Pill Creation Hall

Blade leisurely strolled through the fairly empty streets of the Limitless Sky World. Unlike the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Limitless Sky World was akin to a Kingdom. Where he was, was known as the Outer Sector of the massive city comparable to the size of a Kingdom.

'If a normal Meridian Opening realm expert entered the Limitless Sky Sect, the poor fellow may take days to simply reach from one place to another, hence the reason the minimum requirement for entering the Sect was Martial Disciple and for the Inner Sect...' Blade thought while listening to Dolion's words.

"Only those who win the Inner Sect tournament that takes place every decade while also having the cultivation of a peak realm Martial Grand-Master..."

"Only these people can enter the Inner Region!" Dolion said calmly. He wasn't too worried about these people as he understood with time he would naturally enter such a realm that... Even Blade hadn't yet reached!

The duo hadn't a care in the world for such power as they both understood their talents.

Dolion knew he would eventually reach the Martial Grand-Master realm without much effort while Blade, who had not too long ago seen his lifespan, was at the peak of harmony with the world, at this moment in time.

Even if he doesn't cultivate for the next thousand years, nothing much will change.

Yeah, maybe his insane amounts of potential would lessen a bit but, even his system had informed him that his potential is soo unnatural after awakening his newest bloodline that, the lessen in potential would be negligible.

With these thoughts, a dazzling smile surfaced on his face which was intensified by the beautiful sun... Seeing the minimal people who were passing by and left dazzled by the beauty he and Dolion radiated, Blade's smile widened as his eyes formed into crescent shapes.


"These poor fools... Unaware that, while they suffer from low talent and must continue cultivating in order not to run out of their lifespan, I can enjoy all the worldly pleasures as I see fit..." Blade uttered under his breath not even realizing Dolion was next to him and heard...

"Oh my, how lonely it is to be at the summit..." Dolion revealed a barely discernable smirk upon hearing Blade's words. A smile that Blade who walked next to him perceived as Blade glanced intently toward the little mischievous one next to him.

There were still many mysteries that surrounded this Dolion.

'For someone that could match up to my speed at cultivation albeit somewhat, and that blue-colored blood plus, the way he constantly gazes at me... okay, maybe the last one simply means his sexuality is on a curved path but... all the other signs show that he isn't normal at all.'

Blade's thoughts churned while blood rushed to Dolion's cheeks turning them red from the intent stares Blade gazed at him with.

'Hmm, does he also have a system... or is he simply of another race? But, another Humanoid race that isn't Humans, besides my Bloodline as a High Human and the unknown white blood from the unknown bloodline... it seems there are other races...'

As his thoughts reached here, curiosity truly at him away. After all, in his previous world, Blade had everything besides his parents, including information on mysterious organizations.

Anything the common people didn't know, he knew... But, walking next to him was a mystery box that was filled with many, well, mysteries. Blade's footsteps came to a halt as he grabbed Dolion's shoulder.

Confusedly turning to face Blade's gaze, he was left even more puzzled and now flustered as Blade brought his face mere inches away from his own.

The few nearby people who were still in a dazed state from Blade's unnatural beauty, especially some females, felt a trickle of blood stream down their noses as they waited in excitement about what would take place... The males on the other hand snorted coldly with disgust.

"You... are you hiding something from me my little Dolion Necro..?" Dolion's pupils shook and lessen in size as he felt slightly dazed...

'What... does he know..?' Dolion thought.

But, soon after, he breathed in a deep breath and grabbed Blade's hand, interlacing their fingers, before pulling Blade into a small passage between two buildings nearby.

The few Limitless Sky Sect disciples in the surroundings suddenly felt their hypnosis state disappear as they turned their attention back to the matters they previously attended to.

Unlike Blade and Dolion, these people with lesser talents needed to maximize whatever time they had and use it to further their cultivation otherwise they'll soon find themselves running out of time and soon Blade would understand how truly desperate these slightly less gifted cultivators are.

Being dragged into an alley, Blade waited with patience as Dolion asked, "W...What do you mean..?"

With a hidden tremble in his voice, Dolion asked. Seeing this, and his clear overreaction, Blade followed up Dolion's question with... "I know the two of us have experienced what it means to forge a bond between life and death but, in all relationships, secrets are what destroys them."


[The Host sure knows how to talk smack when you're hiding not one but many secrets yourself]

A sharp voice resounded in Blade's mind, making him squint his eyes and shout in his mind... 'Do you want to see me throw you away in a garbage can?!' He said. It was a clear threat but the system replied as coolly as ever.


[You can't... You rely on me yet I rely on you too. Otherwise, don't you think this great one would stoop so low as to ask help from mortals..?]

It seemed this little system of his had gained some tongue.

In the real world, hearing his words, Dolion bit his bottom lip before releasing a sigh as his eyes flashed with determination. And as he was about to reveal something slightly important, Blade suddenly placed his finger on Dolion's lips.

The words of the system slightly affected him as he says, "It's okay. Since you don't want to say anything now, I'll simply wait till you're ready to come out." Hearing his words, Dolion felt even more horrible internally.


'Dammit!' Blade shouted in his mind already waiting for his system to annoy him.

[You have my respect. Able to play someone's emotions like this... What talent as a playboy]

His words caused Blade to feel internal wrath that caused his blood to rush to his head. It was merely a few moments ago he was in a state of euphoria due to the realization of his incredible lifespan but now...


Is this the law of causality coming into play?

His system was too good to be true so the Universe needed to give it such an annoying consciousness.


Grabbing Dolion's hand he then gently pushed him in front while saying, "Did you not say you had an interesting place to take me to? Lead the way..." Finally fed up, Blade decided it was better to stop thinking about things and cool his head by sightseeing.




Blade hummed in pleasure as a sweet scent assaulted his nose. Dolion chuckled at his antics but it was to be expected after entering the Pill Creation Hall filled with intense and endless vitality.

Entering the beautiful green tiles that had starry dots on them drew Blade's attention for a moment but his eyes slowly drifted all about and a shocked expression surfaced on his face.

Back on the streets of Limitless City, Blade saw little to no one as it was neigh deserted due to everyone's focus on improving their cultivation but, inside Pill Creation Hall, in this large Hall, Blade lies upon many tens of blue-robed disciples.

Glancing at Dolion, who had a smirk on his face, satisfied by Blade's reaction, Dolion satiated his confusion.

"It is because of a certain pill that the Pill Hall will always have more cultivators than any other Hall, well, besides the Mission Hall." Dolion paused, to build up tension, before continuing... "Inside this Pill Creation Hall, there are Pill Creators who can, with certain special materials, create pills to extend someone's lifespan!"



Hearing this, Blade's eyes widened in utter shock. Blinking a few times before his facial expressions once more readjusted and returned to a cold and aloof persona but, inside, he was still shocked.

What did he seek?! Immortality!

If he was to gain immortality, there wouldn't be a need to massacre everyone on this planet since no matter the amount of death energy in the Universe... he'll already be Immortal.

"Blade, I know what you're thinking but..." Dolion's voice immediately brought him back to his senses as a bad premonition originating from the depths of his heart, appeared, as Dolion inched closer to Blade's ear and whispered.

"It is impossible to become Immortal due to these low-level pills created by these mortals." He continued. "By the time your lifespan sees a substantial increase, your cultivation potential would have already been drained to nothing!" Dolion said..."In the world of cultivation, every good thing comes with an equally bad downside as only something you gained through hard work and training will be rewarded to you without any side-effects..."