Chapter 2 part 3 Revenge and scorn

The Pharaoh had followed after me grabbed me saying "we know who did this and they fled this morning just after they attacked you they had planned to punish you for stopping them from having their way in the city.

I'm sorry we didn't catch them fortunately for us you are just sick and not bitten by those snakes so we will get them when we send a delegation to punish them."

I had fallen over again and the Pharaoh grabbed me hoisting me on his shoulder carrying me back to Hathor's house so that I could rest.

When I got back Hathor's father and several guards had come up to me and apologized for the incident but I was so weak I simply lay there and took the apologies for the attack.

The next morning I had gone straight to the Pharaoh and demanded to be part of the cities delegation to punish the nobles.

The village they ruled was less then 2 day away.

The Pharaoh had almost no choice but to allow me to go, the families of the dead guards were weeping about the chamber and the choice seemed way to simple.

The Pharaoh made a long deep sigh and finally agreed to let me go.

In this time I had avoided Hathor and her father approaching me as I was leaving saying "I know what terror there is in almost losing the 1 you love but please find yourself again and return to her after this."

The journey took us to the narrow crossing near the sea and as we reached the village the people had began throwing stones at us and we raised our shields to deflect some stones the people finally stopped when the royal guard of the area arrived.

The guard escorted us to the kings Court and there I noticed the leader of the delegation that attacked me was their prince.

The king stood up from his thrown and spoke in a commanding voice "I am king of this land and by my decree my sons transgressions are pardoned, since none of you are a king, you cannot contest my decision."

I replied "I am champion of the court therefore the crown of the city is mine and I declare that justice be served or we shall meet you in war." The king grunted at me and said "if you were a true champion face my son in combat and win your justice."

I replied once more "six lives were claimed by your sons attack therefore should I win 5 other delegates will be chosen to die by my hand."

The king seemed calm and confident saying "let the combat be held disarm and fight."

I handed my weapons over to the guards in my delegation and instantly noticed the prince was allowed his weapon but I was not allowed a weapon.

The prince jumped at me with his blade fully drawn and bearing towards me I dodged the sword but his body slam lifted me of the ground and sent me flying it was clear his weight was his advantage.

The prince had once more pounced at me but this time I grabbed his sword out of his hand and tossed it aside.

The king seemed scared and his guards seemed ready to pounce on me should I look to win, I punched the fat prince in the head and as he fell over I grasped his head preparing to snap it when the king scream "stop I will not allow you to kill my son claim your vengeance and my guard will claim your life."

I snapped the prince's neck and the guard holding my sword tossed it back to me.

My delegation formed up a wall for defence and I slashed through the royal guard effortlessly finally I placed my blade on the kings neck and said "for violating your terms of justice I shall claim your life."

My blade cleaved his head straight of and I charged to his cabinet and within several seconds I had cut down six members of the court as retribution for their attack.

As we walked out the people of the village ran to their homes locking themselves in, they saw me as a monster just brutally killing them at will not realizing their king had violated my people.

The beauty of the situation was I killed these men for vengeance and I did it with honour, whilst I could have finished of this royal family with 2 more kills I chose to spare them for dignity so that they could learn from their mistakes and grow to have honour.

If only I had been a monster then and finished them off I would never have become a real monster but that is still to come what pain pointless niceties produced.

I had finally arrived back to city and it was not a cheerful return the city was still in mourning for the lives lost honouring those who died like a king would be honoured when he died.

The people all gathered in the public court before the Pharaoh's court and set down flowers, all stalls remained closed for these few days and the women of the city wore black dresses and vales to honour the dead.

I walked up to the higher ring of the city and noticed that the guard had been tripled to prevent any further attacks.

The Pharaoh had stopped his time off and was back in his court feeling guilty for the losses as if he could have stopped it.

Hathor set at home looking at the spot where I had slept it was covered with blood from the snake that had bite me. Several delegations from nearby villages had been turned away and told the city was no longer extending protection to them after the brutal attack we had experienced.

I had finally arrived in the Pharaoh's court and explained to him that I had dealt the vengeance needed however he had wished I killed the entire village for safe measure.

He explained to me that the nearby villages had savage practices and that they would keep a grudge for my retribution. I knew it was a possibility but no one could kill me, little did I know there were worse ways to hurt a person then death.

The people of the city had heard of my exploits in the village and although I was not angry any more I still felt bad at the 4 lives I had claimed after the prince and kings.

Several families had favoured the Pharaoh's opinion of things and had hoped I would have wiped the village out for mercy was always considered unnecessary weakness.

Hathor and her household were busy preparing for our wedding as it had happened to be set for 4 days time.

I was not in a good mood and had to prepare to furnish my home the time crunch made it really difficult to have my home prepared for my bride.

The Pharaoh had called me to the palace and kindly let me know that all the furnishings for my house would be moved it on the 2 days before my wedding so it was best that I make myself scarce once the city reopened its doors.

The discourse between the Pharaoh and myself had seemed odd to say the least.

The days of mourning had finally come to an end the day after I arrived and just 2 days were left till I married Hathor.

Several individuals from the city had attempted to challenge me for the position of Pharaoh thinking that I was sick with poison but I was merely gloomy due to Hathor not being able to accompany me for the past few days.

Her family were preparing for her wedding and as for me the Pharaoh had taken care of all the arrangements for my side of the wedding, I didn't have family to invite so the Pharaoh took it on himself to make this event special.

The city was buzzing again with trade and people seemed to be ignoring me which was unusual as almost every stall owner would normally try to talk to me.

The day passed by rapidly and I spent my time in my hut preparing for a day of hunting for a crypt I believed the city held me responsible for the deaths of their guards that night and found my weakness was revealed.

I had been scanning the south American continent and found several possible crypts that day.

The new shielding on my power source had boosted power output and reduced interference so much so that my low range scan had improved to scan most of the world.