Chapter 2 part 4 The truth of the matter

As the night grew darker I wished I could go to Hathor and just spend sometime with her before departing for my trip the flight was rapid and the area I had detected was not a crypt for an immortal but a journal point for the children of immortals and their lovers who were mortal.

It was weird viewing these journals and I noticed that there were 2 sets of listings stasis bound and dead.

The stasis bound individuals all belonged to the house of Cronos with 2 children being listed first being a son named Rameses and the other named Alexander.

The log had listed that Rameses was currently out of stasis and that his stasis unit was damaged, the computer listed all the information to build a new unit and I noticed the bottom corner listing the immortal who made this machine her name was Hathor Cronos.

Something didn't seem to add up I transferred the information from the unit to my computer and saw several upgrades that I needed to make to achieve the full functionality of the device.

I thought it over as I headed to my crypt and realized that someone in the city was a child of the immortals and they were nearly 4000 years old but could only return to stasis 2 more times before the device could no longer sustain them or at least the device that they currently were using was incomplete in this way.

I had got done with my trip in a single day and at my crypt the information was helping improve multiple systems I had been working on.

The complete system overall would take 5 days to complete and I realized I could help Hathor with this to be my side for many years more then would normally be possible.

I finally finished my work and rushed back to the city, my ship would need to be upgraded as the information provided was some sort of advance compound called a transistor this revolution would improve all my systems.

The compound needed to be made as pure as possible and unfortunately I still lacked extreme refining arts however even with poorly refined part my systems would be improved by at least 90 times in efficiency and 100 times in out put.

The new memory technology meant I'd never have to reprogram a ship again and to steady power I had a means of rapid storage for quick use.

My crypt had all the materials produced to make 1 superior stasis pod and although the parts were made I had seen no reason to complete the assembly.

The ship had landed in its hiding spot and I walked into the forest with my spears for hunting this time I wanted to get done fast so I could plead to spend sometime with Hathor even though I knew in 3 days time we would be married.

The city was decorated extremely well it seemed the Pharaoh had gone all out for my wedding and the people had joined him in this celebration.

It seemed they were planning to surprise me.

I was holding onto a suspicion that Rameses was somewhere in the city of Phoebs I had once noted that the Pharaoh's court had many impressive hieroglyphs that I had never read and today I had decided to finally read the writing on the walls.

The first inscription I happened to read before entering the Pharaoh's court read Rameses's court meaning the Pharaoh was Rameses.

As I entered the court I noticed that the Pharaoh was happy to see me as he came up to me I said "Rameses Cronos!"

The Pharaoh slowly stopped and said "So that explains a lot you immortal aren't you?"

I replied plainly "I know I'm immortal but is Hathor also immortal is she your sister?"

Rameses laughed loudly and said "No, but she is just like my sister and you are just like my sisters first love. The stasis chamber my sister made was meant for her lover but he died before she got married and her invention was too late to save him. I was 237 years old when she completed it and then I was put in stasis, it repairs your body to a younger time but each time you revive that way you age faster and faster, I've lived through 4000 years of revivals and the next time I go into stasis will be my last. Please don't put Hathor through that hell I beg you."

I knew he could tell me much more about the stasis but I needed to know why it was so terrible I had already found a way to improve his stasis pod and circumvent the 4000 years of life issue he was facing.

I asked at long last "why shouldn't I put her in stasis?"

Rameses paused and replied "it's horrible to watch the world wither away from you piece by piece and slowly fade away each friend you make dies and the process to forge new friendships is no easy pain to bear I've died several times from a broken heart and been brought back through stasis. I wish I was dead already but I know my torment is nearly over and my younger brother has 3 more revivals and a wicked personality be warned he will kill you when he sees you after all he killed my sister's first love."

Rameses was crying and his expression made it clear the conversation was over.

I set in the court and looked around realizing that he was right I would only bring Hathor the same pain I had been through watching everyone she cared about die.

It was no easy thought for me to go through but I had a solution allow it to be her choice, let her know the system was at her disposal.

The choice would be to use it or not to use it.

I was more surprised by what he had said about me being like his immortal sisters first lover and Hathor being exactly like the immortal Hathor.

I had plunged down onto the floor and out of nowhere Rameses appeared holding a thin screen, he came and set next to me touching the screen lighting up a picture of Hathor and me but it was impossible it was from another time in the past before we were born.

Rameses said "This is the journal of my sister's lover 1 warning they spent 2 years together and he always wanted to have children so there is a lot of plotting to get my sister naked in that journal."

I had finally got to speak and said "You understand the pain us immortals suffer but you have no idea that out there is something that makes it worth while. I know you older then me but unlike me you are forced to lose periods of time and in that time if you could find a love like what I have for Hathor you may understand."

I looked at the pictures slowly flipping through and noticed a difference between his sister and my love, the immortal had this look on her face that scream out in pain.

The pain all immortals felt.

Rameses pulled a second panel and it was his journal I could see the difference in his eyes he never suffered like us but he suffered a different pain that came from love and it became clear to me immortality was no benefit to anyone it was pain amplified.

Unlike the pain immortals felt from physical injury and emotional pain Rameses only truly felt 1 part of our pain the emotional burden.

I looked over at Rameses and asked "Did you want to be immortal in the start?"

Rameses looked at the screen and said "I only ever wanted to be immortal like my father, mother and sister and I never listened to their warnings that it was a curse not a gift. In fact I'm the reason the healing chamber was made its my design however it used to kill people after 3 heals so my sister worked on it and that's how she met him his name was Horas by the way. What's your chosen name?"

I starred at the picture realizing all I could keep of Hathor would be the images I take of her and then replied "I'm Horas by the way, one more thing I'm not sure why you gave me this but I don't want to know his story I want to know your sister's story."

Rameses smiled and replied "When you 2 meet I bet it will be interesting and unfortunately her crypt was destroy by my brother you see my father stood between my sister and her vengeance. Alexander decided to take advantage and hurt her further by erasing her crypt so that she couldn't have anything of him. I had these but never got to give it to her she was depressed for almost 600 years after his death and she couldn't speak to me after what Alexander had done. I hope when you 2 meet its love at first sight."

I was unbelievably offended at that wish he had made and then he dropped to the ground next to me and said "When I first met you I tried with all my might to keep you away from Hathor I didn't want to see the 2 of you together but the way you 2 reacted to each other I had no option but to get you 2 together. I apologize for the pain I have helped you suffer knowing she will die 1 day."