Chapter 3 part 2 Weddings and bloodshed

The morning sun had risen and I was so happy I hadn't slept a wink that night I couldn't wait to spend every moment with Hathor.

Rameses had made a tunic for me it was pure black and was lined with gold and jewels, the pattern running down was a story telling the tale of true lovers who loved each other so passionately that even beyond death their souls found a way to be together.

My outfit was pretty plain in all other aspects making it perfect for me, and the inner outfit was a pure black shirt and pants with a black rope to bind the outfit together.

I got dressed as fast as possible and stood at the window waiting for the sun to rise further up from the window I could see Hathor's house and it was a buzz people ran in and out with bowls of water and her dress had been carried in.

Her dress was beautiful, it was white with red gems on the dress.

I realized I had yet to wash my face and groom my hair and as I opened the door Rameses, his wife and several servants were lined up waiting for me they rushed in wiped my face groomed my hair and had me looking respectable.

My long hair had been tied down and fringe had been cut down to size, my beard had been shaved off and some kind of ointment had been plastered onto my face.

A lavender perfume had been put on me and then I was left to sit in the room.

Normally the groom would have been sent to the royal court but this time there was a ton to straighten out, firstly I was set to be Pharaoh after I was married and after the craziness with the village it had been decided that I would leave, secondly my leaving was an absolute disaster being the highest ranked warrior meaning the cities protector would be leaving lastly the cities true nobles all knew I was an immortal with a scary level of skill and resistance meaning they wanted to eliminate or control me and Rameses had to straighten all that up before I arrived.

The court poured with nobles and their tending servants each walking in socializing and taking a seat and I stood at the head of the court waiting for Hathor.

The court had filled up and everyone was in and finally Hathor arrived she was beautiful her hair had been combed straight and it shined beautifully, her dress was long just barely of the floor it was so white that it seemed to glow with the sunlight.

Hathor had stepped up to the head of the court and I stared at her looking into her eyes feeling unbelievably nervous and my entire body had gone soft at ease I was so anxious and the ceremony was about to start Hathor had been so late that the socializing ritual was already complete.

Rameses took a deep breath and spoke loudly "To everyone is gifted an equal destined to us in eternity, they were made with us fashioned from a single soul so it may be completed in love. With all great things comes responsibility and in this eternal union the responsibility is to each other. Honour each other as equals, love each other, not like you 2 need to love each other more then you already do."

The nobles laughed and giggled at the statement, Hathor smiled at me giddy and gleefully while Rameses laughed loudly.

As everyone died down Rameses spoke again "I will now make it clear do not enter this union lightly consider this decision and remember should you choose this union it is for you and your equal let no difference come between you. Do you Horas take Hathor as your equal, love and wife?"

I cleared my throat and said in a whisper "I do with all my heart."

Rameses laughed and said "speak louder or you can't be married."

I turned red in the face opened my eyes looked directly into Hathor's eyes and said loudly "I love you and with every part of my being do I accept you."

As Rameses began speaking Hathor pulled me hard dropping me face first and as I turned around to see what had happen blood splattered across my face.

The room had shrunk in terror there was a blade through Hathor's chest and her blood was on my face she had pulled me out of the way and the assassin had stabbed her for pulling me out of the way.

The man dashed passed Rameses who had caught Hathor and jumped through the window.

I grabbed Hathor out of Rameses hands and started screaming "Rameses help her please, I beg you help her."

Rameses said "The stasis pods you making take her there now."

I instantly signalled my ship and it came in rapidly scaring the people of the city, Rameses followed me on bracing the knife into her chest trying to prevent her from bleeding out.

The ship roared out at maximum speed heading to my crypt.

Rameses looked at me with a look of worry and said "please tell me it's complete."

I braced my fists and with a look of defeat I replied "No but you can help her hang on for a day more can't you."

Rameses let out tears and on a low whimper he said "Her heart is pierced by the blade she doesn't have more then 10 minutes more say your goodbyes."

My heart sunk and inside my mind it started screaming in pain and misery.

I felt weak and dropped to my knees this couldn't be happening our life together hadn't started as yet and it was ending.

I grabbed Hathor and the tears started pouring and I spoke "I told you never worry about me I'm immortal, now I've killed you with carelessness."

Hathor reached her hand to my face and said "I love you and no matter what you are I will never let you get hurt.

This is not your fault it's that murders fault I will always love you promise me you will continue being happy without m…. "

Hathor's hand fell of my face and her eyes went steady not moving.

I scream "Rameses if we put her in stasis tomorrow will she comeback."

Rameses shook his head saying "if you revive her past 10 minutes she will just be a body with no memory or ability to move just a living corpse."

I stood up and got to the controls looking at the time of arrival being 5 seconds.

I started scurrying about my crypt and called to Rameses "Can we put her in your pod or her father's and revive her?"

Rameses still held Hathor in is arms with tears running down his face and replied "Our pods were rigged to refuse anybody besides us entering the pods this was her only hope."

I has started the assembly operation the computer and was carefully watching as time ticked on.

The crypt was buzzing along building up the pod I rushed to it hoping that I could somehow rush the build I did as much as I could and after an hour I dropped to my knees again.

Hathor was dead all she was and all she could be was lost my love and hope were gone.

My anger started to surface as I let out a deep scream like a roar and I got into my ship heading straight to the village that had ordered the hit.

I grasped my best blade in my hand and Rameses seemed to sit over Hathor's body patching the wounds for her burial.

The ship had reached the destination and I ran out in rage and slashed away the first person I saw was a woman no more then 19 years of age and I sliced her head off with no compassion the people rushed to fight me but I kept slicing them killing everyone in sight in just 5 minutes all the men were dead and I was filled with blades stabbed into me I pulled them out and walked over to the stables killing every creature.

I walked up to the first home and kicked the door in and killed everyone inside the screams didn't sway me or slow me down in any way.

I was not alone in this Rameses had been fighting as well however I held true to my rage and spared no one not the elderly, women or children I slaughtered them all.

I had finally finished of all the villagers and now the remainder of the royals were up.

I fought them all and after defeating them left them unarmed and beaten on the floor the rage within me had decided a quick death was to kind Rameses had not intervened as I started slicing their tights to prevent them escaping.

I let the women run and the 2 royal men seem to get away I walked after the wobbling women and sliced at their backs missing the spine to cause pain after 30 slices they were crawling trying to get away so I drove my sword through their stomachs.

The men had wobbled to the stables and when I caught them I sliced at their hands chopping it down slice by slice the men begged for death but I refused and kept slicing till they had bleed out.

I dropped down in the centre of the village were the sand was muddied with blood and looked at the bodies and thought to myself now the assassin shall pay.

Rameses came up to me approaching slowly and cautiously saying "We need to take Hathor back to Phoebs and give her a proper burial."

The tears flowed down my face and Rameses seemed to be crying with me as we walked to the ship.

The ship had barely taken off when Rameses scream "Those bastards! How could they kill my precious sister before my eyes!"

Rameses was pounding his fist into a desk in my ship.

After several seconds a second scream was heard "How can I be so fucken weak that I couldn't save her! Now I have to spectate Horas taking revenge for her! I'm trash worthless fucken trash!"

I had set the autopilot and walked over to the room where Rameses was and said "You aren't trash and it wasn't your duty to protect her it was mine."

I pulled my sword from sheet and handed it to Rameses dropping my guard completely.

Rameses didn't speak he simply dropped to his knees and hugged me the 2 of us were grieving the loss of 1 we held to dear to even imagine losing.