Chapter 1 part 8 Romance and care

I had an older sister and younger brother growing up what you need to know is firstly my sister was much older to the point she could have had children herself when myself and my brother were born and she had lost a few siblings in that time.

My sister was the scariest and sweetest person I had ever met she practically raised both my brother and I however men had a hard time approaching her if they were after her beauty or intelligence she shot them down.

However 1 day a man entered our little training ground and he needed food and water however my sister refused him aid till the training was over saying if he wanted to end the training early he needed to land 1 hit on her.

He charged in and surprisingly he got a shot and pulled away my sister instantly gave him food and water however he seemed disappointed.

So my sister pursued him and eventually fell in love with him following this my sister made a trinket for the man that my younger brother had always desired.

My sister gave both my younger brother and I a trinket of the same nature but my younger brother grew jealous and on my sister's wedding day he destroyed her husband's trinket and killed him in her arms.

My sister went mad from that day and she ended up killing hundreds of people, in the end she came back to kill my younger brother but myself my mother and father killed her that day.

Hathor's father was my sisters attendant at the time and soon after my sisters death he had a baby girl who looked just like my sister and named her after my sister Hathor I spoilt the child endlessly out of the guilt I felt killing my own sister.

If you ever pass up to Europe 1 of the great tombs holds a story that's almost the same as my sisters.

My little brother was an ungrateful little swine and if he ever found Hathor he would torture and torment her out of the hatred he had for my sister he heard that my teacher had a child like my sister and killed my parents and my teacher fortunately that little gem of a child is out there in the world somewhere and I hope to meet him someday I just pray my brother Alexander never finds him.

The Pharaoh seemed somewhat sad mentioning that story to me and I swear I heard him say under his breath "I wish you didn't look like my sisters betrothed."

I didn't bother pushing to confirm what was said however the Pharaoh had started strolling out of the court and told me "did you know some metals give of heat and to control the heat you use this metal melt it and enclose the heating metal and you control the out put plus its safer."

The Pharaoh next pointed to a large house just 2 doors away from the palace and said "This is your house it was set aside for you the day you beat me in the match I challenged you to, I know this is a bit sudden but I will be heading home now all the best my friend.

I rushed down to my hut and took the saucer back to my crypt and rushed around like I had never done before.

I had decided to follow the Pharaoh's hint and use led to encase the materials I used to generate heat surprisingly it worked perfectly on my energy source and the leaking toxin seemed to vanish plus my ship now had several times the power it had once held.

I also decided to make Hathor a saucer of her own and a control bracelet.

I punched at the computer putting in as much of the design as I could by the time the night ended I had flewen back to my hut.

I shuffled through my outfits when I got back I was freaking out I just couldn't wait to see her again.

The sun would soon be up and I couldn't leave Hathor waiting unfortunately I had no soft shirts and had decide to go with an iron shirt instead.

The morning had barely begun as the slightest light reached the horizon, I ran to the spot where I said I'd meet her and to my surprise she was there.

She was so beautiful with her white dress and gold necklace, her hair was plated and wrapped with gold chains her hair was long reaching just below her waist.

Her face was all shiny in the sun and her eyes were black.

As I approached her the first thing I did was bow bring my back all the way down then I said "my lady would you care to join me today?"

The look on her face reminded me of a small girl getting new clothes and she simply grabbed me hugging me the moment I raised from the bow.

I was so happy that she was with me and the first thing she said to me was "that outfit looks and feels terrible what is it made of metal?"

She punched me directly on the open part of my arm giving me the largest smile I had ever seen.

My heart was beating so happily I could not help feeling happy, this emotion had not surfaced for me in 3000 years.

I wrapped my arms around her in a hug as gently as possible and just held her close to me it felt so strange yet satisfying.

I just stood there hugging her for several minutes her face barely rested on my chest and I could see how calm she was I whispered to her "I wish to marry you but only if you want me so come let's go see some thing special."

She replied to me in whisper as well " you idiot of course I want to marry you, and I don't need to see anything for as long as you treat me like this. When you hold me I feel loved and I love you I think."

We had set of towards my hut once again and this time we both were giddy and talkative.

If only things stayed like this, if only I were mortal perhaps her life would have been better.

We finally had arrived at my hut and I swopped out my metal shirt for a softer less harsh material shirt. It felt strange listening to her talk and explain herself to me expressing her life to me, her problems seemed so simple to me yet I understood the complexity of life mortals suffered and finally after all the talking she asked me what my real name was so I told her I was Horas.

It was the name I had chosen for myself after my foster parents death and I felt it suited me best of all.

She had embraced me in a hug once more and this time pressed her head onto my chest my heart was beating so fast and fondly for her, she seemed to enjoy it.

Her warmth radiated onto me and with every second of the embrace my 3000 years paled to compare.

We had finally boarded the saucer and took a flight around the area she seemed to be bewildered by the view of the city as we rose higher the great city shrunk and then the ship zoomed across the sky.

That afternoon we arrived back by my hut much earlier and decided to ask her father to bless our union as soon as possible.

We marched towards her house to ask if her father would bless our union.

He was already ready for the request before I even set foot in his home.

Apparently he had suspected I would want to marry her really soon and so it was agreed we would be wed in 2 weeks when the Pharaoh would over see the union.

We had spent every moment of daylight together enjoying my little trips around the world and then nearly 4 days later I decided to buy her something from the market.

The market was a buzz some foreign royal group had come through the market place buying up many things from multiple stalls.

The tradition of these people had seemed to have upset many people in the city several craftsman had drawn blades to keep these people away.

There was no choice in this moment I had to take action, as I turned to ask craftsman where the party was I noticed them approaching Hathor I immediately walked up to them and caught the hand of one of them attempting to touch her.

I cleared my throat and voiced loudly "We are nobles of the Pharaohs court, you have violated our laws in this area please stop or you shall face discipline."

The foreigners looked at me sizing up if they stood a chance facing me and stepped to the side speaking amongst themselves, Hathor was flustered and rather angry her face scowled at the man who attempted to grab her.