Tonight is the party

"Why are you here?" Damien asked, standing in front of her

"Damien why? Why did you say those bad things about me? How could you do this to your very best friend? Why did you lie against me? Why did you make me a bad person in college? You forgot all about our thirteen years of friendship and you went ahead to make me look bad in the eyes of everyone in the college, why did you do this to me?" Debbi asked trying her possible best not to cry here especially not in front of Aimee or Damien, she did not want to give them the satisfaction they wanted, she was never going to cry in front of them.

There was a disturbing silence that reigned between them, a pin drop silence as both of them held each other's gaze not wanting to back off

After a long while of staring at each other, Damien coughed and turned to look at Aimee, she was closely watching them, he doubt she could hear them

"Get out!" it was an order rather than a plea "yes I would get out but whatever goes around must surely come around, what you did to me, someone would do it back to you, and I also want to appreciate you for the fantastic memories we shared, I missed the previous Damien and not the person standing before me" Debbi stated

"Leave or I would call the security officers to take you out" Damien pointed towards the exit. Debbi looked at him and then Aimee before she turned to leave, immediately after she left Damien sent a word to the security officers telling them that she is no longer allowed into the house.

Debbi arrived home in no time, she saw her mother's Toyota Camry packed outside, which indicated that she was back home. Debbi quickly wiped off her tears and tried to wear a smile before she entered in, she did not want her mother's questions, they were tiring

Debbi walked in, she saw no one so she dashed into her bedroom only to find her mom arranging it

"Mom" Debbi called making Lilian stop what she was doing "did the college close by this time?" Lilian inquired "no mom, I was back earlier and I then went out" Debbi replied, Lilian looked at her for a moment before returning to do what she was doing

"Mom, I would arrange my room myself" Debbi wanted her to stop and leave, she needed some time alone, "says the girl who has not cleaned up her room for days now" Lilian retorted

"Fine mom, I promise to clean up my room myself every day, just leave" Debbi pleaded causing Lilian to turn around to view her

"Why do I have a feeling that you are chasing me out of your room? Do you have a skeleton in your cupboard?" Lilian asked "no mom, you have to trust me with this one mom, please mom, I want some time for myself" Debbi was getting tired of her mom

"What is eating you up, Debbi? Something is making you think too much, I can feel it in my bones but you refuse to open up" Lilian stated. Debbi wanted to tell her mother about Damien but she knew her mother would do something unwanted

"Mom, I have said this times without a number, I am fine," Debbi said "okay, I guess you would get the time you want" Lilian shrugged as she left the room.

Debbi collapsed on the bed, staring at nothing in particular, the whole event was so exhausting, she closed her eyes to think about Damien, well the one who had been her friend all these years and not the current one.


Six months later

"Congratulations! Hurray, we are done with our final papers and we are done with college!" Students rejoiced as they walked out of the exam hall. "Hip! Hip! Hip!" A student toasted and everyone shouted "hurray!"

"Congratulations Debbi!, I am so excited about our next phase of life" Steph hugged Debbi who also hugged her back, for the past six months the duo had been growing their friendship and it was a miracle that the two rivals actually became close friends, though Debbi did not put much interest into the friendship because of what happened to her Steph still did her best to make it work and eventually they became close friends.

They joked, played and studied together and they became unbeatable in hiring academics, the best two students that the school produced

"Like seriously Steph, it's like a dream to me" Debbi smiled, Steph pinched her and she groaned in pain

"It is not a dream" Steph exclaimed "I remember those days when I was excited to enter college, how I was overwhelmed about going to college, my first day in college and so on, but now I am done with college, it is exciting Steph" Debbi smiled as she said all this

The celebration of the students was the talk of the college since they were rejoicing that had finished their last exam in college

"Order!" Lucas announced and everyone became silent "it is a thing of joy that all of us are now graduates of the college, all we need now is for the college to hand us our certificates and we know we are done with college for good, I can not explain how excited I am right now and the happiness that filled me so with this there is going to be a party tonight at my house and everyone is invited," Damien said causing the students to scream out loud in joy.

The noise of the students attracted the lecturers "what is going on here" a female lecturer asked "I know you guys are excited that you have finished your last paper but you have to keep it down, some juniors are still writing" she added before winking at them which left them baffled.

"So tonight is the partyyyyyyy!" Damien screamed as he hugged Aimee and everyone shouted in joy, this was going to be one big graduation.