Boyfriend snatcher

"You have to go to bed now, you have to wake up early tomorrow for school," Lilian told Debbi "yes mom, Good night," she said before leaving the kitchen.

The morning came so quick and it was time for her to go to school, she hated going to school nowadays because she could not avoid Damien, he was everywhere.

Dressed in a simple white gown which hand length at her knees, she gathered a few of her textbooks which she would be needing for today's lectures into her school bag. She breathed heavily, giving herself some pep talk for the day, she headed for school.

The college was as usual crowded with students of different grades, Debbi was able to make it inside but she could not help but notice the way students were gawking at her, it made her feel goosebumps.

Everybody's attention was on her, some bold ones hissed while they passed her. What was going on today? She had planned to hide all day long but the students' gaze at her was making her pee on her pants.

"Well! Well if it is not the boyfriend snatcher of this century" Aimee was clapping her hands and walking gradually towards her along with her twin sister; Anita

"Excuse me? Are you talking to me?" Debbi asked, shock taking over her features "who else if it is not you Deborah?" Aimee asked, standing before she folded her arms at her chest, Debbi did not seem to understand what Aimee was talking about

Debbi also noticed that students stopped and were looking at them, causing Debbi to feel goosebumps "Aimee! You are creating a scene here" Debbi stated the obvious

"Oh! No need to worry sweetie because the school already know about your evil game plans" Anita chipped in "I do not understand" Debbi was confused at their actions and not just them but the entire school starting at her

"Stop all this pretence! It's all over social media, you tried to snatch my boyfriend from me and if not that he is deeply in love with me he would have agreed to your evil plans" Aimee stated

"Did Damien tell you all this?" The scales covering Debbi's eyes finally fell and she now understood what Aimee was talking about "did you think that my boyfriend would hide anything from me? Or do you think you have a chance against me? Just because you are his claimed best friend does not mean he would pick you over me" Aimee added causing Debbi to blink severally

"What on earth did Damien tell you?" Debbi asked, fidgeting "you tried to snatch him away from my sister. I knew that all these years you have been following Damien, you wanted something in return and that is the wealth that he would inherit. You are a greedy asshole" Anita spat out

"Let us go sister, we do not want to be seen with a boyfriend snatcher" Aimee left with her younger sister leaving Debbi glued to the floor

What just happened? She had to see Damien right away. It did not take until she found Damien, since he was the hottest and richest guy in school, he was almost everywhere, people talking about him was now a norm in college, and even the lecturers were also a part of it.

Damien was standing among some boys that Debbi did not bother about, she walked up to them like an angry lion

"Damien!" Debbi roared not minding what those guys would think of her "Debbi, what brings you here?" He asked so casually causing Debbi to let out a devastating laugh

Lucas was wise enough to send the boys away because he knew that the two were not planning on going somewhere private to discuss whatever it was they wanted to discuss. He could see the fire burning in Debbi's eyes and the danger in every of her word

"What did you tell Aimee?" Debbi asked "what else? I mean what happened yesterday" Damien replied not losing his cool "why is she now calling me a boyfriend snatcher? I mean…" Damien cut her off

"What are you then if not a boyfriend snatcher?" Damien's question caught her off balance "excuse me?" Debbi needed to be sure she was not assuming things

"Wait a minute, just because I told you I had feelings for you, you made me the talk of the college and labelled me a boyfriend snatcher? Am I the first girl to have feelings that were not reciprocated?" Debbi was broken into pieces, she least expected this, especially not from her best friend

"I am not the first person to have feelings for a guy who does not love me back and I would never be the last" tears were already streaming down her eyes, she quickly wiped them off using her hand, blinking severally she found her voice to speak

"I thought we were over this yesterday, act like we never talked about this" Debbi reminded him of their agreement "listen, Debbi, I need you to understand that Aimee is close to my heart and I can not keep anything away from her even if that includes ending our friendship" Damien stated

"Friendship that we built since the thirteen years of our lives would just go down to drain?" Debbi asked "you were the one who spoiled the whole thing Debbi" Damien retorted

"Am I the first girl to have feelings for a guy who does not reciprocate it? You act as if I am the only one, I am entitled to my emotions, and I am allowed to feel what I want to feel. I confessed to you but you turned me down, you rejected me and I never forced you, so what is all about this boyfriend snatcher?" Debbi asked, her eyes threatening to tear up

"Damien let me make this clear to you, as of today the little friendship that connect us is gone, we are not friends anymore, I do not want to have anything to do with you anymore" Debbi spoke with much anger in her tone

She had wanted him to refuse, to not reluctantly give up on him, to press further or to beg for their friendship but it felt like her heart was stabbed with a million swords at once when he nodded his head in agreement without even arguing.

'Having feelings is now a crime right? How could he not even argue a little bit for their friendship, that means the friendship meant nothing to him talk less of her feelings'

She quietly entered her class but she noticed the way students were gawking at her even in class, she then brought out her phone and went online

Shock, no utter disbelief filled Debbi, what in God's name was this? Why were they saying all these bad things about her? Who did she ever wrong? Or maybe it is a crime to love someone? She could not just come up with a logical reason for all this nonsense on media.

Angrily, she switched off her phone and placed her head on the desk and cried a river, she cried silently so as not to cause attention

"It is okay Debbi, crying would never solve the issue, we just have to hope and pray for a better tomorrow. The world is not over yet" a feminine voice echoed causing Lina to look up. She was shocked to see who was standing before her

It was no other than her academic rival; Stephanie.