The Past

Xavier's parents were killed

he only had them for 11 years

his mother and father loved him

and his brother- was always so kind to him

-he had learned alot from his brother

-but not all his teachings were right

and Xavier was easily deceived

he loved his brother so much-

maybe more than he should have-

he was so deciated to him-

but one day he met a girl-

and he became her best friend

they played together often-

but his brother was quite possessive of him-

he get upset when he took him a from her

"you shouldn't be playing with girls-

she'll just miss with your head- say close to your brother alright? you love your big brother right?"

he would roll his eyes and give his brother a hug and a kiss on the lips

he only did these things with him-

and when he was 15 his brother set him free

he was traumatized-

his brother tortured him-

he was so scared to touch anyone ever again

or to be touched-

and when he was free -

he went to look for the girl that he played with-

and he found her - he wanted to hug her but

because of his brother- he couldn't

she could tell how much he changed he remembered that little boy she played with-

but his brother stole him away-

she was so upset-

he's my playmate-

she smiled at him

"it's alright your safe with me" she replied

he smiled up at her

she took him in and the two of them grew closer-

he fell for her and she loved him too

and then one day she brought him to meet her cousin

since she told him everything about him-

her cousin wanted meet him

when he met him-

he teased him rentlessly

and the way he looked didn't help'

he was so beautiful-

the two of them became close-

closer then he was with Lorain

and his brother had followed him

he been watching him from a far

and now was the time he had to make his move

within a flash Xavier was stabbed

and everything went dark

when he woke up he was in a hospital ward

all of this felt like deja vu-

where was Callus?-

something was off-

he felt thrist again but -

he didn't smell any blood-

then he smelt it and it was sweet '

he went to it immediately

It was Callus- he had missed this

he bit his neck and his chest

and licked his nipples and sucked on them

Callus rolled his eyes back and let out a moan

"Zavi- Ah- stop it-"

Xavier looked up at him

tears came down his cheeks

he hugged Callus

"I missed you so much Cal- why did you disappear on me like that?" he replied

"what are you talking about Zavi?

you're the one who left me-" Callus replied

"Well not this time Cal- and I want us to get married again-" he replied

"you only proposed to me- and you left me at home alone-were you mad at me for lying?" Callus replied

Xavier looked at him confused

"what are you talking about Cal?

did you forget our wedding night?

the fun we had?" he replied

Callus's eyes widen

"Oh- I'm sorry Zavi- I just got confused-

maybe I just imagined it- and I really thought that was just a dream-" Callus replied

"it was real Cal- I know how hard it is for you believe it but it happened-

and even though I have the same memories

as the one that hurt you- I am not him-

I would never hurt you Cal-" he replied

"Well that's good- am I so glad it's you-" Callus replied

"Yeah me too-" he replied

"so Zavi- do you still love Lorain?" Callus replied

Xavier shook his head

"No Cal I love you- she's not my goal anymore-

and you smell so good-" he replied

"what do I smell like?" Callus replied

"roses" he replied

Callus's eyes widen

"did you forget Zavi?- I told you before-

I hate roses-" Callus replied

"Oh- I'm sorry Cal- I only remember that-

I loved you- and then we got married-

and after that- I can't remember before that

I know you told me that the other me hurt you but that's all I remember-" he replied

"do remember how we met really met?" Callus replied

Xavier nodded his head

"Yeah I remember Cal- Lorain told me that you wanted to meet me- because she talked about me constantly- I made a promise to her that I would get married to her-but you changed that- and the two of grew closer and you teased me rentlessly until I couldn't take it anymore so- that's how I ended up f*cking you- and we did more than that-

you really are shameless Cal-" he replied

"zavi you're the one who suggested it-

so you're the shameless one-" Callus replied

"Eh- I guess so- and I think I remember now-

I didn't mean to leave you like that- I told you that I would marry you instead and then when I left my brother killed me-" he replied

Callus's eyes widen

hidden plot?!

"Oh well Lorain told me something different-

she told me that you killed yourself-

and then she confessed that she killed you-" Callus replied

"why would she do that? was she working with my brother?" he replied

"I haven't a clue but- let me warn you Lorain is not the same as before-" Callus replied

"she's not the same? what happened to her?" He replied

"for one she's a vampire too- and if she sees you she'll try to kill you-" Callus replied

"she's a vampire?!- but who turned her?" he replied

"her wife did- she told that she had a wife who was half demon half vampire-" Callus replied

"she had a wife?!" He shouted

"Yeah and I'm really happy for her- but she made Lorain kill you multiple times-" Callus replied

"Lorain killed me?!" He shouted

"I killed you too remember?" Callus replied

"that wasn't me you killed Cal- I'm not that monster-" he replied

"right sorry Zavi- it just gets confusing-" Callus replied

"it's alright Cal-I love you-" he replied

"I love you too Zavi-" Callus replied