Chapter 1 part 3 To life and new beginnings

My entry to earth was horrible the pod burnt up and started falling apart without slowing down and finally the pod crashed down into Antarctica.

The pod had crashed and my body was torn apart, my insides were spilled about me in about a 5 meter radius my heart was before one of my eyes the feeling was horrible the pain was so unbearable it was unfathomable.

After 7 days my hand had finally pulled together and it ached so bad I still couldn't move my eye ball as it had rolled towards my eye socket but the ice held it slowing it down most of my bones were crushed so badly describing them would make it sound like stones.

The physical pain was unbearable but it barely compared to how bad I felt over the deaths of my foster father, mother and brother I had 2 other siblings but I never truly cared much about them but at this moment I missed them more then I ever thought was possible nearly a month had passed before my limbs had formed up into proper shapes and slowly dragged towards me my head was complete and my skull was slowly repairing.

My body had pulled together and my blood filled up my insides once more I had been here for almost 6 months and I could move but my heart ached more then ever before I must have just laid their crying for weeks before I finally I got up and walked aimlessly.

There was nothing but the pain of loss missing everything even my worst enemy's in childhood, I could not stop crying even now but with every step I took I hoped for company by the time I finally reached the sea another year had passed unlike any other mortal my body could still move even when frozen.

Crossing the sea was the next task and I was barely clothed so I hunted seals along the coast using their teeth to hold together the skins making up a suit for myself.

The greater task would be learning to swim but after the pain of slowly reforming I figured the pain of drowning would be like nothing but I was wrong the water burnt worse then imagined drowning didn't leave me unconscious instead my insides burnt as the salt dehydrated me.

The pains were once more unfathomable the air in my body was sucked out and I was sunk to the bottom of the ocean, compared to being in pieces this was worse the weight cracked and crushed my reforming bones endlessly but I pressed on walking after what seemed to be another 3 years I finally was released from the crushing depths and I knew things were getting better the seal skin had pealed away from the currents suddenly the sea floor seemed to slope upwards and as I climbed up light began shining in the feeling of joy was unbelievable finally I reached the surface and vomited up sea water for several hours as the feeling of the air rushed on me the hunger I felt was huge.

I knew my weakened state made it almost impossible for me to hunt as I slowly crawled on to a source of fresh water it was so satisfying to drink this water.

After several days of sipping on water and chewing up flowers I finally had regained slight strength, I was still as naked as the day I was born after a few days I found a broken branch and fashioned it into a spear my mind was working so hard to find ways to feed myself.

I had lived out in this juggle for nearly 50 years learning to hunt, swim, fish and craft.

I had learnt so much a normal person could never have learnt like me plus I'm pretty sure the snakes that bit me were deadly poisonous yet being immortal meant it never could kill me.

My clothing was pretty poor being held together by thatch I found in a nearby field and the animal skins constantly got rotten so they never lasted long.

I had migrated up this land till I finally reached the ruins of farms the bust walls were all that gave away where I was.

I walked up for several months reaching what seemed to be the ruins of a ship the water had began tearing it apart already and the slow moving water seemed to turn slightly red as the rusted metal flowed on.

After several weeks I had arrived at the old city and finally I found the answer to where I was, South of the sea desert and my families resting place was across the ocean in the Great oasis of Sarah.

The land was vacant and in all my time I had learnt that wood floats on water so I punched away at nice tree barks to form my raft the thatch fibres couldn't hold it together so I needed to find another way to put together my raft.

After a year I had finally found a way to make thatch stick together by twisting it together and further twisting it till it made a rope this was an agonizing task to learn and it was just a small part of what I needed to master to cross the ocean I remembered the immortals had machines claiming water from the ocean so I tried this for a while with no success.

Finally I figured I could make containers to hold my water on the raft we had learnt using the mud we can make containers for water but it needed to be baked and I didn't have an oven.

I had been struggling to hold materials together long enough when I decided to improvise some basic items I needed a bonding and preserving agent and in my travels I found such an item.

An extract from the hide of animals that could help in preserving both wood and thatch it however needed me to have vessels to hold it and I had 2 ideas first was trying to basic fire pots then bake them beneath the ground.

This proved problematic at most and consumed endless numbers of attempts till finally I made 80 vessels 60 were holding vessels and 20 were pots the hunting was insanely difficult most of the animals I could hunt were bears and wolves.

Most times I simply played bait and impaled myself to kill the predators but bears made me fight and my reflexes were getting sharper hunting bears.

Finally I had the substance it was a type of glue and it could preserve wood and thatch however the wood still got rotten and drying it out and making logs was tedious.

Several years had passed and I finally had a workable raft it was much larger then anyone could think of making but my skills were improving and finally I could crossed the ocean.

The trip was brutal the waves trashed most of my supplies till finally the raft landed on the edge of what once was the great forest of Sarah, the forest had died and the lush greenery of the oasis was gone.

I wondered the coast walking slowly starving out again but at least I had clothes after a month I came up on a settlement near one of the broken degrading water making machines.

The river was weak and flowed slow by comparison to what I had remembered.

I wondered around the outer limits of the city hunting and eat up before engaging with people.

After hunting in the nearby forest and building myself up I went in with stacks of skins to trade and get information.

After entering the city I noticed it was delta the same place I grew up but it was totally different my family's farm seemed to be the main drawing point of the town next to my parents grave was a stone scared with marks and when I saw it I knew it was the stone I marked my age on it seemed my family kept it up and I was 700 years old it seemed that I had lost time in the forest.

After several years of hunting and trading I had made friends with the locals and it seemed that the immortals were now referred to as the gods.

From what I had gathered up the settlements had all suffered from extreme shortages and only a few settlements remained due to them having some limited form from the immortals technology.

The forest kept shrinking and dying slowly, the trees no longer grew in spring and autumn never seemed to be coming.

These effects were inevitable the immortals technology had changed the land forever and without them we had nothing not even a chance to restore that balance.

As far as I understood immortal technology changed everything even the air we breath to be perfect for human life then again it could have been just for comfort of living.