The moment the prisoner's movement seemed out of the ordinary, Nicholas sensed it.
He could tell that this one wanted to do some harm, so Nicholas moved with him. When the man launched himself towards Kara, Nicholas was there to stop him.
Nicholas sent the man flying, and to his surprise Matthew and Philip quickly modified their own bodies in order to be able to sprint over and keep the man subdued.
"Don't kill him." Nicholas hissed as he saw Matthew place a hand on the man's chest.
"I won't, cousin, I just want him to feel pain." Matthew said as he made the man's ribs collapse on him.
The prisoner screamed in pain.
Nicholas glanced at the other three prisoners in the room, checking to see if they were planning on attacking.
"They've seen what harm we can do." Kara said as she recovered from the attack. "They won't move, and I'll be watching this time."
Nicholas nodded and smiled at his younger cousin.