Chapter 1 part 2 light to shattered hopes

My heart filled with hope and I knew I needed to repair this place somehow.

As I turned around I noticed a patrol had entered the crypt the computer was loud and they had heard me.

I turned around and dashed toward the door catching 1 of the men by his leg pulling him down and scurried of avoiding fighting 8 armed men, next I saw a blast miss my head hitting the ground in front of my hand instantly I kneeled with my hands on my head.

The 8 men wore the clothes of the army of Ra.

I was on my knees expecting to be shoot and left for dead when the man at the head of this group spoke "I am from the servants of Ra so don't stress I won't be killing you. Now are you a rebel or a seeker?"

I clenched up my fists and spoke "I'm here to seek the knowledge of the immortals in hope of restoring them."

The man sighed loudly and said "It's pointless they will not help they allowed this rebellion ordering us to not fight saying its needed to make the others see the truth."

I stood up and looked on the 8 man behind me its was clear to me they had destroyed all the technology so I spoke once more facing them "Did you destroy all this and why did you do this? They could return if we help them and stay in hiding amongst us till they ready to intervene. "

The lead man looked shocked it was clear the thought had never crossed his mind.

The man sunk down to his knees "I didn't think of that if only we had before destroying this tomb they could have been restored. However only Cronos can be restored but his doom is certainly beyond our comprehension his body is scattered here on earth and the colonies are lost, we can not attempt to destroy the ice caps of this world its too dangerous that's how Ra told me Mars was claimed."

A feeling crept into my heart this man must be an immortal to have spoken with Ra but before I could ask he spoke once more "I'm not an immortal I was simply in stasis for the past 280 years sorry to disappoint you."

I quivered still and asked "Could you tell me about them I barely know anything about them myself."

The men all set with me in the hall turning on their torches and explaining to me how Ra and Isis lived the 2 were the most calm and hard working of any immortals.

Their crypts were hidden in plain site in objects of great beauty yet no one could access them unless they are immortal.

They explained to me that the immortals were very dependent on each other as the long course of life only ever made them hurt as their mortal lovers died or close friends died some even had children with mortals but those children too died.

They explained to me how new born immortals were brought up so that they never grew ruthless as no army could defeat an immortal who wished to harm others.

I wanted to tell them who I was but the sadness in their voices made me understand that being the last wouldn't help them I was uneducated.

The men finally concluded the story telling me that their maybe a single immortal child left living on earth and that his life would be torment the likes of which only Ra had ever experienced, since he was the first and lived in that pain for almost 250 000 years.

My heart broke slowly realizing I may end up in that very position.

The men slowly turned off their torches and walked out the entrance taking aim into the darkness of night I could tell that these 8 men were unbelievably tough as they moved so silently not even the sand crunched beneath them unlike me they walked across the sands watching for more patrols.

After an hour of walking in the dark we finally came across a patrol the 8 men attacked knocking all of the patrol down like a well oiled killing machine.

At this point I noticed that even in all the action 1 man had still kept an eye on me and finally he spoke "His clear he didn't even try to make a move against us his definitely not a rebel, we can take him with us I suspect he seems to be as we suspected."

The words chilled me to the bone yet I still understood I was a prisoner and these 8 had run into this patrol as a test.

The men handed me a weapon and gave me a spare set of clothing, they would each lecture me on the usage of the weapon and how I should walk.

The drills on weapon usage and walking continued for 7 days till finally they agreed my walk was right.

The man who stood at the head of this group decided to test my combat skills and in hand to hand his high level skill could barely break my natural instinct every punch he threw was easily blocked however my merciful nature proved to be my weakness as every time he said he had enough I would stop only to be forced to block a surprise attack this continued for 2 weeks and in all that time not 1 of the 8 men had as much as touched a hair on my head.

2 of them had even made comments that I likely had the second greatest defence they had ever seen yet they had to declared I was much to soft making my attack pathetic.

As time passed with this group they kept testing my combat skills even testing my ability to disarm weapons.

The leader of the group finally addressed me asking "The very first time you fought us why didn't you simply take us all down had you hesitated we could have simply killed you and that would have been it."

My mind rushed to an excuse and I responded with "I only made out 1 of you hence why I attacked him and scurried of I intended to kill you outside when you chased me."

The excuse made sense to me however the assumption I had made was floppy yet it matched my actions.

The group seemed to be heading down the desert towards the old blue Nile where we had an extraction waiting as they had told me.

The path was simple we walked down the desert path till we reached the Nile then we descended to the great canyons and entered the labyrinth of the blue Nile.

The man all issued a warning to not let the snakess bite us.

We would only spend 1 night in the blue Nile then it would be over to extraction.

The water appeared blue inside the canyons and the bugs swarmed endlessly, the rich nature in here was a huge contrast to the barren desert.

The day passed effortlessly and sometime in the night I happened to fall asleep when I woke in the morning the group had already prepared to leave, I looked over myself and found a snake dead near my sock hoping no one saw it I buried the body and joined the group the men all gave chuckles to each other and finally we reached extraction.

The men never gave me their names but allowed me to travel with them they had a grand star ship that could easily take on an army of ships as I boarded I noticed a reader panel near the edge of the bridge.

The men headed to the bridge and started the ship and head to a location in space on the dark side of the moon.

I trembled realizing that the reader panel may hold the message I wanted.

I hatched a plan instantly as all the men went to sleep I would wait to get to the panel in secret to find out what was said to me by Jupiter was he my real father.

The night had gone on and everyone was sound asleep when I snuck to the panel and before I could touch it I heard a voice say "Don't touch it. This ship doesn't have knowledge that's merely a weapons platform only meant for immortals it links into them and uses their thoughts to fire the weapon. As the last immortal around your life will be painful but I'm trusting you to find the crypts on earth and someday hopefully you will know enough to save the others but this ship will remain hidden here on the dark side of the moon with us in stasis. I have secrets from you young immortal but you need the knowledge of your kind through hard work I'm sending you down to earth via a pod learn well."

My head was spinning trying to come to terms with what he said I was screaming inside trying to think of what to say.

I could barely do a thing when I heard the loud blast from the sonic gun he used, before I knew it I was on a pod on my way to earth.