Happily ever after? (Lorain)

Lorain remembered everything

it felt like a nightmare

she wanted to have a happy life with her

but that wasn't possible

everything felt so painful now

she wished she could forget everything

all the ones closest to her had hurt her

why can't she be happy?

what did she do to deserve this?

was it because she blindly followed her?

Llya was a demon- she knew that

demons weren't to be trusted

she was pushed into her deepest desires

she did everything Llya asked her

she died because of her

she trusted her and that got her killed

she was so heartbroken

she awoken

she was full of bloodlust

she lifted her hand up she lifted up the top of the coffin off

she climbed up and digged herself out of the ground

she shook off the dirt and walked forward

she saw their house and walked in

"Honey I'm home!" she replied

when lyla saw her

her eyes widen

"Lori! you came back! I missed you so much!"

lyla replied and hugged her

Lorain hugged her back

she reached down and grabbed the blade

"I missed you too Lly-" she replied

she leaned in and kissed her pushing her tongue in Moving back and forth

she pulled back and stabbed her in the chest

Lyla's eyes widen

"why?-Lori- what did I do wrong?" Llya replied

"Everything- you manipulated me- I'm not someone you can use for your own entertainment- once you were done with me you threw me out- you got everything you wanted-" she replied

"not entirely- I wanted to be happy with you-"

Llya replied

Llya's eyes rolled back and she collapsed

Lorain caught her in arms and began to sob

"I wanted to be happy with you too-

but that isn't possible right?- we'll never be happy- our happy ending didn't end well-

it started off like a dream- and I thought it never end - but it did and it wasn't happy-

I let you do what you wanted- I let you change me into the monster I am now- and then you killed me- but that wasn't what you wanted was it? did you really think we could be happy together? that's just false hope- there's no happy endings for monsters like us-" she replied

"maybe it was false hope but- I believed it was possible- I could see the three of us happy together- I know that it was just a dream but I wanted to make it possible- do you think we could try again?" Llya replied

Lorain looked down at the body but there was no response

"how are you able to talk to me?" she replied

"The blade my soul lives in it-" Llya replied

she remembered when she picked up the blade- Llya had talked to her like now

"do you really believe that we could have a happy ending together?" she replied

"I believed that we couldn't but you're the one who changed that- you always believed in me-

I was a monster but you still loved me-

and if you believe again maybe we can have a happy ending-" Llya replied

"I want to believe- but it's not possible-" she replied

"You know what they say fate is not what it seems-" Llya replied

her eyes widen

"Where did you hear that?!-" she replied

"I made it up- but it's also Xavier and Callus's saying-" Llya replied

"Callus stole it from me-" she replied

"Oh- so he stole that from you too?" Llya replied

"Yeah-I thought that he wouldn't take Xavier from me too- I thought he would have a wife and get married to her-" she replied

"Pfft-you really don't know do you?" Llya replied

"what? what are you talking about Lly?" she replied

"you saw this wife in your vision right?" Llya replied

"Yeah what about it?" she replied

"for one it wasn't a woman and two that was Xavier- it was what Callus dreamed of-" Llya replied

Lorain's eyes widen

"It really was Xavier?!- and didn't he have a wife before that?" she replied

"Yeah it was and I don't remember him having a wife- but maybe he did? I don't know-

I only know about their life together nothing before that-" Llya replied

"Oh- well he told me that he had a wife in a past life- she had beaten him up and he ended up paralyzed because of her- and because he loved Xavier- he imagined that same future together-" she replied

"You're right about that- and his wife really beat him? do you know the reason?" Llya replied

"I'm not entirely sure but I think he had an affair with her - and I think- that person was Xavier-" she replied

"they had 5 past lifes- then?-" Llya replied

"I think so- how many did we have?" she replied

"I'm not sure- I lost count- but we had many-

it never worked out in the end-" Llya replied

"Oh- well that's alright- then why do you believe it will work this time?" she replied

"because I believe in you- we can still have our happy ending-" Llya replied

"it's so hard to believe that- after everything it always turns out the same- there's no happiness for us-" she replied

"just try to believe it- don't lose hope it will all work out in the end-" Llya replied

she closed her eyes and everything went dark

when she woke up Llya was besides her

she hugged her tight

"I'm so sorry Lly-" she replied

lyla looked down at her

"it's alright babe I'm here-" Llya replied

she wiped her tears and kissed her pushing her tongue in Moving back and forth

Lorain rolled her eyes back

Lorain pushed back and kissed her fiercely Pushing her tongue in Moving back and forth

Llya rolled her eyes back

"Mommy? what are you doing to other mommy?" Myra replied

the both of them sperated immediately

"we were just kissing-honey-" she replied

"you must really love other mommy alot-" Myra replied

"Yeah that's right dear- I love other Mommy a whole lot-"she replied

Lorain pushed her out of the room and closed the door

she could finally be happy and she had everything she wanted

no one was going to destroy it right?

because she deserves this

it once was all taken away from her

Lorain pushed Llya down onto the bed

she kissed her deeply and slipped her hands up her bra rubbing up and down on the sides

she rocked her body against her

Llya rolled her eyes back

Lorain made her crazy

she always wanted more

but she never gave her that

Lorain liked teasing her but she didn't go beyond that

the two of them were happier than ever

and Myra added to that

before that they had gotten married

and on their honeymoon they had sex

and that's how she was born

(Llya is sort of similar to a trans person-

that's how it happened))

this time the change didn't go the same way as last time and she lived

((if you didn't read the chapter before I deleted it- well boohoo- I'm not telling you the gory details-))

point is Lorain finally got her happy ending

and if you're wondering about the others

they are somewhere else- and Callus we'll get there eventually- please read my other story

Love that transcend time<------------------------<-

sorry that I didn't make it as long )

but you'll have fun reading -----------------------------/