Chapter 3 part 5 New adventures await

My ship had been upgraded and in the crypt remained the ship I had constructed for Hathor.

Despite my ships having immortal systems generate there flight technology they still were highly inefficient someday I hoped to completely master the technology and leave earth.

Thanks to Rameses the scanning technology I had could now be tuned to search for materials and explain composition of materials.

The new computer technology had reduced the weight of my ship drastically and better yet I now had more room and excess power to use on my ship.

I had no idea what to do with the 2 rooms that once housed my computers major control centres as now the very panels that housed my controls were both computers combined the heat generation from my old components were vastly reduced as well.

The new problem was removing the heat that collected in small part of the computer.

I had a temporary solution however it meant the ship now needed to rest the computers limiting automated travel.

The eastern territory was broken into 4 separate nations each were particularly good at a different form of combat.

The 4 nations traded between themselves and rarely traded to foreign lands for extremely rare information or resources.

The central most nation was called China and they were my main focus due to their advances making them extremely dangerous next to them was the island nation Japan then the Hans who occupied the desert lands before china and lastly the Indian empire that had the most trade with other nations in the form of spices mainly.

To be honest the Indian empire only made rust resistant metal so it didn't seem very important to me, the Hans had blades that were soft and flexible yet dulled slowly.

The Japanese had the lightest attack blade while the Chinese boosted the widest range of weapons and armour.

The ship had reached the edge of a city in the region of China and I started up a scan to view the topology of the region and to my shock the city seemed to link 4 huge metal buildings hidden beneath the ground and I thought to myself crypts.

The city didn't boast major technology and it seemed to be downgraded in building technology.

My ship remained in the air above the city and the sun finally had risen, people had gathered in a large group in an open area of the city and I descended into the midst of the crowd.

The crowd scattered making space for me to land and as I touched down soldiers began pouring in.

The people seemed awe struck as I opened the door and set foot before them.

A royal messenger walked up to me with an invite to the emperors palace, I locked down my ship sending it back to the crypt and marched along with the messenger till I reached the palace at the entrance they made me disarm myself handing over my weapons the emperors guard stepped up besides me and walked me up to the palace door.

The palace Court was huge and open with an army 10000 strong in it they had bows drawn pointing at me and they had staffs that had blades at the end pointed at me stronger guards held huge metal bludgeons in readiness to crush me.

At the palace before the emperors audience chamber the archers held metal rods with ropes attached I walked through slowly without a show of fear and the man seemed to be scared.

The king set in the centre of the room in a massive square that no one else entered and his audience chamber held 3 levels so that no one could hold a weapon on him from a distance.

The emperor finally spoke "Flying 1 why have you entered my city."

I replied "I am in search of my peoples old records that are hidden across the world and I believe your city holds 4 of their records in turn I will educate your people on our knowledge for the skills you have to teach me."

The emperor replied "before we trust you it will be necessary for you to prove yourself. What is your name traveller."

I replied "I am Kanji and I welcome earning your respect. I welcome any test to prove my worth."

The emperor nodded his head and a man approached me and challenged me to hand to hand combat.

The man was tiny and his body was ripped with minimal muscle it was clear to me he used a speedy attack style.

The man took up a stance and I ran in with a straight forward attack the small man moved so quickly that he knocked me of my feet sending me flying like he was stronger then me.

I braced up and knew I had to lock him down and hit him, as he hit me this time I grabbed his arm and locked my arm to his, he hit me several times this time I carried him through my attack and sent him flying up several meters in a show of power, it was a punch that shattered the bones in my arm.

The man dropped to the floor spitting up blood due to the hit I had landed on him.

The emperor nodded once more and the messenger said "you may approach to a higher level now and converse with the emperor."

The next level gave me a glimpse of the emperors body and he seemed to have more guards this close.

The emperor spoke "you have great fortitude I see you are well trained but do you have any other objectives in our land."

I replied "I'm immortal like all of my kind and my body heals rapidly so I am stronger then most people my goal is to learn from your people in craft and techniques."

The emperor sighed and replied "4 others have claimed to be immortal yet none were."

The next challenger had stepped up to me handing me a staff and this time I took the end of the staff and waited for my opponent to ready, as he charged I swung my staff at him with massive power and he attempted to block, my hit was hard shattering the tip of my staff and splitting his staff in 2 when he got hit he shot up and before he could land arrows were launched into him.

He had just reached the edge of the boundary in which the emperor set.

I progressed forward to the next level and this time 4 man approached with weapons holding out my sword to use against them.

I grasped my sword and then they came at me the first hit to reach me was the staff with a blade at its end, I parried the blow away but it turned back into me rapidly I blocked it again pushing the blade into the ground.

The next man was already in my face with his sword and I barely parried him when the bludgeon came crashing at me I kicked the bludgeon towards the staff wielder and the last had reached me with batons.

The movement from this man was so rapid he dodged my strike and smacked me with the baton in my side and pulled up my foot.

I was falling to the ground when the sword pierced me from the back and seconds later the bludgeon landed on my face.

The men stepped away and the emperor spoke "well done men another poser shown the truth of our superiority. I give… "

I stood up with my bones in my face popping back in place the sword wound through my chest was still dripping with blood.

The 4 man rushed back at me, I took the sword through my gut and beheaded the swordsman, the staff stabbed into me and I literally cracked the blade of with my hand and stabbed the man through the heart.

The man with the bludgeon followed the man with the batons and I tossed my sword at them it cut through both of them like a hot knife through butter.

The archers fired on me and I cut the ropes away and started walking onto the emperors area and said "I'm immortal if your man don't stand down I will kill them all and then kill you."

The emperor looked at me with a look of distaste and ordered "cut him apart!"