Chapter 1 part 1 To life and Hope

I'm the last immortal or at least the only complete immortal for the past 10 millenniums my predecessors were all dismembered and spread across the world.

Now I stand over the great planet Venus where 1 of the immortals has revived I picked his motion up on a sensor as the hot being walked across the planets surface.

In my life every being I met or befriended was mortal not living long or understanding me.

Then again I guess you need to know the story.

The immortals were betrayed ,cut down and hunted then capsuled to stop there regeneration and scattered across worlds each tiny piece of my predecessors could never reunite for a period that would be considered eternity over the course of history the world forgot their betrayal.

I'm the last only because immortal children are brought up alone away from their parents and on their 300th birthday they are reunited.

This was simply done to teach us not to take the burden for granted mortals often chase immortality fool hardy believing life eternal was pure bliss not only is immortality more of a curse but beyond mortal fear itself.

I learnt the burden of loneliness and loss so many times that I'm heart broken and depressed I've never married or kissed anyone in my life the pain of loss is so scary for me starting with my foster parents and foster siblings who died from old age I wished I could have died.

My story is not for the faint of heart but I guess it's time for me to tell it be warned what you know of history may change with every word I say.

I grew up on a farm in the old deltas of the Sarah Oasis it was under the rule of the immortal Jupiter.

The immortals were extremely kind to us ensuring that their machines made our lives easy the farms only need us to view it once in a while.

My foster parents, siblings and I would sit and talk about the fortune of the immortals but little did we know the pain they suffered compared to the average person.

My foster fathers name was Caliban and he would take me and my foster brother on long runs every morning along the hall of immortals, as much as we admired them we also hated and were jealous of their long lives.

The immortals had helped us colonize both our neighbouring planets and it was there that their problems had begun.

A small group of humans had wanted full knowledge of the technology used by the immortals but they refused to share the secrets and a rebellion had erupted on Venus.

The immortal rulers of the planet had gathered and taken a vote to not fight back and allow the humans to do as they pleased and that was all we knew.

The immortals had 5 leaders considered to be the greatest immortals ever they possessed magnificent powers and ruled over all the immortals they were Cronos, Ra, Zeus, Gaia and Isis.

I had barely reached the age of 20 when the rebellion began, the people of delta were not as unkind to the immortals as those on Venus we disliked the bounty the immortals had wished for it to be ours but never had we wished to harm them.

The rebellion ignited across the world like a wild fire and rebels popped up just about everywhere my community hadn't joined the rebellion but once it arrived the rebels forced us to chose death or to join them, many struggled with the thought but finally several families gave in believing they had no other option.

My brother and I never did anything to join the rebellion, but when they turned on Jupiter my foster father locked my brother and I in a room in our silo and ran to defend Jupiter.

We were retrieved 2 days later by the rebels and heard that our parents had been arrested for defending the immortals.

Both my brother and I knew we had no choice but to join in as rebels fortunately the immortals were all gone and hearing the painful way in which they were all destroyed made my heart want to cry.

Jupiter had been laser sawed apart over 18 hours and each piece of his body was trapped in stone magma spread across the planet, Cronos was cut apart and frozen into blocks across the North and South pole due to his ability over rock.

The other immortals resting places remained a mystery.

After 30 years my father was released and his body had degraded drastically over time my brother had married and had several children yet I never did.

My unusual youthful looks had brought on rumours among the rebellion that I was an immortal to me the idea was absurd I knew I'd grow old someday and die but my world was still to be turned on its head.

My father had barely been home for a year when he called me over to talk to him and with every word he spoke my heart sank deeper and deeper.

Jupiter had gave my father instructions to make sure I ran from to the outer continent and took on the disguise of an individual named Yeto.

My world had fallen over I was told I was immortal and that all my questions would be answered in Jupiter's great hall by his computer when I placed my hand on its reader.

Unfortunately the hall had been attacked and the computer reader was destroyed.

I had gone on the run for almost 50 years when I finally returned home my foster father and mother were in the last part of their lives.

My foster parents were aged and weak barely remembering anything the machines that made their lives effortless had fallen into disrepair and the extreme labour had broken so many people, my foster brother and his children tended to the fields manually.

Not 2 weeks after my arrival my foster parents died the sad moments of their final breaths seemed agonizing and my foster family mourned with me after a while my foster brother had passed on as well and so did his children and their children.

Less then 200 years of my life had been spent among mortals and I knew pain no mortal could ever understand.

The remaining members of my foster family treated me with as much respect as they could, for they never could understand the pain I bared inside nor the sadness.

Had my life still been under the immortals rule my family would have died at around the age of 250.

The next 100 years had passed in an everlasting pain watching every person I cared for die.

Immortalities true burden is loss, the next thing to happen in my life is where the story truly begins. The 300th year of my life was an endless hassle it all started at the crypt of Jupiter.

The night was bleak and dusty the desert path to Jupiter's crypt was monitored by the remaining higher ups of the rebels.

A second group had grown to restore the immortals and Jupiter's crypt was believed to be the key to all immortal technology.

The 2 had met in clashes as all the technology the immortals had used for ease of life had broken down and no one could fix it or make new ones.

All other tech crypts were impossible to access as the other immortals hid their technology away from the humans. The journey to the crypt was slow as the patrols moved past.

I crawled in the desert sand that was still warm to the touch and kept my movements low the sand entered my mouth and nose and was extremely uncomfortable this slow progression continued for 3 hours.

The crypt was not far now and the place seemed empty no one stood guard and there were no lights just pure darkness from a moonless night finally I arrived and the giant doors were opened, something seemed wrong the place should have been lit up and the doors should have been closed.

I slowly walked into the hall and even in the pitch black darkness I could see that the hall had been torn apart someone had tried to figure the internal workings of the technology but instead they had destroyed everything not knowing what had been done.

I ran up to the walls feeling to see if anything was still intact but to my dismay the wall panels had been ripped out and the glass circuits had been shattered, the power supply seemed to have exploded somehow and the wall that housed the display was shredded apart.

My heart had sunk I would never know how to save my kind or what was intended for me in this message.

I approached the wall where I had seen Jupiter once turn the display on and then as I touched the panel the computer started speaking, "immortal this system has suffered extreme destabilization please repair before attempting another start up."