Rejection is painful

"Damien! You are all mine" Debbi said as she approached him, he was lying on the bed, she unbuttoned his shirt and kissed him hard and he kissed her back matching his ferocity with hers

Her eyes gleamed as she dug her hand into his hair, a moan escaped her lips when his finger slid down into her p*ssy. His hand slid under her shirt and squeezed her nipples. A moan escaped her lips, the sensation was driving her crazy. She reached to unbuckle his belt when her eyes flew open

She was dreaming! Dreaming of her and Damien about to f*ck! What on earth was that? Having dreams of Damien kissing her, touching her!.

She was sweating profusely as her grip on the pillow tightened, she was breathing heavily. She managed to stable her breathing before getting off the bed and going to the bathroom

She washed her face with the clean water from the running tap. She looked at herself in the mirror and she did not know what was going on anymore with her, why was she dreaming of Damien? The person who rejected her

She came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. She poured out water from the bottled water into a glass cup and she drank silently, she sat on the stool in the kitchen and was thinking of what she just dreamt of.

"Debbi" her mother called her "mom" Debbi was surprised to see her mom awake

"Why are you still up? I checked up on you in your room and you were not there" Lilian said "you check up on us every night" Debbi found it fascinating that her mom still used to check them in the nights like they were still kids

"I am your mom and no matter how old you grow that does not change the fact that I am your mom" Lilian replied, sitting on a stool "so tell me, why are you still, up by this time of the night?" Lilian asked

"I had a nightmare" Debbi lied, it was not entirely a lie because her kissing and touching Damien was close to a nightmare "about what?" Lilian asked

"Mom, it is strange and difficult to understand" Debbi added "Debbi, I am your mother, since you came home from Damien's house, you have been acting all strange, if anything is bothering you, do not hesitate to tell me" Lilian stated

"Listen, darling, your mom is supposed to be your closest companion, you can confide in me, tell me if anything is disturbing you, I would never kill you, but I would guide you to follow the right steps and not go astray, and not hesitate to punish if it calls for it," Lilian said causing Debbi to chuckle a bit

"You said I can confide in you?" Debbi asked "yes love"Lilian replied, "have you ever been rejected? have you ever experienced rejection?" Debbi asked, for a moment a flash of emotions showed on Lilian's face, it showed anger, frustration, sadness and most likely vengeance

"Daughter, rejection is painful, trust me when I say that, I remember those painful days when I had to suffer not because I am bad but because I did not realize when and where to stop being good" Lilian paused and breathed in heavily

"I never knew I would be telling my kids this but if it has to serve as a moral lesson to you then I have no cause to hide it" paused and continued

"My family was a big one, I was academically brilliant and I was successful, I had a younger sister named Chloe, I grew up with this idea that I was the heiress of my father's company when I graduated I joined my father in his company and me joking brought success to the company, it grew double of what it was before, in fact, I was the talk of the town then. I put all my efforts into building this company and when it was rated, it was the second best company in the country. One day I went to work and I was called by the board of directors, I thought it had something to do with business, I never it was more than business. I was shocked to see my grandparents, uncles, aunties, my dad, my mom and my little sister who just graduated. I was asked to take a seat which I did and the board of directors started blabbing nonsense, I can not recall what they said. My father, the CEO of the company told me that I do not have a share in his wealth because I am an illegitimate child, I was born out of wedlock, so now I have to work under my younger sister Chloe, as she is the true heiress of the company, they asked me to support her and guide her since I knew the business well. I then asked them why they did not tell me this since and they said that they were searching for the right time to tell me, I only smiled in my head, these people used me to grow their company and now they dump me after their company has reached its great heights. I asked my dad who I was mother was since he claimed that I was one of his mistakes, and he said she was dead. My boyfriend then, Raymond by name broke up with me because of the news that my parents accused me, they went on media and I announced that I was no longer the heiress of the company due to misconduct and embezzlement. I refused to work under my sister saying that I was the heiress but my dad told me that if I do not agree to work under her then I might as well leave his house and never come back, he said I was a rejected child and that he had no use of me anymore. I left the country in anger and I swore that I was going to pay them back. I went to London where I met your father and we fell in love and we got married, well my vengeance plan has to wait anyways, I have a lovely family to cater for" Lilian narrated

"Is that why you never talk about your family? Like your mom and dad?" Debbi asked, shock written on her face "yes" came Lilian's short reply

"Does dad know about this?" Debbi asked "why won't he, he knows about it" Lilian replied

"Rejection hurt but that should not bother you, Debbi, your family would never reject you, so who rejected you?" Lilian asked causing Debbi to come back to the present, her problem! Damien!