Chapter 3 part 1 True love and its monster

The wedding was just a day away and all preparations had been completed Rameses had planned out everything including how he would explain my departure from the city.

The conversation we had with Rameses, Hathor's father and the other man seemed to have been received by all the nobles of the city.

Several guards had been assigned to improving the security of the city, Hathor was under such extreme guard that no one could approach her except for me.

Rameses had been preparing the court for my exit to make it clear we intend to tell the people the gods were going to take me to visit the boat of Ra as it crossed the sky, my flying saucer was going to be my chariot.

The city was extremely busy and it didn't help make things easier, people kept turning individuals away from nearby villages for having small blades hidden on their person.

This was nothing new as most people managed to smuggle knives into the city and if you hadn't you could purchase one from the market.

The threat Hathor had made was definitely the defining factor for the extra harsh security.

The city was a buzz and the sun had begun to set I was with Hathor near the Pharaoh's court the normal conversations we would have were impossible due to the guard but none the less we kept staring at each other.

As we approached the court we heard a scream and out of a dark alley a man jumped at Hathor with a blade, I had caught the blade with my hand however it had gone through my hand and scratched Hathor on the hand.

I punched the man and drove his knife back into his chest with it still going through my hand.

I was absolutely angry to the point that a blinding rage started to build inside me, my hands started to shake and I started yelling and screaming as I kept punching the man but just then as his face started ripping apart I looked away at Hathor and started to cry.

The man was dead and blood was pouring out of his ripped up face his skull was crushed and his brains too was pouring out this was the most brutal reaction I had in my life.

Hathor had been pulled back by the guard and had only heard what I said but not seen the brutality.

My rage blinded me once again and I pounded the man's corpse once again.

The guard had rushed Hathor back home and the nobles gathered around me waiting for me to move I was shocked at my outrage.

Rameses had finally arrived and said "fall back everyone I will handle this."

The guards pulled the crowd away as I kept punching the corpse.

Rameses put a hand on my shoulder and without saying anything I gave him my hands covered in blood and flesh I had kept hitting this man and tore him apart my clothes were drenched in blood, and where I was bent over was a puddle of blood and the man's meshed up flesh and bone Rameses pulled me up and saw the tears running down my face he dragged me along with him pulling me from my urge to return and keep hitting the remains of the body.

I couldn't concentrate and beneath my breath I kept saying "he wanted to take her from me, I will kill them all!"

I kept droning in that state and several minutes later I snapped back to myself and noticed Rameses had brought me to his house and got me into his wash room.

I looked down at my hand and saw the gore and blood as it dried onto my skin the knife was still in my hand and I finally pulled it out and noticed the shape the blade was not 1 made in the city nor Asian or European meaning it could have only been from the Southern tribes.

Rameses cut into my thoughts and said "hold off the revenge she is fine, be calm we shall deal with it once you leave tomorrow. This city will crush both the village the assassin was from and the ones who put out the bounty they will never chase you again after that."

Never in my life had I approved of violence I had always fought when it was necessary never in hate or to satisfy a whim but in this moment I wanted to make them all hurt I just couldn't understand this hate it was as powerful and consuming as love.

I walked over to base of the washing bowl and started to clean my hands the water seemed to instantly turn red as the blood started to come of and then I said "if they try to harm her again I swear I shall kill every tribe south of this land every man women and child will be torn limb from limb. There will be no mercy from me."

Rameses took a deep breath and replied "If they harm her I will personally join you on that campaign and once the revenge is over I will return home."

Rameses had servants bring me more water to clean up as I looked into the next bowl I saw my reflection, I was truly a monster blood had been splattered across my face and my hair had pieces of bone and flesh stuck in it.

After 9 bowls I was finally clean, the mess I had made was clear and I looked at Rameses and asked "can I please go check up on her. I need to see that she is okay."

Rameses didn't reply he simply grabbed me and dragged me along to the spot where the remain were splattered and said "be warned with love comes it's companion hate and if you think sorrow was bad wait till the guilt from hate hits you, it's worse then what you can imagine."

Rameses then turned for Hathor's house and I followed the anger I had felt earlier was quelled and subdued.

Love was no joke it consumes and twists you becoming your very core, if love is lost or feared to be lost you lose yourself to loves companion hate.

Hate itself was bad but the hate from love erased the person you are it sinks you deep within and brings forth rage this true rage holds no sense it burns away all reason.

No matter the time that passes it never ends the hate burns on growing more powerful as your fondness for the 1 you love grows ever stronger.

Everymen in the city seemed to have got news of what happened and the city doors were sealed refusing any outsiders in.

The southern tribes people were all being rounded up and confined to protect Hathor and myself it was clear the people cared for me like one of their own and now they too would protect me like 1 of their own.

I had finally reached Hathor's house and I was afraid she saw what I had done and no longer loved me.

I stood at the door paralyzed fearing her reaction, it felt like years had passed in the seconds it took her to get to me.

Hathor threw her arms around me hugged me tightly then stepped back with tears rolling down her face and smacked me she then shouted at me saying "I told you I'm supposed to protect you not you protect me and thanks to me I saw you in pain again, don't you care how I feel."

The urge to kiss her was overwhelming and as I grabbed her Rameses put his hand between our lips stopping me from kissing her.

I felt really silly and embarrassed that I had to be stopped and Hathor's father jumped in "why did you do that Pharaoh it was so perfect it would have erased the pain from the day. Hathor and I turned red in the face it was so embarrassing being stopped from kissing, I looked at her and smiled awkwardly she too was embarrassed and we both headed in opposite directions.

I held my face and turned around heading to Hathor and Rameses just kept laughing as the 2 of us bumped into each other.

I finally uncovered my face and I was staring at Hathor, she slowly grabbed my hand and pulled me through her house to the balcony.

I quickly said "I'm sorry for trying to kiss you earlier, we just have a short period before we are united as 1 and most of all till I have you by my side forever. I'm sorry for making you feel bad, someday you will have chance to save me till then I hope you can accept me saving you."

Hathor was smiling at me then she said "From tomorrow onwards I will do all the saving you just have to watch me look after you and trust me when I save you there won't even be a cut on you."

Hathor had pulled up her hand showing me the small cut she had and if it weren't already awkward Rameses walked through the door way and said "It's time for you 2 to go your separate ways till tomorrow you hours away from marriage, save your honour and don't kiss!"

I was staying in the Pharaoh's court in his chambers for the night so the 2 of us walked off had I known what was to come I would have taken Hathor with me that moment and flew of to live together without the marriage ceremony.