I wanted to grab my phone and text her the second I was finished reading but I had to stop myself and calm down. This was not the time to freak her out by coming across as really desperate. I did however take out my phone and add her to my contacts. I sat and looked at it wondering what she was doing on the other end of the radio waves. As I was daydreaming Quinn walked into my office and sat down on the other side of my desk.
“Hey, is that Nora’s book!” he shouted and scooped it up off the desk and started flipping through it.
“Yeah, it showed up this morning. I’m a little over halfway through it” I said trying to hide my excitement. I placed my phone on the desk and kept watching it out of the corner of my eye like it might text her by itself or something. I wanted to text Quinn and let him know the new details on the Nora saga but something held me back. My excitement was bubbling inside but just like all my other emotions, I keep them bottled up tight.