Chapter 1 part 5 learning and growing

Finally I had arrived in Egypt and it was really amazing the city was huge from the distance you could tell there were 2 walls 1 internally built and a second on the outer rim of the city, before the walls were nothing as it seemed that all citizens lived inside the great city.

The city was advanced they had learnt math I never even thought of and they were advancing rapidly.

The city had guards at the gate that disarmed people as they entered the city along with a massive statue of Ra from what I could tell, looking at the stone carving I knew that this city had been made by capsuled people.

I had walked into the outer rim where it seemed to be just an endless market nothing but store fronts and inns no homes were set here.

I had walked about the market for hours before finally finding a place to trade in the skins I had, unfortunately my skins weren't the best of quality due to my hunting methods and I had made about 40 weights of gold.

The market buzzed with children running around and playing people exchanging and buying item along with weapons, their metal crafting methods were incredible nothing spectacular but their swords were made for both guarding and attacking, their ruler the Pharaoh was a great warrior by far the best swords man I had ever met in my life.

It had taken several months for me to trade secrets of my work to gain entrance to the city.

After a year I was considered a citizen of Phoebs city of the king I had thought the smith's the art of embroidery with metal threads and also thought them how to improve the strength of metals once forged I even helped better their agriculture with irrigation systems.

I had been living Phoebs for a year when I had been granted an audience with the Pharaoh to spar with him since it had been rumoured I was a fantastic swordsman.

The kings Court was unbelievable it had gold rings shaped onto the pillars of his chamber and ivory decorating the gaps, between rings the carved hieroglyphics were filled with bronze and hammered in till they were a perfect fit.

The kings throne was marble and diamond with gold placed around it but the king barely set in his throne most of the time he spent sparing with his sword and it was a real master piece.

The kings sword was almost 40 kilograms and perfectly balanced the way the king moved most people would think his sword was wooden.

I finally reached his audience and everyone bowed down till their heads touched the ground however I simply bowed my head the Pharaoh instantly smiled and said "This match will determine the level of respect you pay me it will be full force not sparing. "

I smiled awkwardly and began to step into the ring without warning the Pharaoh jumped at me swinging his sword but I stepped to the side as if he was a kid and kicked the blade out of his hand then gripped my hilt and said "I hope you ready to start I don't play around now go get your sword."

The Pharaoh looked me straight in the eye with a look of shock as he picked up his sword my titanium blade was drawn out and it was extremely shiny.

The Pharaoh smiled and charged in and in the most cocky exhibition of skill I fought his attack of with just the hilt of my sword and after toying with him for several minutes I jabbed him with the hilt in the throat.

The Pharaoh dropped to his knees and said " if you wish it my throne is yours. "

I quickly addressed back "the throne is yours but you need to know I will never bow before anyone."

The Pharaoh embraced me like a brother and from that day onward I was welcomed into the city through any door without being searched.

The Egyptians had a religion that actually worshipped my kind but as for me I didn't want to let anyone know who I was really.

Walking along side the market with the Pharaoh we had noticed that multiple people were being caught stealing and being executed with a sincere look in his eye the Pharaoh asked me "Allumic what should we do about the thieves in this city some crimes are so minor I don't think the punishment fits I was thinking forced labour for the rest of their lives till the person they stole from feels its time to release them."

I shook my head in disagreement and said "it's going to cause greater problems down the line and trust me no one will be better off in a few years the current punishment maybe harsh but trust me nothing will stop the endless death."

The Pharaoh was shocked by response but it seemed as if he was still going to do it.

The city was growing larger and larger by the day however the number of residents was beginning to reach a maximized amount.

The inner city was divided into several sections on the central part was the noble sector which just about filled and surrounding it was the servants sectors following this was the traders sector which could easily have been called the largest path followed by the tradesmen sector surprisingly enough most of the greatest traders and craftsman were nobles and I struggled a great deal figuring out who among them were from the capsuled people.

The city was great and the Pharaoh had award me the rank of noble more like I won the rank but that's just beyond the point.

I had a chance to live in the city however my daily routine would not allow it I had to keep searching the world for crypts and advance my technology.

The city was undoubtedly very advanced but most of the advancement came from collaboration of hundreds of people's ideas.

Surprisingly the key to advancement was working together for survival and by the time the work is done the comfort begins.

Myself and the Pharaoh spent many days together sparing and talking.

He was an unusual man his skill in combat was natural it had been trained into him by his father who he said was not in the city but hopefully someday would see all that he had made.

The Pharaoh had appointed me champion of the royal court which basically stated me as 1 of great importance however the Pharaoh did award me 1 courtesy only I could introduce myself by that tittle.

The guards were informed of my rank and seemed rather excepting of my rank.

The Pharaoh and I were out 1 afternoon walking the city when the Pharaoh randomly tripped I caught him by the back of his shirt yet he seemed totally dazed.

I got him back to his feet and as I was about to call for a guard to get a doctor he spoke "Allumic did you see that beautiful women I must find her and propose."

The Pharaoh rushed to turn of the street and catch up to the women he had seen, she was nowhere in sight.

The Pharaoh was so panicked and frantic that I managed to enter the stores were women's clothing was made and enquire as to the Pharaoh's mystery women shockingly enough it was a noble women from the city.

I had found her and attempted to get her name however my poor dress left the women feeling more assaulted by my presence finally the guards were called and I had them escort me away and tell me her name.

The Pharaoh was still search about like a fool when I returned to him and told him I knew who it was he was looking for and that she had already left.

The Pharaoh pounded away on my arm begging for me to give him the name however in his current state he may get rejected and have his world fall apart so I told him to return to his chambers and let me issue a summons for her first thing in the morning.

We walked to his chambers and he gave orders that the court listen to my wishes at which point I issued the summons and had the Pharaoh's servants prepare his clothes for the morning.

Finally all arrangements had been made and I walked up to the Pharaoh to tell him when he grabbed onto me shivering and crying about the girl rejecting him.

In a calm yet stern voice I spoke to the Pharaoh "Pharaoh you the king of the city pull yourself together and be your normal self so you can get your girl."

The Pharaoh darted a look at me and said "You will be there right I need you to be there to smack me straight if I freak out again."