Chapter 1 part 6 The Pharaoh’s wedding

The Pharaoh had forced me to stay the night in his quarters and he was unbelievably restless. He paced his room all night fumbled and dropped items then finally he fell asleep my daily routine had been interrupted but then again this could be used to my advantage and I could get out of returning to the city for several days.

I hardly ever slept and worse yet I couldn't get any of my clothes that I had personally made for the court.

I would likely be a huge nuisance and at this late hour of the night I had decided to sneak out and back in before the sun rose my hut was around 30 minutes away by foot.

I started out the palace and managed to make it to the main path and as soon as I reached the door the guards looked at me all confused surprisingly enough after explaining what I was doing they were all on my side for helping another man with issues of the heart.

I rushed out the city and out to my hut finally I got out my silk and cotton outfits and walked back to the city with it keeping it as clean as possible.

Finally I reached the outer gate and the guards forced me to leave my clothes with them and head to the nearby baths and get cleaned unfortunately I had no choice. After all that I finally made it back to the inner city and it was already sunrise.

I had made it back into the palace before the Pharaoh had woken up and at this point I noticed that the Pharaoh had prepared clothes for me the day before, the clothes he chose were amazing but my clothes were far more spectacular with gold and Titanium garnets on the outside.

The Pharaoh had got ready and looked at me rather sternly looking at my flashy outfit that scream noble to the point it could out do the Pharaoh himself.

Finally we were all ready and the court was opening and as it opened the women from the day before walked in she was elegant and classy she wore a beautiful white dress with a gold necklace.

The woman seemed to be trembling as she entered the court and I still hadn't realised I was standing on the right hand side of the Pharaoh plus the way she treated me meant she taught this was a disciplinary summons.

The Pharaoh once more froze up starring at her intensely ironically the 2 most dense idiots in the room at that moment were the Pharaoh and myself.

I nudged the Pharaoh lightly to get him to grips and the woman started crying.

The Pharaoh was dumbfounded simply fell back on his throne looking to me to sort this out. Finally I spoke "The Pharaoh is a man not some monster that will kill you the instance you before him speak out as to what's going on with him before turning to tears."

The woman's name was Sarah and finally she spoke "Forgive me for my insolence to your right hand please forgive the way I disrespected your court great Pharaoh!"

I had nearly burst out laughing the almost sobbing Pharaoh was even more dumbfounded now and the guards at the door were laughing so hard I could barely control myself.

After carefully gathering my thoughts and controlling the laughter "The Pharaoh will speak to you privately everyone else leave the room and 1 last thing you not here to be disciplined just be kind to the Pharaoh.

Everyone walked out and I approached the guards at the door looked at them sternly and broke out in laughter.

The court was totally silent waiting outside the door and no one could not tell what the Pharaoh was saying inside.

Finally a small knock was heard on the court doors and when the doors opened the Pharaoh was flush red in the face and so was Sarah.

The events of the closed doors remained secret and the 2 both seemed pretty embarrassed.

The day passed almost uneventfully till it was sparing time, the Pharaoh skipped on the sparing and dragged me with him to the market.

The Pharaoh informed me that in the morning he barely managed to propose and that Sarah told him to meet her at her father's store after the zenith.

The walk down was pretty relaxed and the Pharaoh was far less nervous, finally we had reached the store.

The 2 of us set foot into the store and everyone was bowing finally we saw Sarah and her father and headed straight to them.

We all spoke for about an hour and finally terms to the betrothal were set 3 years of courting before the choice of marriage would be decided.

It had been 3 years since the proposal and things were definitely going well, unfortunately the practice of courting had spread fast outwards and carried over to the other kingdoms.

I still choose to live outside the city in a small hut but this day would be the start of the worst and best events of my life although I had been considered like royalty I never set among the nobles.

Today was the Pharaoh's wedding and I was his best friend and had to officiate the wedding since I held the highest noble rank after the Pharaoh, to be honest I actually held a rank above him by his own rule.

To his people I would be considered a God if they knew my secret.

I had got out some of my best metal outfits and wore the best of all, it was pure gold with titanium lines across it to be honest cotton felt much better but it was much to weak for my liking and I never liked being careful.

The outfit I wore today was undoubtedly my most classy outfit however the walk to the palace would take me almost 1 and a half hours today although running would be fine.

The sad truth was I was scared to upset the noble court ironically I had never set in amongst the nobles being noble myself and only knew a handful of nobles personally.

I had other reasons for my lack of contact with them and knew it would be necessary eventually.

The long walk gave no hints to what type of day was ahead of me the weather on this day was perfect the entire city had a sense of celebration and even more the regular sandstorm hadn't come up.

While I walked to the palace I pondered on everything the Pharaoh had gone through over Sarah and it kind of went straight over my head I understood caring and family love, I even understood the idea of lust but true love and craving a person's every moment simply passed over me.

Had I known how fragile and consuming love was I likely would have never fallen in love then again love gives no chances.

As I walked into the Pharaoh's palace she caught my eye the most amazing women I had ever seen she was beautiful but beyond that the way she simply made my heart soften.

It was the first time I had ever froze when considering introducing myself I was terrified to the point I had never been in my life, as she walked up to me she spoke "You in the wrong place this is the Pharaoh's palace you maybe wealthy but this event is purely for nobility of this city get lost."

The Pharaoh burst out in laughter behind me and said "His noble Hathor, he is the next in line for the throne if he ever wants it. Show him respect dear one."

She turned red in the face and marched off furiously, the Pharaoh laughed even louder slapping me on the back several times before his look changed to a look of shock.

"Don't even say it you like her." Said the Pharaoh.

I was so embarrassed my face turned red and it seemed as if all eyes were on me, however the Pharaoh pulled me out of the room and said "Don't stress about it I'm sure she will love you, after the wedding I willing allow you 2 to talk in private as my order so you can see if you truly want to marry her."

I was dumbfounded I wanted this meeting more and more and worse still the Pharaoh beat me to noticing what was going on.

My head was spinning never in my life had I felt like this I just wanted her to talk to me again over and over this feeling was unbelievable and super intense.

It's not easy to describe this but I didn't care if she insulted me hit or tried to kill me I just wanted to have her in front of me again even more weird then that was the fact I still felt nervous at the idea of talking to her.