wing. She didn't even wait for the maids or servants to come to escort her. That was too much of an insult for her.

Lenora can walk on her own. Celine just stood aside as she watched everything. This wasn't good. She thought. She needs to talk with 'them'. Celine followed Lenora as she walked ahead furiously.

Today Lenora realized one thing. Nothing is permanent. Everything we see and the experience were temporary. And today she realized it a hard way. No matter how strong she was… she still can't hold it. Almost running into their bedroom or precisely the king's bedroom. She cried her heart out. She thought she toughened up in these two years. But nope! She was the same fragile one infront of the person whom she loved.

She doesn't know if she was in love with Maximus or not. But she loved being around him. He was so gentle, and careful and always made her feel happy. Now… the thought of moving away from him broke her heart. And all thanks to her stupid brother!

For some reason, she couldn't get the fact that Maximus wants to be away from her.



Eudora, Zaros, and Serene were still in Adira's wing.

"I would like to be with my sister till she is awake," Maximus said.

Everyone knew what he meant. He wants them to leave this wing and give him and his sister some peace.

Maximus walked towards the bedside and sat beside his sister as he watched her sleep.

Eudora and Serene walked out. Zaros was stilled in his spot. He couldn't believe what exactly has happened now.

Many things happened with one single incident. He wanted to blame everything on Adira. But he knew better, he was the reason.

Yet he still can't accept it.

"Next time you lay a hand on your sister, you won't see your sister in this lifetime again," Maximus said.

"Are you threatening me?" Zaros said.

"I know what happened to your sister two years ago. And your role in it. If you want me to make her hate you more… go ahead," Maximus said.

Zaros stood still hearing his words. If he knew does that mean, Adira knew it too?

All these days was she looking down on him?

Was that the reason she was being silent?

If she knew why does she put up with him?

Telling Lenora how he was torturing her would be a done deal for him! But she kept silent. Why?

He was curious about this. But before that, he needs to know if she knew something about this or not.

It's understandable if Maximus knew about it. From the morning incident, he could say his sister told him by herself. But Adira… this was something different.