Chapter 2 part 6 Secrets of the fall

The 3 men looked at each other and realized I was a monster that could wipe the world clean and no one they knew could stop me.

Not the 5 immortals or legions of immortals I was a force that nature couldn't suppress nor the world contain.

Rameses finally spoke "I don't think you realize this just yet but you are unstoppable so live your life with Hathor then return I beg you to always remember who you are."

Hathor spoke "if I die by the hand of anyone do what ever makes you better but once your vengeance is done remember me."

The 3 men had gone pale the words Hathor had uttered were as scary as anyone could imagine she had threatened the existence of the world, the words had also shocked me and then I realized it was a threat to 3rd man before us to make sure he knew not to cross me.

I replied "I'd wipe out everyone from their tribe men, women and children not one life shall remain for the ones who harm my love."

The 3rd man dropped a dagger he had been pointing at Hathor and ran in fear.

Rameses replied "you 2 are terrifying seems that you 2 aren't naive at all you definitely are going to love my sister when you meet her bet the 2 of you will kill plenty idiots."

Rameses was laughing of the fear the second man had likely fainted on the spot.

Rameses had walked of barely feeling any fear and Hathor was flustered her face turned red and she was grinding her teeth, her hands were balled up into fists and she was glaring at Rameses.

The screen Rameses had shown me earlier was on the bench behind me so I picked it up and showed it to Hathor, she seemed shocked at the pictures and looked at me wondering how it was possible.

I flipped through several pictures and finally I spoke "this is Rameses sister her name is Hathor and she is immortal but the man with her is your elder brother, he died at their wedding at the hands of Rameses younger brother Alexander. Rameses thinks that in the future when I meet his sister I will end up loving her and she will love me."

Hathor hugged me and whispered "promise me that when you meet her you will see me in her when you are with her."

I was not happy to hear that I wanted her to rage out against the idea saying that only the 2 of us were meant for each other.

The gloomy conversation had been depressing and Hathor's words made my heart ache with pain it was something I knew would happen in the future I just wished she never said that.

I caught Hathor's hand and pulled her out of the court and just after leaving we came up to my home at which point I headed inside despite being told not to go in there for at least 1 more day.

The home was beautiful and had ornaments up everywhere it seemed Rameses was ahead of himself.

I was still holding Hathor's hand when finally I pulled her to the balcony, there blankets out here next to the door and I suspected it had been set up by Hathor's father noticing how we had behaved almost a week ago.

Both myself and Hathor set there in the dark then I finally spoke "A life without you isn't something I never want and even if there is someone who looks like you out there she could never replace you. She couldn't replace a single hair on your head and most of all she could never replace who you are I could never replace the feeling I hold for you."

Hathor placed her hands on my face and brought her forehead to mine then she said "I love you and it means that no matter what your happiness means the world to me and it may be extremely painful to wish you a life with another woman but when I saw her I saw myself and I knew in my heart it was the right thing to say. Even now as we speak I know it's not what you want hear but it must be a drive for you to meet her for me I know I will never meet her because when she returns I will be long gone."

The words cut me deep I had no way of arguing against her points and worse still I knew she was correct.

We set there like that for several minutes then Rameses cleared his throat loudly.

Rameses looked at us with a smirk and said "I'd tell you 2 to get a room but both of you wouldn't know what to do anyway."

Hathor balled up her hands into fists stood up and shout "Rameses stop teasing us we aren't going to do anything because we will get married soon then Horas can have his way and do what he wants with me but till then I will not ruin the excitement he likely has for that moment."

Rameses simply laughed as Hathor pounded her hands on his chest like a child and then finally I spoke " Rameses what is it you want to talk about?"

The sudden question seemed to cut straight to the point and Rameses suddenly replied " The story I told you I think it's time I explain exactly what happened."

Rameses dropped to the floor sitting next to me and started up the tale of his family.

Firstly you need to know that Earth is only the home of humanity for 4000 years now and before this we lived on a planet called Olympus.

The planet was far larger then Earth and was much better suited to human life, everyone on Olympus was a descendant of the immortals and unlike Earth we all were educated on technology to the point that we had advanced far beyond the technology you saw on Earth.

The immortals had made all 32 planets in the solar system liveable and in the end my sister and brother had kicked of the end of the world.

Hathor had raised myself and Alexander from the time we were children and she educated both of us and then I built the stasis healing pod that could heal a mortal 3 times and then my sister took over my work and started improving it.

Eventually she fell in love with Horas and was spurred on by his personality to improve my design finally granting us 4500 years of life over the 300 year life span we had.

Alexander had always wanted immortality and my sister first gave a pod to her betroth over either of us this caused Alexander to become jealous and a few days before her wedding she had perfected the pods so we lived on forever.

Alexander found out about the improvement the morning of her wedding and wrecked her husband's pod making it unusable.

At the wedding Alexander drove a knife through Hathor's heart and into Horas.

Hathor couldn't move and my father grabbed Alexander pulling him aside, I pulled the sword from my sisters heart and rushed her husband to pod.

Hathor watched him dying for 5 minutes and we couldn't do anything to get the pod working.

My sister was so angry she tried to kill Alexander and my mother Zeus stopped her. Eventually Alexander had taken 82 immortals hostage and demanded that all immortals agree to a peace treaty.

Unfortunately my sister charged them head on and in the end Ra stepped in and used his light to destroy the entire solar system.

In the end Alexander had some how been smuggled to our new world by my mother, and Alexander had started the rebellion you witnessed.

My sister had lost her mind and tried to destroy the new planet at which point we cut her apart and put her under stasis to keep her body in pieces till enough time had passed.

Eventually all that led to where we are now my mother was the reason the immortals choose to surrender to the rebellion.

Ra initiated the technology lock down and most of the rebels died that's why you never met another immortal or had yourself introduced to your parents that is why you are to find all the information on the immortals on your own.

Hathor and I set there half bewildered and I finally realized why all the pain I had been through was needed.

It now made perfect sense why Rameses treated Hathor the way he did his guilt was the guilt of his family plus his compassion to me was an apology for all he had done.