Chapter 3 part 4 To a better tomorrow

The city was empty and very little trade seemed to be flowing through the southern villages were all gone and only the eastern traders came by.

The villages called me lord Horas now as my real name had been given out freely, the southerners called me the wrath for the loss they had suffered and the children worshiped the ancestors praying the wrath never returned again.

The feeling of satisfaction had began to fade and my mind played over every life I had taken making me recall the horror in the eyes of every person.

Rameses told me of an immortal named Amaterasu who had once wiped out an entire planet worth of people for killing his child he never not once stopped mourning his child and would burn people alive for any action against him.

When his mind had settled he was tormented by the lives he had claimed remembering every person he had caused to die driving him insane.

The children who's lives he had claimed only deepened the pain of loss in him eventually causing him to protect children.

This would soon be my fated torment, for my actions.

The home I lived in now was much more grand then my hut and I could hunt as wildly as I liked since the people knew I was immortal.

The home I had was as large as a the Pharaoh's court and on the far left was a crypt which held the body of Hathor.

It may seem rather strange but I slept in the crypt next to Hathor's grave remembering her and only anger filled me when I reached the end of my memories.

The home I had been given had grown old and musky as I hadn't spent time inside and the people left me offerings at the crypt to try to ease my pain.

The torment had started but I wasn't depressed at the lives I had taken I was angry that I personally hadn't erased them all but somewhere in my heart I knew the only reason I spared the children was a whim before all others.

I fought daily to make sure I didn't rampage and Rameses seemed to have grown concerned that I felt no guilt it was now 20 years since I had wiped out all the villages.

My hunt for crypts had been strangely difficult the radioactive power sources I had tracked were all accounted for and none of them were crypts just tons of data on what would be considered low grade technology.

The flying vessels listed in the low grade materials used wings to fly and had massive draw backs that made even my terribly built machines super efficient.

The new computer technology was undoubtedly superior to my technology however it required materials to be purified for usage and I still hadn't found a way to purify metals.

All the precision equipment on my saucer was scavenged from fallen ships meaning my flight technology was still limited and my sensor technology was also in the same category.

Rameses had reluctantly educated me on some old concepts from immortal technology like scanning.

However even with all that I was highly deficient in actually making the higher grade technologies, the scanner and ships flight tech required precision on a scale so ridiculous it could not be primitively mimicked.

The court was a buzz as nobles were shocked at a trade made with the far eastern land, they had made steel blades stronger then my titanium blade and it shocked me as well.

I had decided that I would travel there next and learn their secrets.

It was then that Rameses announced "the Eastern land has refused to exchange craftsman for training as they believe they are beyond us in technology they have armour lighter than what we can make and blades that are tougher then our master pieces they have brought us 4 territories weapons 2 are single sided curved blades and 2 are straight double edged swords.

These weapons are marvels so we shall have our craftsman show them the beauty of our jewelled work and hope to achieve a trade."

I interjected "they won't accept the trade nor accept apprentices they have always shunned those who look different even among themselves. They want to step beyond the limits of man to achieve immortality, but if we show them an immortal they shall wage war on us.

I know this from my last 5 centuries of trying to gain knowledge there.

They are a formidable nation I will be leaving to their nation."

Rameses looked at me and asked "how do you intend to enter?"

I smirked and replied "I'm going to show them my ship and allow them to try and learn from it without linking myself to Egypt. I may even attempt to remain there."

The court was shocked at what I had said but it was inevitable, I no longer was the same and the people feared and hated me.

1 of the man then quickly interjected "Please explain how you will hide your ties to Egypt as your name is infamous across our region?"

I calmly replied "I have a name in the eastern lands there I was once called Kanji!"

The name I was given was from the most Eastern territory of the east a large island in the ocean while I was there last many people had called me Kanji and I had merely been excluded from all social practices.

The willingness to expose myself as an immortal may actually help with gaining access.

The sun had just set and the brightness of the day seemed to fold away, Rameses and Hathor's father walked with me talking to me before my departure.

The city was unaware of my plans and it seemed extremely difficult at first to leave but as Rameses explained the crypt would be looked after.

The guards had started to avoid me while on patrol, rumour had it I could kill an army in a second before a person could blink.

Several individuals had seen the mess I had left in the Southern village and the rumours made me out as a greater monster then I was.

I hadn't been crypt hunting in a while, since Hathor died my mind was in a mix of thoughts.

Rameses had believed that I was somehow still in deep grief and was unable to let the guilt in for what I had done and he had hoped that this campaign I was embarking on would change things.

Rameses had barely aged due to his healing pods injury healing mode and had yet to enter hibernation that I had been warned would come up in a few hundred years.

I stepped into the ship that night and set my course and departed ahead of time all the while my thoughts dwelled on Hathor I imagined the life we could have had.

I imagined not having to worry about being with her and spending every single day with her I missed her teasing and the way she used to grab my arm in affection.

I missed staring up at the night sky watching the stars and hearing her speak.

After several minutes of pondering on our time together I wondered how she would view what I had done after I killed all those children would she ever forgive me.

I looked at the logs in my ship and found a single recording I didn't know existed it was from before the wedding.

I opened the log and her image appeared and she said "If you see this then I'm either dead or I forgot to remove this. Today in the city I found out that you have been marked for assassination and I know it can't work against you but if I die due to this don't blame yourself just do whatever you need to, to feel better. I don't care if you get another women or kill everyone related to this event I suspect you are too passive to kill people but pain can change you please after you settle your vengeance go back to being the you I love. From the moment you entered the wedding I liked you but I never knew I'd love you, I'm sorry for how I behaved from time to time it's just how I am. You were the only person in the world who could put up with my nagging and forceful behaviour somewhere deep inside I know you were frustrated with me. If you caught this recording way to soon please don't delete or be angry with me."

I watched the recording several times and I became rather upset all I wanted was Hathor here with me.

The recording had dug deep into my heart and brought back every second we had together, I cried remembering how she reacted to the noble woman who teased her the frustration and childish behaviour she displayed repeated over in my mind.

Finally I recalled the night we spent on her balcony, I remembered watching her gaze at the stars and slowly fall asleep I remembered how she looked sleeping soundly out in the open.

It was just a memory however my face was soaked in tears I had decided to stop by my crypt first and upgrade my ship to higher quality computer components.