Chapter 2 part 5 The council

I got up and headed straight to Hathor hoping to talk to her and tell her what I had learned today and as I approached her house I saw her family outside the house full of joy happy for her happiness.

I knew it now I couldn't allow her to be immortal I remember the feeling of watching my family die and she didn't need it.

I got to the door and looked at her father and said "Rameses told me everything please let me see her I'm immortal and my time with her is limited to her life span."

Her father smiled and said "I'm sorry I didn't know please know she only wants to protect you from harm with her life so let her know you immortal."

I gave an awkward smile and said "She knows already but she still wants to protect me."

Her father laughed bellowing out the roaring laugh and said "she is just like her brother Horas."

My heart sunk down and as I looked at her I realized why Rameses gave me that screen.

I walked over to Hathor's room and knocked on the wall outside her room she jumped out of the room in her normal clothes and when she saw it was me she hugged me tightly.

I had explained everything to her and she seemed to take it better then me after I had finished she hugged me once more stood up and walked over to her chest.

Hathor spoke smoothly "I don't want to be immortal but I don't want you to be without me if it can be done do it let me live with you for as long as I can. I know you want me to be happy but I vow your happiness is the only thing I want that smile of yours melts away all things bad I feel."

I knew it couldn't be helped, it was her personality so I intended to keep the stasis pod inactive so that she wouldn't end up in pain if she lived on for years.

Most stasis pods left people asleep for centuries before they are awoken again and then they could jump in within a day without it needing to heal them.

This meant people awoken at different times but no one could live more then 4500 years using the current pods.

The system was difficult to use and it seemed certain that most people would want it but it would never be usable for more then a select few as it needed a DNA sample and both the brain and digestive track had to be functional.

If the brain died the person would completely reset fresh no memory of the past and if the digestive tracked failed the body would heal up but suffer massive degradation shortening the life span from 4500 years to just under 2000 years.

If the system was used to heal an immortal it would make them recover in a day from any injury.

The journal I had read made me wonder how it was that I healed so rapidly from almost any injury according to the journal broken bones took immortals 2 weeks to heal while it took me near 2 hours to completely heal. Vaporizing an immortal normally took 2 years to reverse but I suspected I would recover much faster then the estimate.

I was with Hathor at the moment but we couldn't leave her house she needed to sit around as measurements were taken of her for her dress.

Her father had tried to speak to me I knew he wanted to give me some advice but he was as busy as Hathor with preparations for the wedding.

After about an hour he finally got hold of me and said "Leave this place with Hathor just leave and live in the best place you can. I watched my son fall for Hathor Cronos and in the end he lost his life because her brother didn't want her to be happy. If you stay here I fear history will repeat itself."

I cleared my throat and said "I intend to leave the city after we get married to go live in my crypt and hopefully she will be happy plus we will visit all the time."

Hathor's father hugged me and nodded in approval of my plan then walked of to the Pharaoh's court.

Something didn't add up the weird change in the people and the open nature of both Hathor's father and Rameses, I needed to know what was being hidden so as soon as Hathor was done with the fitting of her dress and had changed into her normal clothes.

I grabbed her hand and rushed away to the court to eavesdrop on the conversation between Hathor's father and Rameses.

There were 3 men in the court arguing, "that village we punished has put a hit out on Allumic and if he stays here they going to attack the city!"

The next man replied "his immortal and by far the best suited to handle this situation."

The last man spoke "if an attack on him ends up hurting his love we have no idea how he will react, remember when Hathor lost her love she destroyed 3 cities, the culprits and the city between them. I therefore agree that he should leave. This may be the difference between the end of all mortals or our continued existence."

The second speaker spoke once more "Rameses do you think he has powers like the 5…"

Hathor sneezed and the conversation came to a halt as all 3 men had caught us out.

Hathor's father was the efficient of the meeting and as we entered I exclaimed "I am an immortal and by your very standards I believe I should be part of this ridiculous meeting."

All 3 men bore the symbol of Ra on there chests.

The 3 looked at the 2 of us sternly as if they were scolding us with their eyes and Rameses spoke "your parents maybe known to us but it's against the oath we took to let you find out from us. However the answer can be found in the crypts of your parents or the crypt of your guardian. On the note of what you heard only 5 immortals posses powers which was common knowledge when you were a kid. Each power those 5 had could wipe out all life on earth Zeus causes static build up till it causes lightning to rain down and her lightning can span miles covering every inch of land, Gaia caused earthquakes to and it was directly tied to her emotions if you got her upset it would quake so badly the city would fall to pieces her bad moods were even worse she could raise the sea and destroy everything before her, Cronos had power over rock and fire and could make any stone do as he wished, Ra had power over light and could bathed places in light till mountains melted away last and most definitely not least Isis the barer of primordial elemental nature could blow you away with wind, burn you away with fire, wash you away with water or bury you in earth therefore she was often called mother nature. You being so young could posses a power greater then any of theirs or no power at all."

I quickly spoke up and stated "I know your oath and the fact that immortals always ruled the top I may have great powers but I am still to learn of them."

Hathor looked at me with a look of amusement and boldly stated "if you have powers I bet you are the greatest of all the immortals!"

The 3 men burst out in laughter and seemed amused by the statement judging by the third man's grinning I suspected he thought to himself she was naive.

I stated smoothly "I do not posses any true powers I'm just immortal. So I'm going to leave after I get married and none of you can stop me."

Rameses laughed and replied "one of us just needs to stab you in the heart and you will drop to the floor powerless till we remove the blade."

Hathor looked to me in surprise and I knew why when I drove the sword through my chest to kill the lion I went through my heart and I never collapsed.

It was clear I was special in terms of vulnerability but it didn't make me untouchable it just made way more dangerous than those who came before me.

I asked "how many people could a single immortal kill in battle?"

Rameses said "for the normal immortals 2000 to 3000 men was the average before blacking out from pain."

I sighed loudly and said "I only ever collapsed from the poison no other injury ever took me down not even being torn apart. By my estimate I can stand regenerating for 3 years at minimum without losing consciousness. Furthermore if I posses a power ticking me off maybe the perfect way to bring it forth."

The 3 men swallowed hard it was a scary thing to think if an army took me on I'd slaughter them all finally Rameses exclaimed "at least if they injure you enough you'd be stuck for weeks before moving."

Hathor's father replied "No he won't he heals rapidly I dare say 2 hours to heal most physical blows his more dangerous then the 5 in straight up combat it explains his speed and strength and why you couldn't best him."