Chapter 1 part 4 Tasting immortality

I had spent nearly 20 years among these people and it was clear they no longer had long life spans at the age of 40 most of them began becoming weaker and getting sick frequently.

The deaths of every friend I had was approaching and I knew I would never even grow another day older than I had already aged.

In this village I mastered the form of stone carving wood, ploughing and weaving fibres I could have improved their way of life in a month but instead I held back the knowledge knowing improving their lives may mean pain for me like the other immortals.

After several more years I left on the long trade route down the ocean channel heading towards the Nile delta. It was hear that I found the first ever smith's they worked on the soft metals washed up by the river it was gold and they were also learning that heating the other metallic substances in rock made them seep out after learning this I headed down to the outer continent of Europe to find red rocks and work on them.

People lived here too but they were wild savage and barbaric they had regressed a lot but still held enough knowledge to live in this state.

After grinding away at red rocks the fine powder was put under heat and at several temperatures several types of metal poured out and I crafted up metal clothing for myself.

According to what I had learnt the rebels were defeated by the immortal loyalists and the crypt of Jupiter was lost to a sand storm when the forest started dying.

The Great pyramids were left but as far as I knew those were just rumours nothing like that had ever existed.

The immortals all had multiple names and as I crossed from land to land over the next few centuries I learnt almost 2000 names for the 185 immortals I myself had now taken almost 40 names.

Near the great European River and desert I had built my own crypt with stone carved tablets and several metal books.

My very purpose was gathering knowledge and this was merely my first 1000 years but in the next 500 years I developed technology to make my life easier unfortunately my technology seemed extremely toxic and was not worthy of sharing with anyone.

Fortunately for me it meant I could travel faster and further then any horse or camel.

It took me no more then 40 years to better my technology and finally I started flying around using what looked like a saucer but my knowledge was still pretty limited I couldn't change salt water into perfect fresh water like the immortals technology but I could now scan for forms of energy extremely rare in this world and finally I found the first of all crypts of the immortals.

Unfortunately this crypt was found by humans first and they had truly damaged the technology the crypt lay on a true anti-mater rock that had been formed by a dying star this land would later become Jerusalem as people poured in to witness the marvel of the floating temple.

I had got into the floating temple once but once more all the panels had been wrecked but some were fixed using gold to hold there conductivity I rushed up to what was left and filtered through the information the systems were still failing so I needed to learn as much about them as possible and stabilize them.

As hard as I tried the material I used to patch the circuits were all failures my gold was far to impure and all the information I had gathered explained the flight technology I was using and it's huge downside that I pretty much had overlooked.

I learnt all I could from the crypt before enabling its auto destruction mode.

The crypt released a small substance to the rock and the resulting blast shot inside the huge rock vaporizing the crypt and making the huge floating rock into a small rock.

My clothes were made of iron treads as thin as cotton.

So the blast didn't instantly burn of my clothing and leave me naked instead I sailed the blast with threads sparking away and landed flat on my feet cracking all the bones in my legs.

The normally slow regeneration had started already and my ship had arrived near to me whisking me away, I may not have been very well versed in immortal advanced technology but I had learnt several things in my youth by accident while wondering Jupiter's great halls first was the flight technology and second was programming however building my computer was a nightmare of embarrassing failures and its size was much to large along with the fact that if my computers lost power I had to completely reprogram them.

The bones in my legs had healed completely but after several years my mission to the crypt had turned to a legend and something more shocking was rumours of a God above all beyond anything we had ever known.

By the time I reached 3000 years old humanity had rapidly progressed and started using advanced tools and fine threads of silk and gold.

The new technology was in Egypt on the shores of the Nile the people had created marvels of technology including one I found shocking they said that they had built pyramids down the river covering them in bright shiny lime stone capped with gold.

I had to go there the other known crypt was in accessible due to a great wave the city of Atlantis had sunk and vanished.

I had passed the area where it had once been and all I saw was the outline of the shape of the outer wall not an inkling of the old buildings remained something had erased the city and what I knew of Poseidon was that she was also know as Gaia the great and had a habit of being spiteful so she likely had here city completely destroyed and her crypt sunken into the sea floor.

I had begun contemplating all I had learnt and finally came to a conclusion that there must be more people who had come out of hibernation from ancient times.

The other leads I followed were all dead ends leading to nothing but piles of rock in formal patterns.

I had decided to make a new set of weapons and armour before heading to Egypt the new civilization may not be welcoming of people like myself.

The way to Egypt was not very easy as a small tidal crossing and thin land bridge were the only ways into the region this made it important for me to have my ship arrive without me discretely then for me to cross the land bridge, so I didn't draw unnecessary attention.

The possibility was that these were immortal followers or army members who may lead me to the crypts of other immortals or help advance my technology further.

All the work I had done thus far told me my technology was lacking and worse still my technology was completely inefficient.

My power source was mechanical and used steam to produce energy, comparing this to the great sea desert I had advanced a lot however I knew what the immortals had once had was the work of hundreds working as 1.

My metals were impure and it was obvious to me as I made items like thread and coated it in oil, holes would open in my threads as the oil dislodged small impurities at this level.

Electricity was a tough generation, the steam power produced very small amounts of electricity and the computer consumed every bit when stressed.

The last crypt had thought me to mix items and the usage of the brittle white metal was the most shocking I had a small amount of it and a possible new way of making metals better.

Despite all this I had only learnt 2 things about the immortals most immortals stayed away from the mortal world only ever meeting other immortals and that most immortals were from a single period in their history.

The journey had been prepared for, my ship had its course set and my path was also set.

I departed down the long path leading to Egypt the journey would take me several months by caravan as I had to join 1 or risk countless confrontations.

The journey was annoyingly slow as we travelled for a short part of the morning and evening and stayed put for the rest of the day.

Going out hunting was difficult as the other man generally only hunted difficult to catch game like buck, however I hunted predators and I did so now using my reflexes instead of immortality.

I had saved several of the hunters from ambushes of lions however my load of skins grew larger and larger while I paid my way in meat.