ending #11- Bad karma

"hello cous- where have you been?- it's been pretty lonely lately- since- Zavi isn't around anymore-" he replied

Lorain remembered

this had to be sometime after his suicide-

she hugged Callus tight

"it's alright Cal I'm here for you- I know what's like to lose some you love dearly-" she replied

callus looked down at her confused

"did you have someone before Xavier?" he asked

she nodded her head

"she was my wife- yes I had a wife too-

she was my light- Xavier made me forget that-

it's ironic that their names have similar meanings- one meaning Light and the other meaning Bright-" she replied

"can you tell me more about her?" he asked

Lorain turned bright pink-

"do you want to know how we met?" she asked

"Yeah- sure- I would like to know everything- if you are comfortable with it-" he replied

Lorain looked up at him and smiled

his eyes widen when he saw her fangs-

but wasn't going to question her for now-

"Well there's a village near where I live-

and I visited it often- but that day I went too far-

I ended up in a dark alley- and she grabbed me from behind- she called me cute- and told me that we were soulmates- I couldn't believe such nonsense- I was told that my soulmate was a guy- which in a technical sense she is-

but I didn't know that- I knew nothing about her- well other than the fact she was a demon-

she was turned into one because of a curse-

she had this blade called sinners recollection

I had heard about it- if you killed the owner you would be cursed- I was interested in it so I touched it- despite her warning that's how I became cursed- and that moment I couldn't control my actions- and I kissed her- passionately- with my tongue- and when she told me to do it again I did- and- I- began to touch her more- I played with her bra-

and touched her boobs- rubbing them-

I tried to take off her bra- but she stopped me-

but she told me that she wanted me to do more- she was so shameless- and she brought me to her house- and I did- what I wanted to her-" she replied

Callus's eyes widen

Lorain was more shameless than him!

"wow Lorain- you're more shameless than me-

did I get it from you?" he replied

Lorain turned bright pink

"No!- you were always shameless- and I was only like that with her- I couldn't be like that with Xavier- he didn't like any of that stuff-

or so I thought- he was so shameless with you- like I was with her-" she replied

"so what did you tell him about me?" he replied

"just you were my cousin and I visited you often because you got sick alot- and that I told you about him so you wanted to meet him-

and that's about it- I didn't tell him your goal-" she replied

"you really thought I couldn't take him from you- and he was so attached to you-

but after some effort- I was able to get him

I didn't think he would jump the gun like that-" he replied

Lorain laughed

"Yeah it surprised me too- he- said he would f*ck you- I didn't think he was serious at first-

but he was- and he told me he could do it- since he knew everything about it-" she replied

"Yeah- and that he didn't want to do those things with you- and he wanted to do it with me- since it wasn't the same-" he replied

"what exactly did you guys do?" she asked

"Guy stuff-that is between me and him-" he replied

"You're just going to Guy stuff me?- Come on cal- I told you what I did with Llya- I didn't girl stuff you-" she replied

"do you really want to know?- what do you think we did?" he replied

"touch each other's d*cks- and suck them-

and he sucked your nipples too right?" she replied

"Well he never sucked my d*ck- no matter how much I wanted it-" he replied

"Oh-well I guess you're cock blocked for the rest of your life-" she replied

"how do you know what a cock block is?" he replied

"because I overheard you call me one-" she replied

"Well it's true- sometimes you are-" he replied

"you still did it anyway-" she replied

"can you tell me what happened to her?" He asked

"she disappeared- but she's not completely gone- she's always with me-" she replied

"In your heart?- you love her that much?-" he replied

"Yes- but she's also in my thoughts- and here" she replied and picked up her blade showing it to him

Callus's eyes widen

that was the blade she killed him with!

"so she's been with you this whole time?

and you said she's a demon so do you have a contract with her?" he replied

"Well she did say if I killed Xavier I get a happy ending- that was our agreement-" she replied

"so- you're the one who killed him?!- was his suicide faked? did you really have to do that?-

you know how much he meant to me- why did you do it why did you do that to Zavi?" he replied

"I-I'm sorry Cal- I didn't mean to lie- but I didn't even remember I did it- after I did it my memories were erased-" she replied

"You're memories were erased? so you were really convinced that he did it?-" He replied

"Yeah- I admit the note was really convincing-

I couldn't even recognize my own handwriting-

and those were real tears-" she replied

"and you couldn't remember because of your curse? did killing him with the blade erase your memories?" he replied

"Yes- but when I saw the blade and picked it up I was able to remember-" she replied

"you were changed because of her right?" he replied

"Yeah- she did change me in more ways than one- thanks to her I was able to change things- and now I have these fangs-" she replied showing her fangs

"Yeah I noticed- did she do that with her demon power?" he replied

"No- she's half vampire- that's how I became one"she replied

"she's a vampire too?!" He shouted

Lorain let out a laugh

"Yeah I was just as surprised- but at least I don't need blood to live-" she replied

"Well that's good- I was a little scared there-" he replied

"you nothing to worry about I don't have any bloodlust-" she replied

"You're really not going to kill me? do you really trust me?" he replied

"Yeah you're my cousin- of course I do-" she replied

"so you're not going to turn me either?" he replied

"Nope- plus it's a painful process- and I don't want you to go through that- especially since you are already so weak" she replied

"what makes you think that? I can handle Xavier-even without any lube-" he replied

Lorain's eyes widen

"You're bluffing- isn't that painful?" she replied

"Yeah but I like it- I'm a Masochist-" he replied

Lorain's eyes widen

"you like pain?!" she shouted

"to a certain extent- I'm not a full Masochist-" he replied

"so does that mean you liked it when your wife beat you?" she replied

Callus's eyes widen

"how do you know that?!" he shouted

"I didn't- I just thought maybe you were like this because of your wife-" she replied

"this might sound strange but you remind me of her- she acted alot like you- but when she didn't need me anymore she threw me out-

she sent me strawberries and roses-

even after everything she did- I couldn't forgive her-and the fact you look and smell just like her- it scares me-" he replied

Lorain's eyes widen

"so you think that I'll beat you up and put you in a coma?" she replied

"please don't-aren't you the one who killed him

why would you do that to me?" he replied

"so you would forget dumba**-" she replied

pointing the blade towards him

"Hey calm down lor-" he replied

"why would I stay calm?! you just compared me to your wife! I'm nothing like that!" she shouted

"I know Lorain but- at the same time- you kinda represent our affair-" he replied

"Your affair?" she replied

"I cheated on my wife with Zavi-" he replied

"you- didn't- do it infront of her did you?" she replied

"Yep and I would do it again-" he replied

"You really hate your wife that much?!" she shouted

"Why wouldn't I? she manipulated me- she never loved me so I had to get back at

I convinced Zavi to follow me- I made him believe that I loved him but I was just using him to get rid of my wife and I pretended to

be paralyzed-" he replied revealing the truth

Lorain's eyes widen she was infuriated

"So everything was a LIE?! YOU DON'T EVEN LOVE XAVIER?!" she shouted

"I just used him for my own amusement and I infact r*ped him on our first night-" he replied

"YOU DID WHAT TO ZAVI?!" she shouted

"forced him- to have sex he didn't want to but I made him listen- who knew Zavi was so easy to manipulate? I loved hearing those cries of his-" he replied


"a whole lot of things and I never loved Zavi

but there Is someone that I did-" he replied

"Bullsh*t You're a F*CKING MONSTER!" she replied

"and so is he he's the one who thought Zavi about gay sex- His brother Malik- he is my true soulmate-" he replied

"so you're with Malik- huh? that pervert? but then again you're one too- but- if I'm being honest I think he's better than you- He sacrificed his Life for Zavi- even after everything- he may have been like you and manipulated him- but he changed- so why couldn't you?!" she replied furious

"I don't have a soul or a heart for Xavier- I couldn't care less-" he replied

"No- Cal that Can't be true! there has to be apart of you that still loves him!-" she shouted

"Yeah right- I never did-" he replied


I saw it happen! I know that wasn't faked cal!

and I saw the way you reacted when you lost him it wasn't because you had lost your plaything it was like you had lost your world-" she replied

callus felt a ping in his chest it was true deep down that he had loved him that he had fallen for him- but he pushed those feelings away for Malik and those feelings he once had for Malik rekindled- and he remembered everything- and how dear he was to him

so he couldn't leave him behind- he had to love him- and that's why he chose Malik- this time


"Fine if you love Malik choose him but you'll soon start to regret your actions- Now happy Karma-" she replied Stabbing Callus straight in the chest and everything went dark

-Bad end # 11- Bad karma

-endings 2-5 unlocked

thank you for playing with us- and we hope you enjoyed this series yep- it's over

really over good bye

actually there's one more chapter

and an extra