
More than 30 chapters of my fics in Pat.reon.



(General P.O.V)

Aden's question was met with laughter from the enemies around him. Over 50 gods. He needed more information. Mental tendrils escaped out of Aden towards one of his opponents, the weakest looking of the bunch. A god with tribal tattoos running up his powerful arms and wearing a helmet made of gorilla skin. He had a powerful club that dripped with brown fire towards the ground.

His mental feelers tried to worm their way through the god's mind but lacked purchase. His efforts did not go unnoticed. There was a shift in the victim's mental activity.

"I can feel you trying to break through Opo's mind, Traveller. Cease your futile attempts, I guard their thoughts and for all your power, you cannot defeat me, Mawu begone!"

Aden's mind was thrust back out. He rubbed his temple in annoyance.

"What happened to hospitality?" He ground out.

"It's the least you could do after selfishly feeding on me without asking for permission."

He addressed them.


Sekhmet laughed.

"We are gods, permission is not needed."

Aden turned to stare at her.

"Is that why you almost killed your own people? Because you think being a god puts you above everything else?"


Sekhmet answered, not even giving much thought to it.

"Wow, you are a bitch."

Aden shook his mind.

"What did you call me?"

The Lion Goddess teeth grew bigger as she crouched in preparation to attack.

"Sekhmet enough." Bast admonished with an exhausted tone. It seemed like this was not the first time she had scolded her.

"You antagonize her further and I will not be able to hold her back."

She addressed Aden.

"Then she'll die."

He shrugged, walking forwards to stop a short distance away from Bast.

"I have a question. Why? Why act as if human life is meaningless?"

Bast was forced to look up from her position. To change that, she lowered her body before jumping out of the crater formed by her arrival. She landed a few feet away from Aden, giving him the chance to actually see her from up close.

"Because it is. The dead shall be led by my sister and I to the green valley where their souls will reside for eternity."

She answered.

"Is she serious? "

Chaos wondered.

"So you justify blatant murder because their is an afterlife." Aden narrowed his eyes.

"There's a reason why there's an after before the life. Death is given meaning by the life lived. You're not being gracious," he looked around at the gathered gods.

"You're just cunts with nothing better to do."

"How dare you!"

There was a massive uproar at his words as all the gods seemed to join in in outrage at his words.

"Kill him!"


"Take his head!"

"And his power!"

Bast raised an arm and the cries died out.

"You're not making any friends here. Surrender and allow to be placed under these enchanted chains."

She placed her hand on her hip and pulled out a long chain glowing with a golden color. A note of interest appeared in Aden's eyes.

"Is that Uru?"

Chaos asked the same question in Aden's mind.

"Most likely."

He answered, wondering if they would suppress his power. Aden was actually tempted to try and see. If they could, it would provide new training methods.

What he was sure of was that the chains made Bast and the rest confident. Up until now, he was yet to understand why they seemed intent to deal with him. He could have demanded to know but Aden was also invested in stretching out the time. He could feel Nagini break through seals and Formations holding Geb captive. It was just a matter of time until he got them safely out of the way.

The gods had the odds tacked against them. They just did not know it. The worrying thing was what he could feel something watching from the darkness.

Countermeasures were needed.

(Kamar Taj)

He just appeared out of nowhere. The Ancient One was surprised by the sudden arrival but took it in stride. She closed the book on her table with the very ambiguous title of, 'The Rift between God And Man' and shoved it back on the shelf but not faster than he could see.

"So I'm guessing you know what's happening?"

He asked, sitting on the chair opposite her.

"The descent of the Ennead and the Vodu. Gods native to Africa with a few outliers among them. I'm surprised the Loa were not involved as well."

He stood.

"I need to know something. Will the world be affected if by some chance they all died?"

She widened her eyes.

"Don't. Kill. Them."

She grit out, slamming her palms on the table.

He laughed.

"You misunderstand, I am not here to ask for permission. This is only a heads-up. Do what you need to do and mitigate the disasters. Today is the dusk of those gods who decided to block my way."

He straightened up, ready to leave before pausing in place.

"Hey, can I ask for a favor?"

(General P.O.V)

The chains dangling from Bast's hands slackened somewhat.

"I knew it." Bast told him.

"You would choose stubbornness over a chance at life."

Aden's mind was split between two things. Nagini had just arrived at the core of Geb's prison. She was struggling to break through however. And soon the tremors would rock the ground and alert them as to his sneaky plan if they didn't already know.

"I can smell his divinity up close. It is intoxicating dear sister."

Sekhmet, the Lion Goddess growled from Aden's back. The latter looked around and a major feeling of deja Vu hit him. He had been in situations like this more times than he could count.

"For the salvation of everything known, we must attack. Now!"

Sekhmet added upon seeing the silent and contemplative look on Bast's face.

"You have our support."

A god with the head of a jackal stepped up to stand next to Bast, watching Aden with an indecipherable look.

"Sekhmet is right."

A gorilla god landed next to Bast.

"We have our differences Panther, but Hanuman stands with you. We need the Power to fight him back. To fight his darkness. We need the boy."


Sekhmet called out, inching closer to Aden's back with aggression pouring off her. With a purple flash two sharp looking sickles appeared in her hands.


Bast still remained silent, content to stare at the silent Aden with a conflicted look. A restlessness gripped the gathered gods.

"We will let the child go if you slow yourself to be captured by these chains."

She threw them directly before Aden.

The latter looked down at them and gave no response.

A trail of sweat rolled down Bast's head.

"Nagini needs a distraction."

Chaos informed the Prima.

"Well, then let's provide her with all the distraction in the world."

Aden who had been waiting patiently, made his move by floating up the sky.

"Are we going to fight or not? Once my sword comes off it's sheath, there is no going back."

And as if to test the veracity of his words, Equity flashed out and managed to split apart a silver arrow falling from the sky. To be precise the attack came from the moon. The energy destabilized and dug grooves in the earth on either side of him.

The first attack had been made. Divine energy made the entire continent shake with power as over 50 gods pulled on their domains of power to fight.

Aden felt them move towards him and flew higher, escaping a multitude of attacks that hit each other and caused shockwaves to ring out, devasting more of the capital. He narrowed his eyes as a wind started blowing from all directions at the same time. The south, the north, the east and the west. Dark storms that blew everything away, uprooting the vegetation in place before forming into a huge figure made up of smoke.

The figure raised up it's hands and threw them down, billions of volts of electric energy, purple in color fell down on top of Aden's position. The attack had seemingly come from nowhere. One minute Sekhmet was ready to jump in, the next all the gods were teleporting away into the sky to escape the attack. Thunder rumbled across the heavens, audible even to T'Chaka and his family who were holding up in the Jabari region.

The entire Wakandan ranges and surrounding areas were drowned under the astonishing powers displayed by Shango, the god of lightning and Thunder. Bast popped up 100 meters above the ground. Next to her Sekhmet, Osiris, Isis, Horus and Shu appeared.

"He is distracted! Now is our chance!"

Shu addressed the rest, holding out his hands and causing Tornadoes to sprout. He released the gyrating winds and made them pour down towards the ground.

The already decimated surroundings underwent another change of scenery. Rocks and boulders that had tumbled down from the raised ground were lifted and used to buffet the last position their enemy had occupied.

"Be careful not to destroy the entire landscape. We need the child alive!"

Bast ordered.

A massive shockwave exploded out with their enemy's position as the Epicenter.

"Attacking me with Wind? Are you dumb?"

The voice was projected straight to all their ears. The dust clouds were repelled by some unseen force tearing through the sky in a flash.

Tiny winds fell upon Shu and completely eviscerated him, the tornado of small winds pulled and pushed him in all directions, tearing apart his body and leaving behind a blood mist and loud painful screams that would have made the eardrums of a normal human explode.


Osiris could not believe it. The god was dying before their very eyes.

"Damn you! Shango some help would be appreciated! Occupy him until we have the child out."

The cloud being in the sky moved to attack once again, holding out it's hands to the sky.

"Oh no you don't."

The winds slashing apart Shu materialized into a handsome man with a black sword held in his left hand. With his right, Aden grabbed onto the divine blood in the red mist that belonged to Shango. Then he caused a red and golden sword to materialize from it.

Without a word, the Vodu and the Enead gods gathered wasted no time to retaliate, feeling the grim aura exuded by the black weapon in his hands.

"Are you going to ignore the Ancient One and kill them?"

Chaos asked just as the second wave of attacks landed, the same lunar arrows spearing through the air, blazing with light. Aden stepped to the side and watched the attacks sail past him, enter a portal of his own creation then shoot back towards the source. The unnamed lunar god was taken out by their own enhanced attack.

"Do you think I have a choice? They're trying to kill me too!"

He shouted at his Chaos side. Reason seemed to have corrupted this wild and passionate side of him to the point every action he did, was seen as reckless.

Before they could move in towards him again, a rumble sounded out. Aden and the rest were forced to look towards the ground.

Cracks appeared on the rocky terrain. Ones that glowed with a purple color that formed up into a very strange symbol. Aden recognized the symbol almost immediately, the symbol of earth bending. And he stood at the center of it.

"I see now, I understand...The Vibranium was merely masking him away from me. I couldn't look if I didn't know he existed."

Nagini had gotten to Geb.


The voice was unsure and scared. But hopeful as well. Aden floated to the ground, uncaring of the enemies trying to kill him. He touched the ground and felt the connection between them.

"I'm here, Geb. Everything is going to be alright. Just follow Nagini and she will take care of before we see each other again, okay?"

There was a silence.

"What about Shuri?"

Aden smiled.

"Don't worry about her. She and a family are safe and I promise I will keep it that way. Just follow Nagini for now."


Geb finally answered.

"Are you actually going to do what I think you're going to do?"

Chaos asked Aden, just as the Avatar connected with the piece of land.

"All this Vibranium is invaluable. I cannot let it be destroyed due to our fight. Once we are done fighting, I'll bring it back to the Wakandans. They are innocent. Their gods are the selfish ones.

"What is he thinking of doing?"

Sekhmet asked, seeing Aden crouch in place with his hands on the ground.


Bast narrowed her eyes. He was trying to separate the chunk of ground housing most of the Vibranium and take it somewhere else. She couldn't let that happen.

Bast opened her mouth.

"Attack! Kill hi..."

Then she choked.

Blood splurted out of her mouth as a fist was buried inside her chest. In a move that shocked everyone present, her body was ripped apart into two pieces. Aden shook his head to get rid of the blood, using his other arm to show them Bast's head, locked in an expression of surprise.

"Still feeling confident?"

To make matters worse, the entire landmass rose up behind him, the rocks glowed purple, casting an intimidating light on all of them.

Bast, had just died.