Chapter 3 part 3 The immortals rage

My ship headed to the city finally I arrived back stopping at Hathor's house the tears hadn't stopped I picked up her body and in agonizing pain I walked with her in my arms unable to speak or shout or hit me she was lifeless and without expression.

I was so furious that after putting her body to rest in her home I walked to the city's holding cells and Rameses followed me.

The prisoners looked at me and spat at me I handed my sword over to Rameses and entered the cell I beat the men down snapping their bones and ripping limbs of till finally one of them gave me the assassins name and village.

I killed every prisoner and walked towards the main gate.

Rameses followed me mounting his horse and heading with me to the next village where the assassin was from.

The village was much larger then the other village and children played across the path to the chiefs hut, as I grew closer my mouth grew sour and my stomach turned I wanted to kill them all but the assassin was the most important.

The chief had disarmed me before allowing me before him, the man was tall and well built but he didn't seem to care what his people had done.

He said "the death of 1 petty women means nothing compared to the riches of the reward for your life."

I was pissed and jumped up punching the chief to the ground his guard rushed in driving their swords into my belly.

I grabbed the man closet to me and beat him senseless the guards all tried stabbing me but it was pointless.

The first man had finally started oozing blood from his head and I had his sword in hand and I moved quick dodging attacks and cut the chiefs making him in capable of running his guard split in 2, 1 group carrying him away and the other fighting me I slaughtered them rapidly and chased after them.

I noticed several guards enter another hut and pushed after them it was the chiefs family, his wife and 4 children were left in the hut I forced them out and made them walk to the stables.

I stood outside the stable door with my sword at the neck of the chiefs wife but no one seemed to respond to my presence.

After several minutes I said "choose watch me torture them all to death or step out give me the assassins name and location and die!"

The chief scream from behind the door "let me live kill anyone else you wish and I will tell you where the assassin is."

One of the children blurted out "the assassin is in a village south of here he is called Tshaka."

My eyes narrowed and I killed the family as swiftly as I could and marched to door of the stables kicking it hard and then I heard the charge of horses jumped back and as the horses pushed through I stabbed them in the side 1 by 1.

The guard was scattered around me and my blade was in the chiefs hands I snatched it up and stabbed his men in the gut the villages were terrified and remained hidden inside their houses the chief scream begging for help but no one came as I cut him apart piece by piece the rage had once more consumed me this time my rage had spilled over remembering the last time I showed mercy and not too long after I killed everyone in the village I had nothing to protect but this was simply to satisfy my rage.

Rameses had been waiting for me near the outskirts of the village, before heading in he had warned me that they would instantly try to kill me and when I arrived he said "if you let the rage consume you soon you will fall victim to hatred like no other please find yourself again before the guilt is beyond your limitations. I have seen immortals rage and unlike us mortals you murder till the pain fades but once it fades you no longer have yourself and fall to guilt."

I refused to reply they had taken Hathor from me, my happiness my only joy was robbed from me by the hand of these people's assassin and anyone who dared protect him would reap the same punishment he gave Hathor for protecting me.

The quest for the assassin continued as we rode on to the south, the next village had launched a volley of spears into me before I even said or did a thing.

I had charged into the village and killed them all once more the number of people I had killed was starting to climb rapidly and now I was responsible for nearly 300 hundred deaths.

I had no intention of being even slightly merciful at this point the way the villages stood up for their assassin made it clear I had to kill any village that resisted giving me information.

After several days we found an army it seemed they were assembled to fight me, I ordered Rameses to leave and walked over to the head of the army.

"Why is this army on this road?" I asked.

The leader replied "to take vengeance on you for the lives you have taken."

I clenched my fists and replied "hand over the assassin and no further death shall follow if you refuse to hand him over I will punish you all and your villages."

The leader drew his blade and sliced clean through my neck and my body fell over after several minutes I got up with my head reattached and exclaimed so you all shall die the leader on the horse began quivering and the army seemed terrified they knew now they were all dead.

The battle had lasted for nearly 2 days but the army had fallen and I stood upon a mound of bodies in a puddle of blood.

I marched on to the next village and before the village stood their leader and all his guards disarmed they were waiting for me.

The leader spoke "please great 1 spar my people the assassin has escaped and all our men are already dead by your hands."

I grasped my sword and replied "your people stood for the murderer now you all shall pay."

The village was decimated every one in it was dead I continued my march to the Central kingdom of the villages there set their high king in his seat of power.

The army had been dispatched by them and by now the soldiers who got away must have told them how terrifying I was.

The central kingdom was huge and splendid with massive building all about as I walked in many guards had abandoned their post and fled my approach.

The kings Court was similar to the court of the Pharaoh but these nobles feared me like no other the doors to chamber swung open and the king dropped to his knees and said "forgive my people immortal the actions committed are unforgivable please spar some of us so that our people have a future."

I drew my sword and as I was about to swing the kings wife pulled him aside to save his life my mind flashed back to what Hathor had done to me and tears rolled down my face and I replied "kill all elders in all villages leave only children under 10 or I shall kill you all that is my mercy to you."

The king bowed and said "thank you immortal, mercy in pain is hard I am grateful for this mercy you now show in spite of your pain."

The court spread out killing people it was clear my vengeance would soon be over.

I summoned my ship and picked up Rameses and told him what had happened.

Rameses stared at me and finally asked "How many people have you killed? How many will die due to this?"

I replied as calmly as I possibly could with "I killed 42000 people so far most having been part of that army and I suspect another 15000 more will be killed to satisfy my vengeance."

Rameses had an expression of absolute terror on his face as he looked at me and said "You realise Earth only has around 4 million people you literally wiped out 1 percent of the world by your own 2 hands."

I took a breath and said "I don't care, I'd kill 1 man for everyday I have lived that being 1095000 just to show them the pain they caused."

Rameses seemed shocked at my new personality and exclaimed "That's the second time I've heard an immortal express that sentiment."

I gave Rameses a look that scream don't you mention your sister.