starting over-another chance

callus open his eyes what the f*CK was That?!

none of that was supposed to happened he was supposed to stay with Zavi

not hurt him again! but what happened and what he said it was true wasn't it?

but he couldn't believe that he hated Zavi this much he knew somewhere deep down he cared because if he didn't then why did he hate this? it was a nightmare

he felt his heart aching he knew that all he ever did was hurt and use Zavi

but he knew that he had loved him at one point

he felt his heart ache every time Zavi chose Lorain

it ached when he only thought of him as a friend

but what hurt most was that no matter how much he hurt him

Zavi never hated him

he never wanted him to hate him, but it was what he deserved

he had manipulated him and lied about everything-

but one thing he realized is that he was lying to himself

just so it wouldn't hurt - he had truly fallen for Zavi

he did Love him! and he was the biggest fool

but did he really deserve another chance?

still, everything went as it had before and his heart still ached seeing Xavier and Lorain get married again - he knew that this was a memory of his past, but he always wished that he had just imagined it, but it was real

then afterwards as always, she died in his arms and Xavier sobbed

he always wanted to comfort him, but he couldn't Xavier didn't remember who he was Xavier had forgotten their past and callus felt their connection and he had remembered but he tricked himself into forgetting but he still remembered Zavi

he would never forget him no matter what-but for Xavier it was different he could forget him so easily and it hurt it hurt so much but as he thought about it wouldn't it just be better if he did? and he would never be hurt again

but things would never be that simple

and he met Lorain again

"Hey cous-it's good to see you again so how are you this time?"

he looked down at her

"I don't know how to feel anymore Lorain do I really deserve him after all the pain I put him through?" he replied

he just wanted to give up again it was the one thing that was good

even though it hurt Xavier, it still spared him from the pain he put him through

he just wanted it to all end what was the point anymore?

"Cal-you're in a lot of pain, aren't you?" she replied

"Yes Lorain of course I am! I f*cking Lied about everything! and I just used him for my own entertainment! did I even love him?! I had to, right?! if I didn't Then why does it hurt so much?! especially when he chooses you? when I lost him? when he died in my arms- and when I told him- I didn't Love him?" he replied breaking down

Lorain wrapped her arms around him

"I always have forgiven you no matter how many times you hurt me Cal and do you know why that is? because I Love you and so does Xavier so what makes you think he won't give you another chance?" she replied

"It's not that I think he won't I know he will, but I don't deserve it all I did was hurt him-" he replied

"So, make it up to him! apologize to him! don't just give up on him! you know that you love him so show him! or do you want to keep breaking his heart?" she replied

"I don't I want to love him all over again and never hurt him and to be honest with him- to tell him I love him- and to be shameless with him-and get married again-"

and to have a child with him but he left that part out-

"Then don't give up take this chance!" she replied

"I will" he replied smiling at her

so finally, everything was back on track

and it was back to the scene where Xavier saw them together

and still believed their act

"hey- who do think you are? stealing my woman?!" Xavier shouted

"funny you say that pretty boy but I'm pretty sure she's mine - what makes you think you can have her?" he replied

Xavier was furious when he heard that

how many lives have you had with her?

how times have you stay by her side when she was dieing how many times have you seen her die?! - he wanted to shout but he couldn't

he smiled at him-

"nothing to say?you're all bark and no bite

you're quite cute- but don't think I'll give up so easily-pretty boy" he replied

did he- call me - cute?!- No I'm hearing things he clearly didn't say that- he- is hot though-

hey! what are you thinking? you're a straight man- you love Lorain- you don't know him-

Cal could only laugh hearing that

but he didn't remember him at all

Xavier memories-locked

only can be unlocked by gaining his love

right, he remembered but he hoped it would work

so he followed him and it ended up that they had all the same classes-

just like before

and when he left and went to lunch Xavier followed him

he turned around

"Why are you still following me?" he replied

"You were the one who followed me! that's why I followed you and I need my woman back!" Xavier shouted

"Ha why would I give you her? she doesn't belong to you-" he replied

"You're the one who doesn't belong with her!" Xavier shouted

"Ha you're right about that Zavi-" he replied

"Zavi?!" Xavier shouted and he turned bright red

Callus let out a laugh

"You're so cute just like before-" he replied

"Cute?! like before?!" Xavier shouted

"Yeah, exactly like before- anyway I know you don't remember but I wish you could-" he replied

"What do you mean by that just who are you to me?" Xavier replied

"Your lover" he replied with a smile