Omen’s Self-awareness


Looking at my phone, I saw Barry's caller ID.


"What's up?"

"Hey, Omen. I kinda need a little help right now."

For the four months, I had been training Barry off and on. I had effectively become his teacher, slowly replacing the position of Wells. I began to reveal to him the potential of the Speed Force and how much of a law of nature it truly was.

With my aid, Barry was now far faster than he would have been. If I were to have given a rough estimate, he was a decade ahead in terms of his physical development. With me as a guide, he learned how to make tornadoes and now fought foes with his sped-up cognition constantly active. He and I even learned how to faze our bodies through solid objects ranging from bullets to buildings.

Every now and then, we would team up with one another, halting the ambitions of raging Metahumans that endangered civilization.

With my appearance, the populace was surprised in mass. The fact that there was another Flash had shaken the hearts of criminals and strengthened the hearts of the overall populace. With my aid, Barry had effortlessly stopped a man that was made of gas, a meathead who could change his molecular structure matching that of iron, who I was embarrassed to admit had broken my jaw, a psycho who could conduit of electricity, and random drug dealers.

Because I had no identity, in the beginning, I left behind calling cards that allowed the populace to know what I preferred to be called by. The calling card was pretty straightforward. With every scene I would arrive on, I would superheat the pavement with my feet leaving behind my name, Omen.

Of course, my actions had initially shocked everyone who knew of me personally, but considering I never had an identity here, I wasn't scared of the off chance that someone found out who I was. I was a nobody. A social outcast. Of course, they thought the way I carried myself was unwise, but I didn't care. I cared for almost no one and had gone out of my way to avoid other human beings.

With me getting closer to Barry and Cisco, it created a natural mistrust within Wells, So I stayed wary. The only reason I didn't completely avoid S.T.A.R Labs from the beginning was so that I could develop a deeper understanding of what type of organism I had become. I just so happened to let two people in.

On multiple different occasions, Wells had tried to get in contact with me. When that failed, he attempted to get to me through the means of the two people. Unfortunately for him, I had no permanent place of residence. At night, I slept in a different mattress store, first making sure to disable all security cameras… sometimes guards as well. I wasn't by any sense easy to track. Using my powers, I could get into wherever I saw fit.

The resources I needed were at a bare minimum. I didn't need to shower. When I got dirty, I would just run so fast that dead skin cells and bacteria would vaporize. If I needed to brush my teeth, like a barbarian, I would rip them out of my skull and grow a new set in 3 minutes. Through Speed reading, I learned everything I needed to know about cutting my hair, so with vibrating my hand, I essentially had a set of infinitely reusable hair clippers. If I needed to use the bathroom…. I didn't, strangely enough.

At first, I thought there was something medically wrong with me considering Barry, a person who had the same skillset as I ate like a person with an eating disorder and used the restroom quite actively. Seeking aid, I went to S.T.A.R Labs for Caitlin and Cisco's guidance, allowing them to thoroughly survey my body. Once they biologically mapped my genetic structure in-depth, they discovered upon second viewing that on an atomic level, I was fundamentally dissimilar from humans and even metahumans, which was an intimidating thought. Unlike all sapient creatures they knew of, I somehow had the capability of self-sustaining, identical to the way that a plant was.

Like how a vegetative life form would go through the process known as photosynthesis, my body had a comparable procedure that occurred within me. While plants absorbed sunlight, my body absorbed newly discovered waves that could only be described as concentrated dark matter, similar to the energy of the Particle Accelerator disbursed all over the city a year and a half ago, but not exact. As this matter synthesized within me, flowing out of my being were random low-level waves from the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves from the spectrum ranged from Micro, all the way to gamma in almost untraceable quantities. Caitlin and Cisco couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why I was attracting the concentrated dark matter or why it was drawn to me, but they were confident in their documentation.

What they came to know concretely was that the strange force that used my being as a conduit was the same force that now powered and took dominance over my nervous system. If it was taken away from me, they theorized that it would be the reason that I died.

Through testing, they found that everything I ate instantly and indiscriminately converted into energy by the force, not leaving any waste behind and effectively changing my definition of a digestive system. Cisco would often joke, calling me a techno-organic solar panel.

Although thoroughly researching had only scratched, they knew that there was more to be uncovered. They were geniuses, but I had knowledge that would take them a few years to uncover. I knew exactly what the unknown energy that sustained my life was… It was the Speed Force.

I didn't know why I was so drastically different from Barry, but I had my own theories, and I accepted all the change that was coming to me.

Even though I occasionally visited S.T.A.R Labs, I avoided Wells like a pledge. I commenced with my intense training in plans to prepare for the worst. I didn't even want the possibility of him winning against me, so I had advanced above and beyond; but two months ago, I had come to the conclusion that Wells didn't have the capability to kill me, for whatever reason. I found this strange because I knew how I must have been perceived in his scope.

He most likely viewed me as a threat, capable of putting his plans in jeopardy, deducting that I knew more than what I led on. He also most likely used his connections to look through every database on earth to find out who I was and yet he still found nothing. He probably also knew that I was purposely avoiding him. When I put myself in his shoes, it didn't make sense as to why he kept me alive. Logically, it was wise for the man in the yellow suit to snap my neck the next time I laid my head down on a pillow… and yet, I was alive and well. This brought me to the conclusion that he couldn't kill me, or didn't find it necessary.

If it was the ladder, I didn't give him enough reason to suspect that I had intentions of intervening in his matters. I also always worked at half-efficiency, never allowing those around me to see my full potential, including Barry. Another thing was, aside from spreading my calling card, I wasn't a showboat. No one had ever caught a glimpse of me in the news or media. (Not including the duplicating man who I hadn't heard of since he had gotten arrested.) I had stayed in my own lane and would take full-on breaks from crime-fighting at times.

If he didn't have a reason for killing me, it would have been because I was too insignificant of a person to make an impact in the history books, which was a good thing for me.

But if he had wanted me dead and had been paying attention to my every action, he was probably taking the time to prepare for an attack. In this case of events, he was possibly taking his opportunity of making contingency on contingency. In this scenario, for the past few months, he might have been amassing power to completely eradicate me from the face of the planet. He would have never planned on allowing me to roam free, to begin with, and wanted to give me a false sense of freedom so that my guard was down when he was ready to pounce.

Contemplating those possibilities, there was a third. It had been years since I watched The Flash show, but I did remember that at one point in time, Wells was unable to activate his Speed Force abilities. He wanted to extract excess energy off of Barry so that he could restore his power… but what made me raise a brow was the fact that Barry was far faster than he had ever been. The fact that he still hadn't made a move got my adrenaline pumping at the thought.

I knew that potentially, with my insertion within the timeline, I would have probably decreased the duration he would wait to attack, but the fact that he still hadn't even shown the slightest bit of hostility to me or anyone else made me nervous.

My uncertainty was the exact reason why I worked three times harder than speedsters of the past.

My improvement was nothing less than impressive. Today, I had even completed my Speedster construct suit.

"Anything you need, Barry." I replied while looking at my costume in a Big Belly Burger bathroom mirror. My suit was black and white and matched the lightning that followed me with every step I took.

The black I created, being the primary color of my costume, was so dark that light couldn't penetrate it. Someone could easily confuse it for being made of shadows.

Making a large X-Shaped cross on my chest, two radiant bolts of white lightning wrapped around my back, making their way from my shoulders to my upper thigh. White bolts were also on my wrist and ankles. The helmet that covered my entire head looked similar to Godspeed from the Flash comic books with slight deviations that matched my color scheme.

The white bolts on my costume had small jolting black streaks of lightning that danced busily.

In the center of my chest was an emblem of the letter O with a cross of two white bolts running through them like an X. I had to admit, I was proud of myself for the slick design. It looked better than the one I drew as a kid, back when I used to pray and dream for the powers of the Speed Force.

I looked imposing like the deity that I would one day become.

"So, earlier today, there was a guy who robbed a bank. I'm not sure if you heard anything about it or not, but he was a Meta with the ability to evoke rage into people with just one glance in the eye."

"I didn't hear anything about that. I was busy beating up gang members who were selling drugs to kids."

"Well, this guy that I'm talking about walked into the Central Bank and caused an uproar. He made everyone who was there at the time break into a riot. It was a mess. He escaped with over 20 million in cash."

"You know my stance on robberies, right?"

Handling robbers and muggers weren't my cups of tea. Everyone had to eat, so I didn't judge those who were in need.

"Yeah, I know. You don't deal with them unless lives are in danger or lives were lost, but I wouldn't be calling you if this wasn't serious."

Barry retorted.

"So? What's the spill."

"During the incident, 4 people were beaten to death because of this guy. One of them being a pregnant woman in her second trimester."

"I see… Where are you now?"

I asked.

"U Pay We Store. You know where that's at, right?"

"I have the entirety of Central City 3D mapped in my skull. Of course, I do." My eyes allowed me to remember almost everything that they peered at. My abilities were based on movement, so one of the first things I did in Central City was memorizing its geography.



Before he could even finish his statement, I had already blasted off towards his direction faster than the speed of sound.

Rushing through the streets of Central City, I elegantly dodged every car in my way, sliding over and under them acrobatically. As I ran, I witnessed a person slowly falling, about to faceplant on the pavement. Before she could face embarrassment, I sped to her while emitting my Speed Aura, putting her back on her feet like a Sales Associate handling a fallen manikin.

Then, vertically running up a building, I leaped with a tremendous power skipping over the next 5 city blocks.

'I wonder if this is what The Hulk feels like.' I thought. Because of my unique costume, I could feel the sensation of wind blowing over my skin soothingly like a nice fan. It honestly felt amazing.

As the ground quickly approached, Barrel rolling, I broke my fall as a parkour expert would. I ran up another building and started jumping from rooftop to rooftop, making my way to my destination at speeds that couldn't be captured by any modern-day technology.

My dexterity was unmatched while my agility was flawless. The technique I used to run had improved tremendously in terms of pure methodology. I had read all books accessible via the internet related to parkour and running techniques to become as adept as a runner as possible. I had recommended that Barry do the same thing but he had always found an excuse, procrastinating every chance he'd get, even though it would have taken him only 10 minutes in human time to study.

I didn't linger too much on my disobedient student though. I found that getting frustrated at Barry was no use. His way of learning was to burn his hand on the stove a few times before my words began to sear into his brain. I chalked it up to his youth.

Eviscerating thousands of bugs with my Speed, I had finally arrived on the rooftop of U Pay We Store. "*wosh*"

"I'll be waiting." Jumping at my arrival, Barry looked at me with surprise, putting his phone away.

"So that's how people feel when I do it…" He said under his breath.


I waved.

"Sup…" Barry then squinted his eyes and began to walk circles around me.

"This is the debut of the suit you've been working on, huh?" He asked.

"Yep. How do you like it?"

"Ha, It's awesome. How is it so saturated? It's like the moonlight can't even deflect light off whatever material it's made from… What is it made from? Nano-tech?"

"Touch it and find out." I smiled while retracting my construct helmet. The level of difficulty and Speed Force theory understanding it had taken me to arrive at the point of making a full body suit was unparalleled. In reality, with my quickened perception being the main factor, I had taken a rough estimate of five years of me being hyper-focused to figure out its mechanics; and that was with all the comic book knowledge I had as a foundation.

The moment Barry put his finger on my suit, he was shocked by a tiny black lightning bolt

"Ouch!" He jumped.

"What the hell? Did you equip it with some sort of electromagnet defense mechanism?"

He said, holding his finger.

"Nope. Guess again."

He was confused, to say the least. What on earth was the vantablack suit made out of.

"I genuinely have no clue what it could possibly be."

"I'll give you a hint." Forcing all of the molecules in my hand to vibrate, I disabled my aura allowing for the destructive Speed Force energy to acclimate.


In five seconds, a violent black and white ball of electricity started dancing in my palm.


He then crouched until the ball was eye level and began to poke and prod for a moment.

"No way… You're actually able to use the near-limitless energy we can produce inside our bodies to create nuclear fission; with your arm being a power conduit."

"... It looks like in order to prevent your arm from exploding, essentially, you've directed your energy into the atmosphere that you've created from pressurizing the air by vibrating your hand. All that leads up to you being able to create actual lightning in the virtually minuscule circumference of your palm."

"Yep…" I nodded.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

He slapped his forehead in disappointment.

"You have, in your own way of doing things, and I have mine," I said, patting his shoulder.

"No… The closest I've come is throwing the lightning that I generate while running. You create lightning like Zeus while I'm on the ground throwing rocks… There's not even a comparison to be had."

"It just boils down to experience. Now watch what I do next closely." With the lightning in my hand, I slowly held it up to my face, then palmed myself. When I did, My helmet once again formed around my head like magic.

"This is what happens when you combine the power of vibrations with the Speed Aura I've been teaching you about."

For a while, Barry looked at me as if his closed eyes had just been opened.

"This suit is more than just a costume. It also doubles as highly flexible and durable speed armor that with enough mastery, can become bulletproof… Heat resistant, and Cold resistant. My current state of mastery only allows for me not to worry about small firearms, so I still have a long way to go until its defense is where I want it to be. With all that aside, I think my efforts are starting to pay off." I satiated. Unlike the fabric that most speedsters made their suits out of, I was able to easily project my voice out of my helmet. If I wanted, I could amplify my voice to the extent that the entirety of Central City would hear.

"I'll say. This is ridiculous… I gotta try to replicate it when I have the time." He mumbled under his breath.

"Enough about my suit. Give me a rundown of what's going on."

Nodding, Barry spoke.

"The guy who controls emotions is here."

"Gotcha. What are we waiting for?"

"We're waiting for the CCPD to find him inside."

"Alright. Let's stop." Barry nodded as we both adjusted our senses.

In all reality, it had only been 4 seconds since barry and I had started conversing on the outside,

But he and I got in the habit of having fast conversations when in the presence of one another, so our entire conversation was more like 10 minutes to us.

"CCPD. Freeze!"

The scream was coming from underneath us, inside the building.

"Looks like it's our time to shine."

I nodded.



Running towards the back door while Barry ran through the front, I began to search where the noise was coming from.

The building was run down from the floor up and would easily receive at least five health code violations if a health inspector were to visit. In a hole in the wall, I could even see a rat frozen in mid-scurry as it had sensed me coming. There was black mold on the cycling while the wooden stairs were in such poor condition that a potential customer or employee would easily snag their feet which was a potential lawsuit. To avoid getting snagged, I decided to run on the walls,

avoiding the safety hazards.

Rapidly arriving on the third floor and landing on the ground, before me, I witnessed a man with a 12 gauge shotgun in a police uniform slowly turning to his comrade while a man with red glasses and a sinister grin stood motionless with his arms behind his back.

'Ah. I remember this episode a little.'

As that thought was finalized, the police officer shot his gun which to me looked like a large fiery explosion. The moment he pulled the trigger, I saw Barry from across the room running towards Detective Joe and his allies. Being his father, he instinctively grabbed Joe first, as I quickly darted forward. With each step, my momentum increased more and more.

Before anyone knew it, I had already been beside the cluster of shotgun pellets.

Quickly, I plucked all 30 pellets out of the air, tossing them at a wall thick enough to take the full brunt of the impact.

Plunging into the brick enforced wall, the pellets were neutralized as a threat.

Allowing for my perception to slow down to human speeds, I could see the fear slowly consume the face of the red-eyed Metahuman before me. I could tell that he had no idea he would be facing two of his own kind today. I couldn't help but laugh at his dramatic energy shift.

Quickly flickering to my side, Barry was ready for whatever was about to happen next.

I analyzed that I could've easily taken the Meta down in an instant. The only problem was that I was uncertain of what would've happened if I were to make physical contact. If I were to somehow contract his infection, I was certain that everyone in the room would have died at his command.

'Time for plan B.'


Forming a white and black bolt in my right hand, I was prepared to electrocute the meta, but before I could,


The sound of two arrows pierced the air, then soon pierced the shoulders of the gunman that was approaching us.

'Hmm. I forgot he came here.' Although my powers allowed me to remember things like a supercomputer with unlimited capacity, that didn't include foggy memories I had before I got my powers.

Standing on a shipping container stood The Arrow in all his glory.

In the brief moment that I wasn't paying attention, I looked to see that the meta had vanished.

'Where the hell did he go?'

Frowning, I sped away with a lightning bolt still vibrating in my hand.


Searching the entirety of the building the man was nowhere to be found. Not on the first floor, second, or roof.


I even went so far as to search the next 6 city blocks but found nothing.

Giving up, for the time being, I made my way back to the others.

I could only shake my head in disappointment.

Looking back at The Arrow, he nodded at us with a smile on his face.

"Nice mask, you two!"

He said with his grizzled voice.

Cutting his conversation short, he climbed his way up an exposed crawl space in the cycling making his escape.

Looking to my left, I could see Barry giving a goofy smile.

Punching his shoulder to knock him out of his daze, he grunted in pain.

"Ouch!" He said, rubbing his shoulder.

"Pay attention. The guy that we were catching vanished into thin air without a trace and you're googly-eyed here."

"Shoot. I'm sorry. It's just that I got distracted."

He said with a nervous laugh.

"Next time you get distracted like that, you and I are going to have our session training." I was ridiculed.

"What? Then what have we been doing before?"

"It wasn't bare-knuckle sparring. That's for sure."

Wordlessly panic began to manifest within Barry.

As it did, Joe who had been observing the movie-like scene quietly had chuckled.


He snickered.

"Hey. You're supposed to be on my side."

He winced, looking at Joe.

"Says who?" He said with a raised brow.

"I'm just glad to see a man taking his job seriously… unlike some people."

"Ouch… why did that jab feel more painful, for some reason." He mumbled.

Ignoring his comment, Joe approached me.

"So, you're the other one that's been in the news recently… Omen, Right?" Joe stretched out his hand.

"And you must be Detective Joe West." I nodded, returning his gesture.

"That's me… Keep this one in check like you did today, will you? I know he's a bit green."

He asked, motioning to Barry.

"You have my word."

I nodded. In return, he gave me a fatherly smile.

"For the love of… I'm right here." He pouted, which caused Joe and me to stare at him for a few seconds.

"Where is your friend? He probably wants to meet."

I asked.

With a single gesture, Barry pointed upwards.

Silently replying with I nod, Barry and I ran up to the roof, leaving the officers to recuperate.


Arriving at the rooftop, Barry and I stood side by side looking at The Arrow as he was capturing the view of Central City.

"So… This is the mentor you've been talking about." He said slowly turning around.

"Yep. Omen, This is Oliver, Oliver, this is-." Barry stopped mid-sentence, almost defecating himself from the death glare that Arrow was giving him.

"Are…You…Kidding me." Oliver said veins visibly popping out of his head.

"Uh…. Oliver is a common name. He probably doesn't know it's you! Right? Right? Omen, Back me up here." Barry panicked.

I couldn't help but smile at Barry's massive screw-up.


Retracting my mask and revealing my face, I reached my hand out to Oliver.

"I was curious about the man behind the mask. Oliver Queen of Starling City.

It's a pleasure. As he said, I'm Omen."

"Jesus, Barry… does a secret identity mean nothing to you!"

If looks could kill, he would have killed Barry 15 times over

"I…I'm sorry. Genuinely."


Finally shaking my hand Oliver took his hood off revealing himself.

"I've been studying your work. Like him, you're fast." He said bluntly with a lack of expression on his face.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I've been studying your work too… Well, this side of your work, anyway. I have to say, you're inspiring. An icon, really."

"I'm far from an Icon. I'm probably the exact opposite to a lot of people."

"I feel like you're greatly underestimating the impact that you have on the world… Anyway, enough of the flattery game. Do you need help with something? If you do, any friend of Barry's is a friend of mine."

Although I already knew who Oliver was and the experiences he had gone through, I feigned ignorance. I thought it best if I were to build a relationship with him.

"I wanted a singular pair of eyes with experience to look at something. Those belonging to Barry, but things are more complicated now."

"What is it that you need us for?"

Asked Barry. Putting his hood on, Oliver turned around once more.

"I'm sending you the coordinates to your phone." Jumping off of the roof, Oliver vanished with the wind.

Then Barry's phone began to buzz.

"Oh… He wants us to go to the outskirts of the city."

"But… I think we should wait about 30 minutes to an hour. It might take him a while to get there."

Nodding my head, Barry began to ask me millions of questions that he had been holding in regarding the Speed Force and how to better utilize it.




Arriving at our destination, Barry and I were welcomed by a beautiful blond woman with glasses and a husky black man with a leather jacket on.



They both jumped in surprise which made the black man drop his french fries and the blond woman almost drop her drink.

"By the way, we gave Oliver, like, a half-hour head start."

"Hi, Barry." The woman greeted with a shining and welcoming smile while the man looked like he had seen a ghost. I could tell that there was underlying chemistry between Barry and the woman, but I paid it no mind.

"Hey, Felicity." Returning the smile, Barry closed his distance.

"How are you doing, Dig?"

Frozen, he didn't respond to Barry. How could he? His worldview had just doubled in size in just a few seconds.

"Th-Th-Th-There's two of them? And they're both fast." The man looked like he was about to faint if any more surprises occurred. He looked like he was at his breaking point.

"Did you guys not tell him about me?"


Making my presence known, all three of them acknowledged me with surprise.

"Oh! Sorry! Guys, This is Omen. He's kinda like a mentor to me. He taught me a lot and is responsible for helping me become the hero I am today." He added.

"Hello, Lady and Gentleman. I'm Omen. I'm today's backup."

I announced while retracting my helmet.

"Hi! You must be the other guy who was struck in December. It's to see that you're finally awake from your… Let's go with, nap. I'm Felicity." She smiled, extending her hand. It was hard to believe that such a cheery person was working with the depressing Oliver Queen.

"Thanks. I'm glad to be up too… Uh. Is your friend okay?"

I asked, referring to Diggle whose jaw was hanging open.

Nudging her friend, she whispered, "Are you gonna say Hi, or are you gonna keep drooling."

"Fast… Uh! Yeah Hi. I'm John Diggle."

He shook my extended hand until I had to pull away awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry."

He stuttered.

"Haha. It's Okay. I'd probably be in your shoes if I saw two people running that fast."

I joked, causing Barry and Felicity to join along.

"So you two work with Oliver?"

I asked, already knowing the answer.

"You know?" Felicity asked. Responding, I nodded.

"Well, I guess it would make sense. Yeah. We've been working together for a bit now."

"*screech*" The sound of tires hiss rang through our ears as Oliver had pulled up to us.

"So, what are you guys doing in Central City?" Barry asked excitedly.

"Working a case." Felicity then reached for her bag pulling out a strange metallic object.

"Suspicious homicide in Starling where the murder weapon… is a boomerang."

"Cool!" Barry reached his hand into the evidence bag taking out the boomerang.

Racing awkward stares, Barry quickly changed his demeanor.

"I mean, awful… Just sad." Handing the evidence back to Felicity, Barry shook his head, embarrassed.

"I found traces of iron oxide on it. It may be a long shot, but Central City has the highest traces of it in the entire country."

"Did you know that Australian aboriginals used boomerangs to hunt? Mainly on kangaroo, which is surprisingly a low-fat source of protein."

"Barry… Not now." I said, grabbing his shoulder. Realizing his mistake, he shut his lips.


Olver cleared his throat.

"We were following up on a lead when we heard the S.W.A.T raid over the radio, so I thought I'd come by; watch you two make your move."

He said with a sarcastic smile on his face, which prompted me to put one on mine.

For a moment, I could see Oliver quickly glance over at me leaning on a wall. Not wavering, I stared right back until he was the first to break eye contact.

'Who the fuck does this piece of shit think he is?'

I audibly chuckled.

Walking next to me, Diggle nudged. "My cousin got hit by lightning once… He just developed a stutter."

"Ha. Oh? Is that right?" I beckoned.

"Yeah. We call him Twitch."

"That's unfortunate for him."

"Nah. He's fine with it… He's also a piece of shit who sold weed to my nephew."

"Ah. I got an uncle who tried to get my brother to sell opioids. Well, I can't really say try, as he succeeded." I whispered.

"And where is he now?"

"My brother or uncle?"


"My Brother is in jail while my uncle gave his life over to the lord."

I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"How long does your brother have?"

"Ten years."


"Nah. Nothing to stress over. He was a piece of shit."

"Double damn."

Diggle shook his head.

"What about Twitch and your nephew?"

"Twitch is dead. My nephew is in Harvard."

"That's good on your nephew… for Twitch, I can't say I didn't see that coming."


"Yep. That's just how shit goes." I stated.

"Couldn't agree anymore."

Diggle added. While we were having our banter, the others were having theirs.

"Well my team and I are after a nasty Metahuman who makes people angry."

Barry stated.

"Cool!" Felicity said with a tinge of excitement.

Like Barry previously, she also got the silent treatment.

"I mean… awful."

"Uh, well, Since you guys are here, why don't you, me, Omen, and S.T.A.R Labs team up? We'll help you find your boomerang man, you can help us find our super-rageaholic!"

"We'd love to!" Felicity chimed.

Without missing a beat, Oliver retorted.

"No. We'll handle our business and head home." He stated matter of factly.

"But… The fastest way we can find out everything we need to know about the boomerang is to sick S.T.A.R Labs on it."

"Enough people know my secret identity…"

He glared at me once more. It took me every fiber of my being not to throw a lightning bolt at him.

"Fine… I'll go." Felicity volunteered.

"They already know who I am. You can drop me off and I will meet up with you later."


"How about I give you a lift?"

Before she could answer, Barry had already lifted her up and ran off into the distance leaving me, Diggle, and Oliver behind.

"Ah… you guys are really fast." Diggle whispered.

"So guys… how's your day?" I said drawing attention to myself.

"Uh. Good. Stange, but good." Diggle.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

Oliver spat.

"You know, you're quite rude for a fan of mine."

I cocked my head to the side.

"I never said I was a fan. I only stated that I know of your work and that you were fast… that's all. In truth, you and Barry are in over your heads. Reckless and untrained. I don't respect the fact that you two just up and decided to put on costumes, calling yourselves superheroes.

The reason you save lives for a childhood fulfillment while I do it with a grander purpose. When I put on this suit, it stands for something. When you do, it's a status symbol."

For a moment, My jaw almost touched the floor. This man had the gall to summarize who I was as a person when I literally and factually knew who he was in his entirety?

'Wow…this fucking ant thinks that his world is more significant than mine. He watches over a city while I plan to take over an entire fucking planet in the future… It's time to humble a bitch in pajamas.' I was infuriated. One, because I like Oliver. I liked the Green Arrow in every rendition. Two, because if I wanted, I could solve his boomerang case in a matter of minutes if I pushed myself. In fact, I could solve all the problems within Starling city in a day… No, 10 hours, max.

Oliver Queen was arrogant, prideful, and egotistical.

The problem was, so was I. And I was well aware of it.

"Ah… then you should know, I'm not really a fan of yours."

"Then you should know… I don't care. Come on Diggle."

"Ah… Sorry about him."

Diggle mumbled as he followed Oliver's lead.

At Oliver's snide remark, I couldn't help but chuckle.

Oliver had his head shoved way too far up his own ass.

Before he could walk away, I had a few words to get off of my chest. He had bruised my ego. I decided It was only right that I returned the favor.



"What the-."

In the span that it took Diggle to blink, Oliver and Omen had disappeared.

"Where did they go?"

He was clueless. All he could do was wait in the car for the both of them to return.


Dashing away with Oliver over my shoulder, I ran on the surface of the ocean at Mach 16 making sure to coat him in my Speed Aura which put him in a temporary stasis. This was my new maximum speed. It was nowhere near the speed of light, but it was still enough to wreak havoc on my surroundings if I wasn't careful. Needless to say, I very much was.


I had one destination in mind, and that was Los Angeles, California.

Blasting through the waters at five times faster than a bullet, there was not a single thing that could catch up with me.




Running so fast, I obliterated a family of dolphins turning them into tuna.

Their blood and organs covered my entire body but quickly evaporated due to me running at over 12,330 Miles per hour.

I passed city after city after city for just about 9 minutes until finally reached my destination;

The City of Angels.

'Looks like I made it.'

Running down Skid Row, avoiding running into the homeless and stepping on rusty heroin needles, I ran up to the tallest building that I could possibly find, which was the U.S Bank tower for the time being.

Running up the wall of the bank, I looked on at the workers who were continuing their everyday life as if everything was normal. If they knew that a being like myself had arrived, they would have probably had heart attacks.

Arriving on the roof, I jumped up and landed on the bank's helipad.

Slowing down, I finally threw a panicked Oliver to the side with enough force to cause him to tumble a few times.

"Akk!" He tucked and rolled instinctively getting to his feet.

Quickly gauging his surroundings, He had finally realized that he was no longer in Central City. Swiftly Grabbing the bow that was on his back, he readied 3 arrows aimed at my lung, heart, and left eye.

"Where are we?" He asked while trying to maintain his composure, but I could obviously see that the act was a farce.

"We are in Los Angeles. Currently on top of the U.S Bank."

I retorted. With my words, He began to sweat profusely.

I had run here, but to him, it probably felt like he teleported.



For a few seconds, Oliver stared at me down, waiting for me to make my next move.

"Why did you bring me here?"

He demanded to know.

"To show you the difference between me and you."

As I ended my sentence, he pulled his bow back further.


"Careful, you might hurt yourself,"

I stated while he held his empty arms in the air.

In a brief moment, I had snatched his bow, quiver, and every single hidden weapon he had on his person including his kunai and had placed them in a neat stack next to me.

Realizing he was now completely disarmed, Oliver got into a fighting stance, putting his fist up.

"Answer my question."

"Sure…since you asked so nicely. The reason I brought you here is to show you how big the gap is between me and you. In the time that it took me to bring you here, I could have ended your life millions of times, and yet you have the nerve to say that I was reckless and untrained."

As if insulted, Oliver made an apparent glance behind him and looked at me once more.


"Okay, Reckless is one thing. But untrained? That's where I draw the line, buddy."


"This world is bigger than you. There are more people out there just like me, any you need to realize this… Stop being a dickhead to people and maybe you'll be able to gain allies in the future that will help you in defeating people like me. Perhaps, those allies will be able to help you with what you need."

I was also a little disappointed that he had put down Barry, not even considering his capabilities.


"Just, broaden your horizons a little. That's all I'm saying."


Putting his fist down, Oliver began to give in to my words.

"Alright. Your point is proven." Luckily for me, this wasn't the unhinged Oliver of Arrow, season one. He was actually capable of considering what I had to say.

"Good. Now equip all your shit. Let's go."