too many Zavis and two Cals

Callus had been with about 7 zavis

they were all different-

but similar

and he once was a different Cal-

that Cal hurt zavi badly

it's like the reverse of what happened to him

and that zavi forgave him

the original zavi- wouldn't hurt him

he loved him-

but the monster Zavi-

loved to hurt him

then third zavi asked him to give up

the fourth zavi he loved him- he believed they were soulmates

the fifth Zavi loved him in the real world

the sixth Zavi loved him even if he was a monster

and the 7th got him pregnant-

and he was with the forth Zavi now

it was hard to keep track and not mix them up-

but this Zavi doesn't know about the real world- he wondered how the real Zavi was

-or where he was-

and he knew nothing about the future-

he knew that things were different now

he could stay with Zavi-

well this Zavi- but this Zavi was good to him-

he made him so happy-

but- he still felt incomplete-

he didn't remember their past from the other world- or knew about Cal's wife-

would he meet that Zavi again?

Cal drifted off

but what he saw was something unusual

it was another Cal-

his eyes widen and tears came down his cheeks

and he hugged him tight

"Mom- I missed you so much-"

callus eyes widen

"Calix?- you are my son right?- what happened to this other me?" he replied

he nodded his head

"I lost both you and father- when I was 15-

you were hunted-" Calix replied

"15? then how old are you now? and how did your father die?" he replied

"Yes, I only got 15 years with you, and it was the happiest I been- and my father sacrifice his life for me- he was the one killed instead

and I'm 28-" Calix replied

"28? -so you lived without me for 13 years?

how did you manage?" he replied

"it was rough but my uncle took care of me until I was 18- and from then on I ran the company- and the coworker who had been avoiding me for 10 straight years -

finally admitted that he loved me-" Calix replied

"10 years?!- you were that patient?!-" He shouted

"Well I didn't realize that the one I was searching for was right in front of me the whole time-" Calix replied

"how did you not know?" he replied

"Well that's because he went under another name- and because of the name I thought he was a woman-" Calix replied

"what was the name?" he replied

"Mis Americano-" Calix replied

"Oh I can see the misconception- so why was he called it?" he replied

"Well that's because his name got missed up so many times- he wanted to fix it by putting Mister in front of it-but instead his name turned out that way-" Calix replied

"Oh- what was his name?" he replied

"Macciato-" Calix replied

Callus's eyes widen

"that's quite a cruel name- do you know why he was named such a thing?" he replied

Calix shook his head

"I am not sure but I would never change it-

he's perfect the way he is-" Calix replied

"can you tell me more about him?" he replied

Calix nodded his head

so Calix told him everything

Callus's eyes widen

"so- you're shameless like your father-

you- really did that to him?" he replied

"Yeah but like I said before he liked it-

and that's how he realized he loved me-" Calix replied

"Pfft- he sounds just like me-"he replied

"Yeah that's what I told him- and he repeated

the same exact words you said to father-

and the ones he said as well-" Calix replied

"how do you know that?" he replied

"Well I was able to see both your and fathers

past-it saddened me- how father turned out that way- the one I knew was so different-" Calix replied

"I hated it too- it was really painful- but that zavi is long gone I killed him remember?" he replied

Calix nodded his head

"but I'm so afraid that I'll turn into him-

I want to be the good part of him-

but I acted on impulse- and I'm so possessive of my lover-" Calix replied

"Cal- I can see how good of a heart you have-

you will not turn out the same way-" he replied

"but I am a monster aren't I?" Calix replied

Callus shook his head

"No you aren't you are human- deep down-" he replied

"how can I be human? father was half demon and half vampire and you are a lust vampire-" Calix replied

"because there was some human in your father- before he turned into a monster-

and I can see it in you-" he replied

"is it possible that you can see my soul?-

is it because your cousin could too?" Calix replied

"I could only ever see Xavier's soul- and since you have it- I can see it-" he replied

"and that's because you can't read his mind anymore right?" Calix replied

"I think so- and I'm not sure if he still can read my mind-" he replied

"Well just ask him and my dad could so-" Calix replied

"Yeah I will I love you Cal-" he replied

when Callus woke up he was back in his room


what happened?

where was Zavi?

where was Lorain?

he got up slowly and walked towards the bathroom he took a shower and got dressed

and brushed his teeth

he went off to school

and when he got there a scene he didn't expect to happened

Lorain had Xavier!-

that was his man!

"Hey Lorain just who do you think you are stealing my man?!" He shouted

her eyes widen

"Ha funny you say that Cal- but since when has he been yours? he was always mine you took him from me so it's only fair I take him back-" she replied

Xavier looked between them

and Lorain is tall now- 6.9

Xavier 6.7 and Cal 6.8-

"please don't fight over me- you both are my friends-" Xavier replied

Callus's heart shattered

"friend? friend Zavi?!Zavi- you don't remember?!" He shouted

"we've only ever been friends Cal-" Xavier replied

callus wanted to cry- he missed his Xavier

so he ran off into someone he recognized

it was Malik!

Callus's eyes widen

"um- Malik- do you remember me?" he replied

"Yeah you're the one who stole my brother from me-" Malik replied

"Well- Lorain is the one who has him now-" he replied

"I know they been friends forever-" Malik replied

"it doesn't bug you at all?" he replied

"a bit but I know he only thinks of her as a friend-" Malik replied

"but he only thinks of me as a friend too-" he replied

"Yeah but you don't do you?" Malik replied

"Yeah he's supposed to be my lover-" he replied

Malik pushed himself against Cal

"how about I become your lover instead?" Malik replied

Callus slapped him and ran off-

things were not going well for him

he wanted to wake up from this nightmare