Who Wants To Die First?

more than 30 chapters of my fics in Pat.reon



Wrote this chapter earlier.

Chapter 286 Who Wants To Die First?

(Aden's P.O.V)

I could feel him. Past the layers of rock and past the energy signature of the Vibranium masking the whole mountain. The entire natural structure was full of these particular ores but more than that, I could even feel the subtle signature of my own Realm's natural resources. There was Chaoum and Ordium present. What I had in my hand was the latter after all.


Geb asked in a hopeful yet skeptical tone.

"Yeah and not only that, but you have siblings and a mom."

I sent over memories of Kori and the kids.

"We are a family Geb. There's Kai, Sai, Breeze, Vor and Aqua. You are the youngest."

I felt him start to believe it and with the belief came a bevy of positive feelings. He was so happy.

Then I stopped feeling him so clearly. It was abrupt and disorienting. One minute we were conversing through a mental link and then the next, the rock souvenir in my hands broke down into sand grains before turning into complete powder.

"That...does not belong to you."

A distinctly divine voice stated inside my mind.

I straightened up, looking down at Shuri and rubbing her hair. It was time. She was coming.

"Thanks for the trade sweetheart, I have 2 daughters and they are just as cool as you."

Shuri blinked looking unsure.

"Cool? Who are you?"

"I'm Geb's Dad. Now that's enough questions, I need you, your dad and brother to get out of here okay? It's not safe."

I loosened the blood control I had on T'Chaka and the second he was free, he launched himself over at me, only to freeze in place, this time all on his own as I turned to face him. The instinctual fear he felt as he stood before me, caused his knees to buckle. His body knew even if he didn't, that what he was up against was a force of nature.

"Your god is about to perform something very very big to deal with me."

I adjusted my clothes.

"I suggest you leave. Now!"

I passed by a nervous T'Chaka while moving towards the open hole on the entrance of the Palace. The ice sculptures holding the Dora Milaje shattered into pieces, depositing the warrior women on the ground.


Okoye wasted no time in trying to push her spear through my flesh.

I lightly flexed my hand and smacked a stone piece of rubble onto her chest, not too hard but just enough to throw her away. More stones floated to the air as I glided forward. Earth bending while hard to master was very useful for intimidation. The fear of a rock crushing them under it's weight kept them back.

"No! Do not attack! We retreat for now. To safety."

T'Chaka yelled to them while helping T'Challa up. The Dora Milaje looked torn in-between attacking and showing me their backs as they retreated.

"Come on, just leave. You do not want to be a part of this."

I whispered a mental suggestion and felt them all get up and begin to depart.

Even the warriors gathered on the ground, fighting against Nagini with high tech weaponry and what could have felt like toothpicks to her (spears) stopped as I walked out, stepping on the open air. A wave of awe and fear hit me.


I announced.

"Now it is time to accept defeat before the next battle claims your lives. LEAVE!"

With the mental order, the grounds were cleared quickly, leaving me alone as the first attack, a frigging meteor cut through the air towards me and with it...a snarl escaped my mouth, face lighting up at the light exuded by the meteor about to land on my head. How dare they?! I understood enough now. Someone was going to die. Several someones.


I softly called out, feeling flesh and muscles shift from behind me. Nagini's form had increased.

From out of the Shadows, a sharp hiss rang out as she lunged, striking the air from the flex of her powerful muscles. Her jaw opened up wide and she swallowed the whole meteor, measuring at about 3 football fields across, in one massive bite.

I was appalled at the reckless attack that would have wiped Wakandan off the map. However, even more than Bast trying to kill her very own people, things were not so simple. Inside her blazing divinity that permeated the whole Wakandan capital, was something very very familiar. Something I knew almost too well. My power.

Nagini landed on the ground next to me in a gigantic form. She coiled around my body protectively, her hood which resembled a Cobra's flaring out as she stared at the sky, the same as I.

A star twinkled brightly, almost too out of place even in the wide starry night. A falling star.

"It's okay, girl."

I patted Nagini.

"I am more than sufficient to take care of this. Meanwhile, I'm giving you a new task."

I stomped my foot onto the palace grounds.

"Underneath these mountains is a location hidden from my divine sense but not from the bond Geb and I share. I can feel his spirit call out to me. I need you to dig through the dirt and stones and find him."

Then I sent her an image of what the whole landscape looked like after a general scan by my divine sense.

Nagini's scale's became sharper as spikes sprouted from all around her form. She gave one final hiss to the descending god and left, spearing through the soil in crazy speeds. The ground shook for a second or so before everything calmed down.

Then the star finally landed. A pillar of red and purple energy slightly pulsing out in waves, undulated, destroying the green grass under our feet and upturning rocks and stones. The crater left behind by the forceful landing smoked lightly, the deep grooves all leading to a figure in the middle of the hole.

She had ebony skin that lightly glowed, a half mask of a cat that covered the top of her face, a golden armor with black and purple highlights glowing with power and claws, big sharp looking claws. Her eyes were like a cat's, split and deadly. She stared at me with saliva dripping off the forever of her mouth.


I said.

"You smell... delicious."

Her voice was surprisingly human only with a light growl at the end. Yikes, don't tell me this bitch is crazy.

I looked up at the sky and laughed, seeing even more falling stars.

The second of them landed at my back, destroying the palace and causing an explosion of light and divine energy to wash out to the surroundings.

Even without looking, I knew who this one was. If Bast was like the darkness, the new arrival was like the light, two counterparts of each. Sekhmet. And she was breathing heavily while staring at me in hunger.

The pressure blast from her landing spread out across the grounds, uprooting most of the buildings and causing an electromagnetic pulse that destroyed the technology in the well lighted city.

The evacuation hover crafts plummeted from the sky. Those aerial vehicles were the ones carrying T'Chaka and his family. I don't think Geb would like it too much if his friend died, plus I kinda of liked Shuri, she reminded me of a blend between Breeze and Kai.

The winds carried out my will and gently cradled the hovercrafts. Then I connected them with the pilots' mind. Where he wanted to go, they would follow the direction and take them there.

(General P.O.V)

Inside the ship, the Black Panther stood before the clear windows, having witnessed the gods' arrival.

"Somehow, we are back on course your majesty."

He heard the transmission from the pilot and tapped his Kimoyo Beads.


He answered before getting back to watching the catastrophe that had quickly and without warning struck his nation.

The palace he had grown in had been destroyed by the second pillar of light. The first having destroyed the playgrounds T'Chaka and his brother had grown up playing in.

The woods close to the palace where a number of treasured animals, endangered in the outside world had found their home were gone. The training grounds, the science division installed, the wonderful memories...all destroyed. He knew that while he and his family had escaped, Ramona's touch being the thing that made him grateful for the Enemy's mercy, many more had not been lucky. The servants and warriors who had tried to cover their retreat...also gone.

T'Chaka closed his eyes. All their lives...lost and for what? Did they mean nothing? Was their culture, one so steeped in religion all wrong? Was it all a lie?

T'Chaka knew, he could feel it inside his blood and soul. That was Bast and Sekhmet down there. Up against the stranger. Bast and Sekhmet, their gods. Uncaring about their people's welfare, only concerned by the enemy. An enemy who had allowed them to leave. An enemy who had had the chance to ask for anything he could have wanted from T'Chaka while he held the lives of his children in his hands yet hadn't.

Even the Enigma of actually being proven true, that Bast and Sekhmet existed was overshadowed by their cruelty and disregard for life. That electromagnetic pulse had been enough to disrupt technology and Wakanda was a heavily technological nation.

Had the evacuation vehicle fell from the sky, it would have seen the death of his children, his wife and his people. He might have survived as the Black Panther but such a life would have been worse than death. Even now, the winds that carried them away to safety...he knew it in his blood and his soul, using the already unwanted connection with Bast to understand that this...was not her doing.


T'Chaka felt tears run down his face as he allowed the mask he had worn before with pride, to fall to the ground. Ramona was comforting the children, T'Chaka hid away his tremors of heartbreak as his faith was utterly destroyed. The children needed their mother more than he needed his wife.

"Our goddess, she...she betrayed us. We could have died. We should have died."

Okoye grabbed one of her sisters, the one how had said that and back handed her.

"Do not forget our duty, dear sister! You are a warrior!"

She said forcefully to the rest of them, gathered around the Royal Family, all waiting for their king's orders.

Okoye let go of the Dora Milaje before turning to face the strong back of the Black Panther.

"We protect the king and the royal family. Everything else is mere distraction. When all is lost, my liege, I can assure you that our duty will remain."

She slammed the pommel of her spear on the floor.

"Give us your orders, your majesty. What are we to do?"

Everyone looked towards the King's back. And for the first time ever, it seemed as if the burden had become too heavy. The hands of the black Panther were slack with overwhelming guilt and despair.

Silence dominated the whole cabin, then silently, T'Challa got to his feet. The young prince walked forward amid the stares of his family and people. The Dora heard his footsteps and shuffled while still on their knees to make way for him.

"Father, you were right."

T'Challa told him. T'Chaka stiffened.

"No, you were the one who was correct about the nature of the world. We have been too...content. Too passive. Too selfish. And now we reap the mistakes of my incompetence. The outside world could have benefited from our help. We... could have benefited from their help as well during a time like this. The gods...it's all a lie. And with it, even the black panther...it has lost its meaning."

He shook his head.

"We are powerless, that much is true. But only when we are alone."

T'Challa responded, stepping up to stand next to his father.

"Our gods are not who we thought. Our enemy not what we would expect. But even with all of that, the enduring factor in all this is hope. A hope to never give up on each other, even when the world and our gods have."

He bent down and grabbed the mask.

"And the Black Panther is that beacon of hope."

He offered it to T'Chaka.

The king looked at his son as if he was seeing him for the first time. Then he blinked, feeling a surge of pride within him. Yes. Not all was lost. They were Wakandan, they would endure.

"Thank you son."

He smiled, wearing the mask and turning to face the Dora Milaje.

"You asked for a direction, we save our people."

(Aden's P.O.V)

Gods, my hate for them has never been a secret. They are self centered assholes with irredeemable qualities.

I had thought that things would be different here but just when I had almost convinced myself of that, my eyes got opened to the truth. Whoever these things were, they weren't the gods I was expecting.

They were corrupt. They were evil and they were selfish.

Actually, scratch that, they were exactly what I was expecting. And they had been using my link with Geb to steal power from me for millions of years. It was what I had been feeling, it was why my divine energy had felt so weird the second I woke up.

Different from the Druids and sorcerers I could feel even now using my reserves and giving back meaning and understanding, these gods were subtly draining my particular blend of Spiritual, Divine, Elemental, Psionic and Mystical energy, using it like a drug. The perfect cocktail. And the two of them weren't the only ones either.

More stars rained down from the sky. The pillars striking and destroying more and more of the Palace grounds and the mountain it was built on. It made perfect sense really. If the humans, no matter how genius they were could actually tap into my abilities, then why wouldn't the gods achieve the same feat?

The number threw me off, I'll admit.

"So many leeches."

I commented.

"This was not the plan. The plan was to lay low and train for the next decade or so before kicking everyone's asses."

Chaos commented.

"Well, you know what they say, plans rarely survive guest contact with the enemy."

50 plus gods, I was caught in the middle of over 50 gods all silently watching me with an almost feral and hungry expression. Like Junkies looking for their next fix. The landscape from before, around us for miles was nowhere to be seen. The shield that had been shimmering in the sky over the Capital city was now gone and dust clouds and smoke covered the night sky.

I closed my eyes and breathed out. Nagini was close to Geb's position, only a few seconds were needed. One of the gods made to move but I raised a hand.

"Wait... almost there...nice." I opened my eyes, cutting off divine sense.

"The last humans are out of the danger zone, now you have no reason to hold back. You're going to need every advantage you can get."

I smiled.

"Who wants to die first?"