Couple full of love

"Steph" Debbi was beyond shocked to see Steph right now "Debbi, it is alright, no worries, I understand how you feel" Steph added

"I was once rejected like you and I know how it feels, it is just that yours is worse than mine because your crush happens to be your best friend for years now" Steph continued

"Why did he make a big deal out of nothing, Yesterday I told him that I had feelings for him and he said he did not, that is all, so why is everyone calling a boyfriend snatcher for goodness' sake" Debbi yelled

"Take it easy Debbi, yes I agree, you talk of the college now but it would pass away with time" Steph encouraged

"With time? Well, I can take that since we have six months left before we graduate for college" Debbi stated but come to think of it, six months was way too long, how would she cope? Breathing in, she tried to calm her already angered nerves

"Thank you so much Steph, for your advice and been there for me when we are not friends" Debbi appreciated "you are welcome, Debbi" Steph replied

A lecturer then walked into the class with his laptop and connected it to the smart board before turning to face the class

"I guess it's time for class, do not think too much about it" Steph was getting up as she told her while Debbi nodded her head in agreement

Finally, the long boring class came to an end and it was lunchtime, all the students were getting up and leaving the class except Debbi who was glued to her chair

"Are you not going for a break?" Steph asked gathering her books into her bag "no" came Debbi's short reply

"Did you come with food from home?" Steph asked again "no" Debbi replied shortly "are you not hungry? Won't you buy food from the cafeteria?" Steph asked again

"Listen Steph, I am already the talk of the whole school, I do not like the way students look at me whenever I pass, it makes me feel weird and going to the cafeteria would cause more problems for me and I do not want that" Debbi stated

"I get it, what would you eat then? I would get it for you?" Steph said causing Debbi to blink, why was Steph suddenly becoming nice to her?

"Do not bother yourself I am fine" Debbi lied, actually she was very famished "no Debbi, are you trying to say you would not eat anything till you get home?" Steph asked, one of her eyebrows raised

"Fine, just get me some burger" Debbi agreed as she handed her some money for the burger.

In a jiffy, Steph was back with Debbi's order and that of herself, the both of them ate in silence. Lunchtime was over and a lecturer walked into the class

"For those not offering this subject please leave, it's time for science students to have their class," the lady said and they knew she was referring to them.

Debbi headed for the library, for the sake of not attracting attention, she was glad that there were just a few students in the library, she then picked up a textbook which was holding answers for her project, she would utilize the time to do her project work.

Flipping through the pages of the textbook, she was looking for the content she needed to read about

"Is it true?" She heard Lucas ask, she whipped her head around and saw Lucas standing beside her

"What is true?" She asked back "is it true you tried to kiss Damien, tried to force yourself on him and said bad things about his girlfriend; Aimee?" Lucas asked

"What? I never said or did any of that, I only told him my feelings for him and he said he did not reciprocate it so I let him be, wait! Did Damien say all those ill things about me? Is that why the whole school is gawking at me?" Debbi asked as sad tears rolled down her eyes

Lucas looked away, not knowing how to answer Debbi, it was her best friend they were talking about here, he knew Damien was lying when he was telling them yesterday at the cafeteria, he knew Debbi would do no such thing.

"Answer me, Lucas, did he say all that?" Debbi asked again "yes, he is just obsessed with Aimee, that is all, he is not thinking rationally," Lucas said

Debbi's grip on the textbook tightened like she was controlling herself from exploding, Damien has bitten more than he can chew.

"Leave" was more of an order than a plea, Lucas understood her plight and left her. Debbi quickly left the library to the restroom where she washed her face severally and tried to calm down to avoid doing something uncalled for.

The school was over and Debbi went home, no one was home so she used her key to open the door, she sat on the sofa and rested her head backwards

She thought of visiting that asshole and after mulch debate with her inner mind she concluded that she would go

She took her bath and changed into a new set of clothes, she then left home but not without locking it up and then took a taxi to his house

His home was as usual very neat and clean, the place was eerily calm, the only people seen were the security officers on patrol, she entered the sitting room and no one was there only a maid

"Good day ma'am, how may I…" Debbi cut her off by asking "where is Damien?" "He is at the garden but…" Debbi did not allow the maid to finish her statement as she left for the garden

She knew her way around his house, why wouldn't she? She had been visiting this place since when she was a kid, she even played here when they were renovating the house

"I love you so much babe" Debbi heard Damien tell Aimee "I love you too," Aimee said "no one would come in between us, if anyone tries it I would make sure the person experiences hell on earth," Damien told her making Debbi smile bitterly

Aimee then dipped in for a kiss and then was in that way for a very long time until they broke about. Damien sensed someone's presence, he whipped his head around to find Debbi standing, her arms folded at her chest

"What the heck?" Damien cursed out loud "what are you doing here Debbi?" Damien asked heading toward her

"Don't you know when to interrupt a couple full of love?" Aimee asked causing Debbi to shrug