Faced with my deeds

I am being taken somewhere. On the way I asked about this planet. Who would have thought that I would end up where I began from?

I cross my fingers. Because Amaryllis is apparently their mother goddess. And I don't think there is any other planet named Amaryllis in this universe.

We reached our destination. It's at the end of the long corridor. This building sure is long.

"Go on. There are a few people waiting for you." (Nia)

Nia smiled at me and pushed the door. Her smile is a bit concerning. It has a hint of wickedness into it.

I go in. Of course I am still sitting on the wheelchair with my hands cuffed. Nia just pushed me in and closed the door.

My wheelchair came to a standstill in front of a chair. I see someone sitting on it. Chills ran down my spine. I started sweating.

"Welcome back, master."

In front me, sits an unparalleled beauty with whom I am all too acquainted. Her black hair which has a violet radiance to it is shining as brilliantly as ever.

She hasn't changed. I guess as a planet spirit, her physical appearance won't change much with time.

"Do I know you? Have we met before?"

Let's try to play the fool for now. Does she really remember me or it's just a hunch?

"Trying to play the fool. That's so like you master. Or should I say, Clive Belmont?" (Amaryllis)

She smirks. I take it that she knows more than enough.

"It has been a while, Amaryllis or should I say mother goddess?"

"Master, you don't have to say that embarrassing thing. It's just that the humans gave me that name on their own." (Amaryllis)

She says with chagrin. Must be tough. I hated the spotlight as well. That's why I kept my identity hidden and tried not to meddle too much in others' business.

"How many years has it been?"

I ask her. I still haven't asked her the obvious question but let's hear how many years was I actually out.

"It has been 25 thousand years since you disappeared." (Amaryllis)

25 thousand years? That's a lot. But for a spirit like her, it probably didn't matter.

"I see. So 25 thousand years. I wished it was longer than that. Tell me, why do you remember me? I successfully erased your memories of me."

"Because you were careless. No one forgot you. It was just you running away." (Amaryllis)

I failed. That doesn't make me happy.

"Master, you have other guests waiting for you. So how about we get going?" (Amaryllis)

She gets up and starts pushing my wheelchair.

"Other guests? By the way, why was no one shocked about me? They normally accepted that I was a human. I was frozen inside of a comet that fell to this planet. That isn't normal."

"Your fall was already foretold. I was waiting for your arrival." (Amaryllis)

"What about the normal people?"

"I am the mother goddess they worship. I have not estranged myself from humans and still live amidst them. I told them that a comet would fall soon on this planet. They panicked at first but I told them that you, my master and their forefather, are coming back. So they are a bit curious about you." (Amaryllis)

I listen to her explanation. How to say, it sounds like something I would do. Was I always this tiring to the people around me?

We get inside an elevator and started descending. But I got a really bad chill.

"Amaryllis, why am I getting a chill down my spine?"

"Your senses are as sharp as always. Master, don't forget that a lot of people are mad at you. However the ones waiting for you below are especially mad at you. Be prepared because you are about be put back in the hospital." (Amaryllis)

She shows me her tongue in a cute way but what she was saying was not cute.

The elevator stopped. The door opens and I see 4 women standing. None of them look very pleased. Rather, their face has a look akin to crazed demons.

I stay quiet. It's better to stay quiet. Amaryllis pushed my wheelchair and I slid down to them.

I close my eyes when I moved near them. I was hoping that I would be thrashed to death then revived. However that did not happen.

I slowly open my eyes. Looking up at them I see a scene which I had not expected. Hazel, who looks just the same as I remember, had tears in her eyes. All of them did.

I think the fourth woman who looks exactly like Aura is probably my daughter, Eden. She has grown up.

Aura and Fay have not changed either. I am puzzled. What should I say in this situation?

"It has been a while, people. I know all of you have many things to say. But I will take whatever punishment you are giving me. By the way, you sure have grown up beautifully, Eden."

I say everything that was on my mind. They wipe their tears.

"Master, this is so like you. But do know that we are not the ones punishing you." (Hazel)

"Has this duty fallen on to you, Aura?"

"No. As much as I want to, I had to give that job to someone else." (Aura)

Aura meant it when she said it. Her physical strength is nothing to scoff at. She could damage my enhanced body. That was without any enhancements on her part. Her physical strength is a cheat.

The only one who can actually damage me is Her.

"Don't tell me…"

"Yes. And have a good day."

All of them gave a warm smile while I felt something pulling me. I resigned myself to fate and the rest is just history.

When I came to my senses, I was crucified. I see Her. She is standing arms akimbo and looking at me with disdain in her eyes.

"I knew when Aura said she wasn't the one. How have you been, System?"

"Calling me whatever you want even after knowing my true identity, you really are unpredictable. So, have you learned anything after 25 thousand years?" (System)

"I did. However I think I should face the consequences of my actions. I am ready."

I guess my wish really isn't an ending. My story is endless. Feels a bit shameless to say but as long as I exist, my story won't end. The story which began haphazardly is ending haphazardly as well. Should I laugh or should I cry?

Even so, I think I should grow up and take responsibility for everything I have done. That's the only solution I can think of. Hopefully I won't die after everyone is through me.