Chapter 1 part 7 First love

After leaving the room my eyes searched for her and finally a guard announced all guests were in attendance unlike modern world weddings these ceremonies were far more social leading to the ceremony itself only 3 people were excluded from the socializing that being the efficient, bride and groom.

The purpose of the wedding was to help others find suitable matches and everybody dressed to the best of their means.

The bride, groom and efficient stood at the head of the room waiting for the chatter to end and then the ceremony would conclude followed by a mild serving of food and socializing till the bedding ceremony.

All the individuals in the room spoke and exchanged pleasantries till finally they all slowly joined the ceremony unfortunately I still couldn't find her amongst the crowd.

It was not her beauty that bewildered me nor her class wealth or speech it was something else just an unstoppable feeling that had no understandable bases it didn't matter if the person you wanted returned the feeling you just wanted to be near them you would be anything for them a friend, lover, enemy or even spouse so long as you could see them happy.

The wedding went off perfectly but I couldn't stop searching the crowd for Hathor after the ceremony, I walked over to a side of the room I could not see and gazed over everyone hunting for the small sized woman yet I still could not find her the Pharaoh had wondered of and I didn't really follow him.

The searching continued and 2 extremely beautiful noble women attempted to get my attention yet I still kept hunting till finally the Pharaoh tapped me on shoulder and told me to meet him in the side room. The Pharaoh kept to his plan and put the 2 of us in a room alone.

I looked at her and she seemed utterly angry and then she spoke "I'm sorry for how I spoke to you please forgive me I didn't know you."

I looked back at her and said "I don't mind you speaking in that manner to me just get to know me as recompense. "

She seemed shocked at how I spoke but it seemed as if she felt something else in that look however I was oblivious to it, just being in her presence made me forget all my pain I was overwhelmed with joy.

She looked at me and said "Are you seriously considering asking me to marry you?"

I shook my head in agreement and finally spoke "I'd love to but I'd like to let you get to know me first."

Hathor smiled and replied " I'm not some maiden who will do as she is told nor will you have my respect till today Rameses has never had me show him respect, you would be lucky to experience the same."

I smiled and replied "I need no respect or care I have no demands except 1, that you allow me to know you if in the end I am not enough for you I understand but at least give me that simple chance."

My heart was beating so fast and all of a sudden she jumped on me hugging me my world seemed to stop and I was engulfed in a feeling the likes of which made me feel cured of my immortality.

She smiled and said "Well you passed my test and listen here don't expect another of those I just did it as thanks for the respect you showed me, its not a show of my affection."

I stood smiling gleefully for several minutes then finally she slapped me and opened the door.

When we emerged from the room the Pharaoh had been waiting for me to emerge and so was the crowd, the Pharaoh came over to us and asked "so do you 2 want to get married I will have it done for you here and now?"

I replied "I want to marry her but not right away if that's okay."

The Pharaoh smiled and announced "they shall be betrothed in the future at a time of their choosing so congratulations Hathor finally found a man willing to tolerate her."

The crowd laughed and her father came over to me bowed and said "You may court my daughter till you marry but be warned my daughter is a free spirit and maybe hard to handle."

Hathor followed me around the room and was kind of strange like she wanted to say something but the moment I approached her she would turn away I had spoken to several nobles by this time and had established a few good contracts plus now I actually needed a place to live in the city.

I departed the city something seemed different she followed me all day and now I needed to return to the city the next day and arrange to court her as was tradition.

The next morning I set out hunting early and caught my pray as fast as possible, I skinned them and did the treatments at the fastest rate possible by the time I was complete it was already midday.

I had washed up and put on my good clothes the animal skins were cleaned up as well and I headed into the city.

I had my regular delivery to make at the market then I had to hunt down each noble for there contracts.

Finally after all work was done I headed to Hathor's house for some reason the Pharaoh had awarded her the house.

Finally I arrived at her house however she didn't speak to me and just followed me out of the city to my little hut.

After several minutes I stepped out and asked "would you like to see something amazing I have to tell you something about myself."

We walked on into the desert till we came up on a huge hump and then I used my remote to open a passage into my ship.

Hathor seemed amazed by all that I had shown her and then she came over to me and said "You the first man who ever spoke to me so nicely every other man just wanted to have my body but when I insulted them they backed away but you just want to be near me isn't it."

I shook my head and replied "I'm an immortal, so physical comfort means nothing to me I'm a child of one of those you call God's, I don't want to do anything to harm you or make you sad I just want to be with you forever."

She looked at me and laughed deeply as I could tell she didn't believe me.

The 2 of us wondered the ship and looked at some of my trinkets however she couldn't stay long in my ship as it was dangerous for mortals to stay inside my ship for more then a few minutes.

We had finally left the ship and she seemed a bit odd as she once more started to act distant.

I pulled my shirt of and drew my sword pointing it in towards my chest and started to drive it in when she grabbed the hilt and pulled it out of my chest she had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I know you were giving me proof of your immortality but I can't watch you hurt yourself forgive me."

Hathor expressed this with tears rolling down her face.

I put my shirt back on and set beside her and said "Don't ever worry about me I'm immortal and will always be fine I'm sorry I made you cry and as I said don't worry about being rude to me."

I walked her back to the city and finally arrived near the edge promising to meet her the next day at the same spot.

I had walked up to inner city entrance with her when we finally went our separate ways I had to arrange residence in the city and being noble meant only the Pharaoh could approve the notion.

It may have been the day after his marriage however he had to return to duty exactly a day after the ceremony.

I arrived at the palace to see that most of the noble court was empty and as I walked in I noticed that the Pharaoh was bored on his throne.

I entered the throne room and said "Well Pharaoh care to allow me to pick your brain."

The Pharaoh gave me a sharp look and descended his throne he draped his arm around my shoulder and whispered "Those bloody noisy fool's didn't show up today they left me bored out of my wits I also didn't expect you to show up."

I looked at the Pharaoh and replied "After the bedding ceremony most newly wed couples are totally wiped out and need time to recoup so those noisy fool's were just looking out for you, I'm here because now I may need to reside in the city and secondly I need to ask you about Hathor."

The Pharaoh gave me a perplexed look and finally answered "You found out that I gave her a house and that I look after her household directly. I'm going to tell you a story from my childhood about myself my brother and sister."