Omen’s Miscalculation



Diggle, while sitting in the car listening to music, jumped up in a panic as I had arrived spontaneously with a sonic boom that would have shattered his window if it weren't for the fact I had actively projected my Speed Aura. Gently placing Oliver down next to me, without saying a word, he entered the passenger seat.

"Hey again, Diggle." I waved.

"Uh, Hey. So, where did you guys go in the past… 18 minutes?"

"California," I stated with a smile while Oliver avoided eye contact with both I and Diggle. For a minute, Diggle stared at me attempting to understand if I was joking or not.

"Ah… top secret. I get it." He nodded in misunderstanding.

"Take us to the pier, Diggle."

Oliver spoke emotionlessly in his usual manner.

"Uh… Ok. Is he coming with us?"

At Diggle's words, Oliver looked at me as if waiting on my answer.

"No. I'm going to S.T.A.R. Labs. I can help with the case more efficiently there… I also need to check something. I'll see you guys later."



This time, Diggle managed to keep his composure while Omen raced off.


Oliver put his fingers on the bridge of his nose in frustration, but Diggle paid no attention. He was far too enamored with Omen's trail of electricity.

"Do you think he can do everything really fast?" Diggle theorized.

"I don't know, John."

"No, but like… If he's capable of maneuvering at that speed, surely it would make sense for him to file taxes really quickly too, right?"

"I don't know, John."

"And what about going to the bathroom? Do you think that when he pees, it's like a laser? Do you think it would break the toilet?"


"Sorry… It's… the guy kinda freaks me out a little. I'm trying to wrap my head around him."

"If you have questions about how they're able to use the bathroom, ask them the next time you see them. I don't have any answers for you."



"But you aren't the slightest bit curious about rather or not they can run on water or walk on walls?"


"From what I saw, they can. That's all I'm going to respond with."

Olver stated. In all reality, he had still been trying to grasp what happened a few minutes ago. One moment, he was in Central City, the next he was in Los Angeles.

The power gap between him and Omen was real. And it was far too wide for his liking. The moment he underestimated him was the moment he had made a terrible mistake.

One that he severely regretted.

Omen was the heavens in his eyes but Oliver shifted his evaluation of himself as nothing more than dirt in the span of 20 minutes. Was his training all for not? Did he struggle for all those years on the island of Lian Yu, just to amount to this?

No… Oliver's experiences were valid. Even before the existence of Metahumans, he had first-hand experience with the supernatural. He had even dipped his toe into the mystic arts before, he always knew that there was more to the world. Perhaps his judgment had been clouded because the opponents he had been facing for the past few years in Starling City had been street-level thugs to martial artists. Perhaps it was because of this low threat level that he felt confident in handling anything that inconvenienced his path of justice.

Due to his encounter with Omen, Oliver had come to the realization that it was time to enhance himself, never allowing someone to overpower him to such extremes ever again.




"Duck! Wait, no! Get hide over here, But still duck!"

"Why'd you throw the boomerang?!"

"I thought it would just come back and that would be the end of it!"

"Well now you know, that's not the case!"

'What the hell?'

I arrived at the lab only to see it in mass hysteria. The razor-sharp metal boomerang that should have been locked away was currently flying in like a hovering guillotine.


Quickly running over to the running Caitlin Snow, I jumped in the air, catching the boomerang mid-flight.


I grumbled.

"No habla inglés."

He stated while hiding behind a door.

"Ven acá, Franciso."


He sighed, walking towards me with his head down like a child.

"Why the hell would you throw that in here?"

"What makes you think it was me?"

"The fact that you are the only person besides Barry who would allow your curiosity to reign over safety."

"What? Me? Safety is my number one priority. Always and forever."

"Sure it is. Snow, you good?" I asked Caitlin as she retreated underneath a table with her legs poking out.

"Yeah!" Crawling out of her hiding space and dusting herself off, she gave me a warm smile.

"It's good to see you again, Omen."


"Hey, again." Felicity waved which I returned with a nod.

"So, where is Barry?"

"Well, a couple of minutes ago, he went into the conference room with Joe and Wells' hologram.

Caitlin explained.


"Yeah. Dr. Wells has come down with a cold or something so he built a hologram that he uses like a telephone. It's a little glitchy so there's a bit of delay when he talks, but it still is amazing."

"It's pretty cool. I got to see it. It gives me major holocron energy."

Felicity added.


'Looks like blatantly avoiding me now… He definitely has something planned.'

"Hey, teach." Barry entered with relatively low spirits.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's… I'll talk to you about it later."

"Where's Joe?"

"He left through one of the other exist."

"Ah… So what information did you guys find?"

"It's actually pretty interesting. Come on over! Me and the gang found out a few things that may interest that secret scientist that you try to hide so well."

Cisco's statement with a smile.

"Funny…" I mumbled under my breath.

I had long since revealed to Cisco that I had something akin to photographic memory. But I had also informed him that it was a curse rather than a gift. I was never someone who was a seeker of knowledge. I was never even a person who remembered the names of my classmates in school

so I definitely didn't have any aspirations to be a scholar. As Cisco had become a genuine friend over the past few months, he knew this very well. But rather than sympathizing with me, he had a goal to bring me up to his intelligence level. While he referred to me as a bio-organic quantum solar panel in passing, due to my unique biology, I referred to him as a brain parasite who laid eggs of knowledge inside of my head without consent.

The amount of useless information that flooded my mind passively was torture. There was no reason for me to be equipped with the knowledge that Koala fingerprints were so close to humans' that they could taint crime scenes.

What was I supposed to do with knowing that Australia is wider than the moon? Precisely speaking, The moon sat at 3400km in diameter, while Australia's diameter from east to west was almost 4000km. If I was certain he was able to survive it, I would have caved Cisco's chest in on multiple occasions.

Luckily for him, I had super strength by means of the Speed Force… For that reason and the fact that I was a good person… most of the time.

From an outside perspective, a person would have thought I was insane for not capitalizing on the fact that my brain was a supercomputer with unlimited potential. I had the capability to become the most intellectually powerful entity on the planet… But that's not what I wanted. The reason for that was simple. When a person reaches a certain level of power, rather than being political or physical, while also having sed power coupled with intellect, they were dealt with the burden of responsibility and accountability. Transcending to the level of such an entity would make me extremely unrelatable to those around me. If I embraced the path of becoming a living computer, because the blueprint of my soul was human, I would have most likely fallen into despair because I would have inevitably concluded that there would be no one who would be able to become my equal. There would be no one able to understand the pain of omnipresence… There would only be me… alone and suffering a boring and predictable existence.

The level of loneliness was my greatest fear… and in truth, it had always been since I was a child.

"Fucking nerds…" I mumbled as I approached the lab alongside everyone else.

At my words, Caitlin turned around and smirked.

"And you'll be one of us soon, Mr. Solar panel."



In a rundown, dimly lit room stood 8 people sitting on stacks of money.

"Explain yourself, Bivolo."

Stated a man with a navy blue winter jacket on while having a strange gun that glowed blue and gave off extremely chilling temperatures. Although his facial expression showed that the man was cool, calm, and collected, the man's glare was so stern that it would freeze the hearts of anyone who accidentally glimpsed in his direction.

"I walked into the bank and took what I wanted. Simple."

Said a man with red sunglasses and a turtleneck on. Although he seemed unbothered, the rest of the observers felt otherwise. They had a varying range of emotions rage to disappointment.

"And you thought it would be a good idea to rob a bank without informing us… a Central City bank at that?" Said a middle-aged man with a dark green jacket with singe marks on it. He wore a gray shirt, faded gray pants, and black construction boots. He held in his arms a gun that was essentially the polar opposite of the man with the frosty aura in every way. Unlike the man with the frosty aura, this man had an explosive one. Looking at Bivolo with embers in his eyes, he attempted to keep his rage silenced.

"Snart… Mickey… I don't see what the big deal is. If our goal isn't to take what we want, then why did Mr. Ice cube form this little group here, anyway? Wasn't it to use our powers as we see fit? Find other like-minds just like us so that we could-"


The man with the cold gun interrupted holding up two fingers.

"Oh? Is this baseball now?"

Bivolo jested.

"This guy's a comedian…. Relax. There isn't a reason to be so uptight… I got in and got out with the help of our cheerleader here. The runners didn't even have a chance to get their hands on me."




"What makes this different is that you killed an innocent pregnant woman." This time, a woman with curly hair and caramel-colored skin interjected, slapping the man before he could even react with her teleportation abilities. She had on an expensive-looking black leather jacket along with a pair of ripped blue jeans.

"Also, watch your fucking mouth when you speak to me."


He chuckled while rubbing his bright red face.

"Why are you acting like this now when you're the one who picked me up from the gig earlier? You weren't this grumpy then nor were you an hour ago."

"That's because I didn't realize just how much of a shit show you've made. The only reason I bothered teleporting you in earlier in the first place was because I was thinking about the protection of the group first… Like you should have been."

"Ha! You guys are getting mad over one abortion? You guys will hate it when you find out about Planned Parenthood."

At his joke, not a single soul laughed. No one smiled… No one except for Leonard Snart.

"You… Have… Two." Snart declared as he began to pace back and forth.

"Two what?" Bivolo yelled, starting to get fed up with the man's ominous words.

"What are you going to do to me? You must have forgotten that just from me making eye contact with you, I could force you to kill all of your loved ones including that little bitch next to you."

"Aweee. Is the little man-child grumpy?" The woman sitting next to Snart exaggerated while motioning, wiping away tears with her hand. She had on black leather gloves with a black tank top. Around her neck was an expensive pearl necklace. This woman, just like her brother, had a specialized gun that had the alchemic ability to encase people in gold.

Bivolo's frustration was quite apparent and he had unconsciously growled. Bivolo, due to his unique physiology, was in a constant state of anger. The lightest insults would push him to be twice as angry as a normal person, but that wasn't to say that he was incapable of controlling sed anger. In fact, his impulse control was higher than almost everyone's in the room which meant that if he wanted to think carefully and critically, he could. With this line of reasoning, everyone in the room had concluded that Bivolo's murders had been purposeful.

"Lisa… Look what you did. You've made the baby-man angry." Snart teased.

"Answer my question, Snart."

"Ah… now he wants to listen."


Bivolo balled his fist up, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen next.

"Misconceptions." Snart stated.

"What are you-"

"You have two misconceptions about the situation at hand. The first is that you think that you can run wild while also using this team and its members as your disposable little toys… Just that alone comes with consequences."


"And the second." A singular sweat droplet started to make its way down the man's face as his nerves of steel began to smelt.

"The second is that I was not the individual who was responsible for the creation of this group." This time, Snart lost his smile and glared in the depths of Bivolo's soul which caused him to instinctively flinch.

"Oh? Then who is our all-knowing and morally just leader?"

The man shouted.


Loud footsteps that could have been misinterpreted as earthquakes could be felt and heard approaching closer and closer.

"What the?" At Bivolo's words, all 8 individuals calmly began to walk away.

"*boom-Boom-Boom*" Turning around to see what was happening, Bivolo's heart began to sink to his stomach and the pigment had left his body.

"Wh-What are you!"

Standing before the man was a giant 10-foot silverback gorilla that emerged from the shadows as if a demon had just made its presence known.

{To your first question, he is the one you have disobeyed. He is the one who tells me that you must repent. He is father.}

The man fumbled backward as his body limbs began to fail him due to fear.

{To your second question. I am my father's apostille. I am Grodd!}



With only a scream, Bivolo curled into a ball on the floor, cocooning his bleeding ears with his hand with no more rational thoughts in his mind.

With just one might shout, Grodd burst his left eardrum.

As Grodd stood menacingly over the shriveled man, a figure's looming company could be felt coming from behind him.


"Hello, Bivolo."

With blurry vision, Bivolo held his head up to the approaching man.

"W-W-Who… Are you?" The man before him wore a strange yellow costume with a red lightning bolt on the center of his chest.

"I am Eobard Thawne."

As the fearful man watched on, Thawne unhurriedly brought his hands up, taking off his mask to reveal his face.

"But there is no need for formalities. You can just call me your demise."

Bivolo, attempting to focus his eyes goggled at Thawne, approaching gradually and menacingly.

From one hand to two, from two to five, from five to ten. It was as if Thawne's hand multiplied. With his hand moving so rapidly, the afterimages all merged into one blurry shape.

Blinking repeatedly, Bivolo attempted to see if his eyes were betraying him.

Who was this third speedster?

Before he could analyze any further,



Thawne's arm had pierced through his chest out his back.


With a sinister smirk, Thawne watched as the man's life drained from his eyes.

Witnessing his own blood splatter all over the man in the yellow suit, the man only had the means to utter one word.


"Why?" Thawne chuckled.

"Well. It's because you didn't move according to my plan. You, my friend, changed the timeline ever so slightly causing unpredictability within the stream."


Thawne crouched down, holding the man's face gently with his bloodied hand.

"You were a pathetic piece of dust that dared to interfere with a god's plan. The only one who is allowed to make changes is me. Your sin shall never be forgiven and I hope that your suffering is sweet and eternal."

Taking his last breath, Bivolo moved on.



"Yes, father?"

The gorilla bowed respectfully.

"I want you to release the shark on S.T.A.R Labs. I've decided that I siphoned enough speed from The Flash." Putting on his mask once more, he walked off into the distance, vanishing into the darkness.

{Yes, Father.}


Sitting on the dome-shaped roof of S.T.A.R Labs, Barry and I conversed with our faces revealed.

"So he thinks that Oliver is a bad influence on you?"

"Yeah… That's the basic run-down on things."

"So… What are your thoughts on Oliver?" I asked.

"Well… He's honestly one of the reasons I decided to become a hero. What about you? I know you said earlier that you were a fan, but what do you really think about him?"

"..." For a moment, I contemplated who The Arrow was as a person. From the series, I know that he was a deep, multifaceted, multilayered character. I knew of his struggles and his ambitions. I even knew about his family ties and his love life. I probably knew more about the man than himself.

"I think… He's an asshole."

I concluded.

"I mean, Yeah. That kinda comes with his aesthetic though. I think his actions and sense of justice superseded just him being an ass."

"I'm not saying I don't agree with you. That's just how I see him on a personal level… Now, how I see him from an objective standpoint is different… Oliver has obviously been through some shit that's shut him off emotionally for a while, evidently. You can tell by the way he carries himself… how he walks, talks, etcetera. But the thing that makes him different from any other billionaire that has been through the mud is truly admirable. The way he risks his life on the day-to-day shows his true character at the end of the day. Unlike us, he doesn't have powers but uses all his tools and resources to make a difference for his city.

Now, if we looked at it statistically, we would see that Oliver has single-handedly lowered the crime rates of Starling and all of its surrounding cities by approximately 42% from what they were when he first put on his suit and eye makeup. Criminals fear him and children want to be him."

"You see! That right there is what I was trying to explain to Joe, but all he can do is see him for murder. I mean, he doesn't even kill people anymore."

"Hahaha!" I couldn't help but laugh at his statement.

"What? I'm being serious right now."

"I know, It's just that what you said sounded so absurd. How am I not supposed to laugh? "He doesn't kill people anymore." You have to admit that the statement you made sounds crazy, especially to someone like Joe."

"I mean… Now that I think about it, I could have phrased that statement a little more delicately."

Barry stated with a smile of defeat.

"You think? But anyway, you are your own man. You have to stop relying so much on Joe's approval so much… I mean, I get it, you live under his roof and all. But you are not a little boy. You are a man who makes his own decisions. If you happen to make a mistake along the way, grow from it and never make it again. That's what a wise man taught me. And it's what I'm teaching you."


For a moment, Barry contemplated my words while looking out to the city beneath us.

I could tell that he was thinking deeply.

"Omen… I got a question to ask that I've been wondering about since you first started teaching me."

"What's up?"

"I noticed, whenever you speak to me, you talk like it will be our last conversation… It's actually been that way since the first conversation we had."


"I mean, I just noticed that when you talk to Cisco, your words have a different cadence… you seem happier when you speak with him but with me, it's almost like you plan on sending me off to college or something."


"You don't plan on dying or disappearing, do you?"


"I mean, if you plan on leaving, that's fine, but the city needs you."

'What a smart kid… he caught on.' I smirked in dismay.

"I… I have another destination in mind."

"What do you mean by that?" Barry frowned.

"The world is large and vast… I plan on exploring it."

"You mean like a vacation or something?"

"Ha… No." For a moment, I looked on at the cars that were passing by, following their mesmerizing lights.

"Barry, what do you know about the multiverse?"

"The multiverse? You mean the theory that implies that our universe, even with hundreds of billions of galaxies in it spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one. That instead of our universe being solitary, there are an infinite amount of parallel worlds?"

"Exactly… I want to travel it."

"How would that even be possible? Firstly, the theory isn't even proven. Secondly, there isn't an interdimensional elevator that can just take you wherever you want."


Not even replying to his rebuttal, I smiled and shook my head.

"Forget about it. You can't see my vision yet. Your thinking is too-"


"What was that?"

Barry jumped up, but before he could even move, I was already on my feet running towards the other side of S.T.A.R Labs where I heard a loud bang.

Quickly running across the dome-shaped roof, I leaped into the air. As I did I surveyed people running away in hysteria as a giant man-shark the height of two street lights chucked cars like baseballs in random directions.


The shark roared so loud that it almost destroyed all windows within a 10-block radius… which confused me because sharks weren't supposed to have vocal cords.

People attempted to run only to be mowed down moments later by the shark's projectiles.

People attempted to hide but were turned into paste underneath the shark's feet.

'Why is this lump of tuna here right now?!' I shouted internally.

While my perception was sped, I watched as the shark-man hybrid walked over to a trapped minivan occupied by a family of four that had been t-boned by one of the previously launched cars. I watched in slow motion as the family realized a real-life monster was about to consume them whole.

The creature was none other than King Shark who was far bigger than I recalled… no, it was bigger than it was supposed to be. Only one person could be held responsible for the strange mutation. The person who had been avoiding me for the past few months.


As that word escaped my mouth, I elegantly glided from the floor down to the entrance of S.T.A.R Labs which was a hectic bloody mess. The walls had been splattered with blood and entrails, painting a horrible collage that would strike fear into the hearts of almost anyone.

Why had Thawne decided to move only now? Did he choose to move earlier because he saw that Barry was more capable than what he was intended to be or…

'Did he make this move against me.'

I didn't have time to think. I had to save the family in front of me. Maneuvering around mangled cars and dead bodies, I knew I had to get to the shark man quickly as I was watching him peel the top of the minivan off like a can of sardines.

I ran up his slippery and scaly body with my momentum maximized. Propelling myself off of his chest and up to the individuals who were in danger, I punched him in the nose as he was slowly dunking the vehicle into his mouth.

Quickly, I operated my way through the car's seats and grabbed the two children in the back, and hurriedly retreated, placing them at a safe location. Running back, I proceeded to grab their assumed parents and repeated the process.

As my perception was super sped, I watched as King Shark slowly came to the realization that I snatched his meal… but I soon realized a massive problem. Although my perception was heightened, the shark was moving far too fast towards me, managing to almost swiping at my chest.

'What the fuck?'

Frowning, the shark man glared at me with his big black shadowy rage-filled eyes.

"*ROARRRR!*" Screaming to the skies because I had taken his food, the muscles in his thighs began to contort.


His thick feet stomped fiercely not caring about the corpses and mangled machinery underneath him.

'Yeah… way faster than what he's supposed to be.' Considering his size, his movements just didn't make sense.

As the shark approached me, I stayed still waiting for him to build up enough speed that he would lose control.

Allowing him to get within 3 feet of me, I hurriedly hopped to the side while also dropping to the ground. Even though he had obviously been equipped with some type of superspeed formula, he would never be able to reach me if I deemed it. And so, leaning on one arm, I began to spin on the floor like a breakdancer, rotating 180 degrees at super speed until my shin collided with his

monstrous one.


"AHHHH!" With my swift kick, I flung the shark-man forward.

Oddly enough, what escaped his mouth was a human-like scream, but I paid it no mind.


Slamming into S.T.A.R Labs, King Shark's body was embedded into a wall like a cartoon character's.

"Ouch!" I shouted while limping and holding my leg. I was positive that everything from my ankle to my lower femur was shattered into pieces, but focusing on the speed force, it began to mend itself back together.

"You dense fucker." Kicking him was like kicking a diamond-encrusted steel beam.

"AHHHH!" Prying himself from the wall with all his might, he attempted to get back up on two feet but ended up falling to one knee.


"Shut the hell up! I'm right here and hear you very clearly!"

From looking at him, I could tell that he wasn't unscathed. He had a large purple bruise on his left leg that almost looked like a gigantic cyst. If I were to have guessed based on the passive knowledge I received from Caitlin, the Shark's tibia was either fractured or broken


"What a poet."

I uttered.


"My leg hurts too, but you don't see me crying."

Stomping a few times to steel his emotions, King Shark had begun to charge at me again. This time, I watched as the muscles in his right arm coiled backward, readying for a deadly blow.


Laughing a powerful strike at me that was probably going at around Mach 3, I avoided his blow by focusing all of my energy on my unharmed leg and jumped into the air.


His fist was enough to cause a draft of wind capable of flipping a Ram pick-up truck on its back.

'Yeah… I think I most likely gotta kill this one.'

I didn't know if he was a man turned shark or a shark turned man. All I knew was that he was dangerous. Too dangerous to be kept alive. My calculations predicted that no cell would be able to contain him. Not the one in S.T.A.R Labs, and definitely not a Central City prison.

Landing on his head, I began to violently stomp.


As I attempted to impact him for the third time, he slammed his head into the ground in hopes to end my life. Unlucky for him, I had just leaped off his body once more while he had his head stuck in the pavement like an ostrich. Stepping back to a comfortable enough distance, the scene looked rather comedic… rather, it would have if it weren't for all of the death that surrounded me.


Giving a muffled roar, he pulled his head out of the ground causing cracks in the streets. He looked angrier than ever, but I had almost felt more alive than ever. In a sick and twisted way that I was ashamed to admit, I found beauty in the scene.

A beauty that caused my heart to pup twice as fast. A beauty that made me smile uncontrollably. A beauty that consumed me begging me to cause more destruction.

A beauty that took away all the pain in my still mending injury.

"Come here fishy-fishy!" Shouted, taunting him to come forward.


He screamed. With his combat cry, it seemed as if his pain had disappeared as well. Not only that but his speed and strength increased by twice the amount.

Speeding all across the battlefield, King Shark started to pile cars on top of one another, creating a giant rubbish hill.

'Is he trying to come up with a strategy to beat me?'

I was impressed by the animalistic being's ability to come up with complex thoughts amid combat.

With his tremendous amount of agility, he managed to stack enough vehicles to create a junk mountain the height of S.T.A.R Labs which was comparable to a football stadium.

'Oh boy.'

The Shark Man hybrid leaped up landing on his mechanical monstrosity.



How on earth did he know my name? Why did he choose this location instead of ramping wildly throughout the city? What was his purpose?

It was that line of reasoning that brought me to my final conclusion.

At first, I speculated, but now I knew the truth.

'He doesn't have a purpose being here… he was sent here by Thawne.'

Thawne was a genius among geniuses in his own timeline in the comics. The same case could be made here. He had successfully recreated the particle accelerator and now has genetically modified the mutated shark before me to be super fast, super durable, and super agile… This was all for one purpose.

'He's distracting me from something.'

I couldn't just leave King Shark alone to wreak havoc. He had to be stopped. And so, I made the decision to stay and fight.

As I did, the shark man started chucking cars at me so fast that a human wouldn't have been able to respond. Luckily for me, I was far beyond that.


Although my strength was enhanced, I wasn't strong enough to lift a car without any built-up momentum, so I did the next best thing.

Spinning my arms in circles swiftly as I possibly could, I began to take control of all wind currents in the vicinity.


Quickly, massive tornadoes with black and white currents of electricity running through them manifested, directed at the shark, the mountain, and the approaching cars.


Five cars that were previously thrown at Mach 5 had been crushed by the wind pressure that I created and changed directions, heading directly towards King Shark. This act caused a large explosion as the affected cars collided.

With me being in control of the wind, I directed all of the life-threatening embers toward the Fishman which caused him to slightly panic.

Fire and smoke enveloped its entire body, but I didn't stop there. I then quickly evacuated all the remaining civilians within the danger zone and continued on with my fight.

Rushing to the giant shark, I began to run circles around him and the metallic structure he had created as fast as I could.

Strangely enough, as I did, the shark began to react. Instead of being stunned by the previous explosion, it attempted to jump down, and swing its meaty webbed hands at me as if it had caught on to what I was doing. But luckily for me, it was nowhere near my speed. With my adrenaline pumping as healthily as it was right now, I was certain that I was going faster than I had ever gone.

With every swing that it would take at me, I would ever so slightly dodge as if I was coated with a layer of butter. As the shark man would attempt to take bites out of me, I would punch it in the snout with my tremendous electrifying jabs.

As it began to chase me, my vortex began to formulate around it, snatching the oxygen it had used as a secondary means of breathing.

As my tempest raged on, the shark's survival instincts started to kick in and abandoned the idea of attacking me as a whole. It was attempting to leave from my radius, but I never allowed it.


Forming a white and black bolt of lightning in my hand, I threw it directly in the shark's mouth as it attempted to bite me one final time.


With a loud yelp, it was knocked back a few feet due to the impact. Although its body weight was too heavy for me to outwardly lift, I had my momentum on my side.

At full speed, I ran into the eye of the wind storm, uppercutting the shark into the sky which broke two knuckles. Its massive body up in the air almost escaped, but with my newly healed leg, I jumped up and clenched my two hands together creating a massive bolt in between them, and slammed it into the forehead of the shark, launching it to the ground at the speed of sound.


The power of my attack was so immense that not only did King Shark crash to the earth, he went through it, blasting through the street and into the sewer.

Even though King Shark had stopped all movement, I wasn't letting up. I descended down to his location bringing my vortex with me. With all of the destruction that he caused, I was able to run in a circle faster and faster making sure it had no oxygen left within its lungs. The sight was awful looking. From the outside, all a person would have been able to see were flying human remains and deadly pieces of metal circulating in a death tempest.


Kings Shark started to struggle pathetically with the more intensity I inserted, but that only made me exert more force. As I continued to run, I began to hurl lightning bolts, causing King Shark to have intense spasms. I had begun to throw so many, that it looked like several lightning chains had shackled down the dangerous being.


Finally, the monster had stopped moving.

Jumping out of the ditch that was caused by King Shark's massive body, I surfaced and began to run in the opposite direction of the force of nature that I had created in order to disable it. If I didn't, the entirety of Central City was in jeopardy.


"*sigh* Finally… This big ass thing is dead." I didn't know if King Shark was human, but I didn't care when I considered its actions.

Standing above its dead body triumphantly, I rested my muscles for a bit, even though I didn't really need to. Since I had received my powers, I hadn't had the capability to sweat, but if I did, I would have been wiping droplets off of my forehead.

"Omen! Over here!"

Shouted a familiar voice in the distance.

Turning my head, I saw Joe in the distance along with other CCPD officers.

Waving, I then ran over in his direction.


Causing him and everyone else to jump in surprise, I committed,

"Hey, Detective."

"Just call me Joe."

"Ah… What's the deal?"

"You tell me?"

He said while tilting his head towards the crime scene behind me.

"Well, I saw that the big ass fish demon behind me in the ditch leading to the sewer over ther was eating people. So I had to stop it from doing more damage."

"Is-is it dead?"


"Good. Now that means that you are free to help out with our other situation."

"Is it the Rainbow Raider?"

"The what?"

He and the rest of the officers looked confused.

"The guy that can make people mad."

"Oh… No. That's not it. Citizens discovered his headless body in a garbage can not too long ago."

"Then what's the deal?"

"It's much worse than him… four metahumans and three people with strange guns are destroying downtown, and the Flash is nowhere to be seen. I thought he'd be with you but.."


His words left me angry. Thawne had tossed even more on my plate before I could get the chance to digest my food. I didn't know how many more allies he had, but if King Shark had changed so much due to his meddling, why would he hold back with enhancing the others? This fight was going to be far from easy and I would have to reach new limits if I wanted to make it out alive.


"Describe to me what's happening downtown."

"Well, there's a guy who is capable of manipulating the weather he's going around town throwing lightning bolts at buildings setting them on fire, while the Metahuman Tony Woward is out destroying every squad car we come across. Swat has tried to send in some snippers to stop all the terrorism, but the problem is that the mist man you guys stopped is there too. Every time there's a clear shot, he ends up changing that quick fast, and in a hurry. We can't even send hellacopters in due to the risk.."


"The worst thing is, they don't stay in the same place for long. Downtown is only the most recent place they were spotted at. Out of the last two spots, witnesses say that they saw a woman with the ability to teleport helping them."

"What about the people with the guns?"

"They're apparently the ones leading this."

I hand't encounter him since my arrival to this world but I had a good feeling that his character was the same. In this world, Barry hadn't even encountered him but I knew of his existence. He wasn't a terrorist. He didn't even kill people.

"*sigh*" With my exasperated breath, I realized something.

'He had been ploting this eversince I arrived to the hospital…'