The real world- Please wake up!

Xavier woke up in his chair sitting over callus who was asleep in his hospital bed

[suicide self harm]

callus had stabbed himself and there was cuts on his wrists I had found him

now he was right in front of me but he still wasn't responding

"Callus please remember me I love you- you were the best thing that happened to me! I love you-

I love you-" Xavier began sobbing

he grabbed Callus's hand but there was no response

"Callus it's me zavi! please remember me-

wake up! Cal! come on! you can't forget me-

I'm your husband- you said yes remember?

so why- why- did you have to leave me?!-" He shouted

but Callus was beyond gone now he had everything he could ever wish for his perfect ending- but what he didn't know was

that it wasn't real- that real Zavi was waiting for him- Xavier began to sob looking over him

What had he done wrong?

he remembered the note that was in Callus's hand he had read it - it was from Malik

it was almost as if we were lovers- but- that never happened

it was all a illusion- but why do I wish that we were? because you had chosen me

and maybe you'll choose me again

and because you have truly fallen for me

back then you were so confusing Cal-

but I want you to love me as I do-

but I understand if you can't- after all I was never supposed to be a choice but I was the one who foolishly fell for you- even though it was supposed to be the other way around

- Malik your sweet demon

Malik?! - So callus went after him why?

Xavier P.o.v

well I remembered why- it broke my heart

apparently Malik was his real soulmate

but why did he go back for me and then

after everything he abandoned me?

was everything just a lie?! I couldn't believe that- he loved me didn't he?! - I couldn't understand it-

"Yes I do love you Zavi after I relived it again-

I really did love you again- and I still do-" he replied

"Then what about Malik?" I replied

callus took a deep breath

"I Love him too-" he replied

"so then why did you choose me?" I replied

"Because you're the right choice- and Malik was never meant to be a choice- and he wanted me to choose you and that time when he was supposed to make me choose him he tried to make me choose you but I refused I choose him everytime and I regret it but there's also apart of me that wanted to be with him- but- I'm supposed to choose you-" he replied

"Cal- as much as it hurts me- you never had to choose me Cal- even if you feel regret- if you love him then-" I replied

"Zavi- I- thank you- Zavi- I'm glad you're not mad but- I chose you for a reason- it's more than just regret I love you too Zavi- I truly do-

I love you both and that's what made this so hard- but I could only choose one of you-" he replied

"and I'm glad you chose me Cal- but if you could choose us both would you?" I replied

"Yes- I would- I don't understand it- I should just love you- but I love him too- if there was a way to be with you both- I would make it happen- and I already have been with you both

so- I can be happy - and I'm not going to let you go- again I love you Zavi- and always will-" he replied

"I'm glad Cal but are you really sure You made the right choice?" I replied

"Yes I'm sure Zavi- I'm content-" he replied

if that was true- then why- haven't you woke up? did you end up going back for him?

even after you choose me? No- you chose him first- and then you chose me- and-

Now- you chose- us both didn't you?

I don't understand it how can you love us both? - but- even though you are probably happy in your fantasy- I want you to wake up to reality- I need you and so does Calix

don't tell me you forgot about our son

and he's with the other Malik-

there's two versions of Malik which we both met- though- I felt lot Closer to that version

and I guess it became the same with you-

that's why I could understand why- you loved him - and I was so scared that you didn't love me anymore- but I'm glad that I was wrong

and I want you to be happy but- I need you here with me the real me- please my dear

Callus- open up your eyes - Wake up

please Wake up! you are everything to me

and I can't live without you- I don't know what to do-Please just wake up! come on Cal-

it's not that hard just open your eyes- and remember the one who risked everything for you- and you aren't the same person you were before you are a great person- The Man of my life - you make me so happy- you know that I'm proud of you- you changed so much-

in a good way- and I can't help but fall deeper for you- and even though I have to share you

I- just want you back- will you ever wake up?

I love you so much Cal- that I'll continue to stay by yourside- but don't you know that I hate waiting? cal please don't make me wait forever- this is so hard to stand I just want you to wake up and tell me that you love me

that you'll never leave me again- but you promised me before and you broke that promise- and you ended up in this state

I thought that I had saved you but you stayed

you went back- you choose us both- and that makes me happy- but- I want you to wake up

"Cal please I need you! just wake up! Wake up!

please!" I began to sob again squeezing his hand tight there was still no response

I let his hand go and began to sob into his chest "This isn't fair Cal! you can't just leave me behind! please Cal come back don't forget me! I need you! I love you! I can't lose you not again! please Cal wake up!" I shouted

but it didn't matter how much I screamed

he never responded- there was no hope

-but I hope one day that you will wake up

and I will keep waiting until that day so

callus please wake up soon- I love you

[So that's the end I hope you enjoyed

And there will be two extras- I may have said one but I changed my mind-

You should have both versions and good bye my lovelies]