Chapter 5 part 3 Romour of an immortal

Agamemnon seemed to shrink away at my second declaration and said "Fine take what you will but pay respects to us your superiors!"

I calmly replied "I will take all the women who wish to follow me and all the food they can carry and we shall leave!"

Agamemnon drew his sword at last and rushed forwards at me in an instant I countered his strike and whirled my sword about catching his sword out of his hand and pressed the tip of my blade to his throat and asked "Now what is the problem? You made the same demand of your people haven't you? Now I'm taking with me all that you have here understood."

The women did as I had ordered and followed me out of the city most of the food was green with rot and I had that food thrown out there after I led the women 10 kilometres from the city where the smell seemed to die down and asked the women where they were from saying they were free to return home or join me in a march onto their rival nation Troy.

From the 100 women I had taken only 5 choose to follow me all 5 were extremely young beautiful women and had barely enough cloths on.

I had set up camp and had the women go to bed, that night I summoned my ship and got out clothes for them before sending the ship of.

When morning had finally come the women emerged having not slept at all believing I would have chosen to benefit of their bounties.

It was not that it held no appeal to me I simply had no desire to be with anyone but Hathor and for that reason I had chosen to only sleep with someone I truly loved.

I handed out the clothes to the women and before I could say anything they started changing before me, I turned away to stop the crazy appeal and finally once they were done I had them clean up the camp and sat out with me.

The girls pestered me continuously on the journey as to why I had looked away and asked if I saw them as beautiful after answering the question to whether or not they were beautiful tons of questions followed. The most beautiful of the girls with me was Helen unfortunately she had been smitten with me and was extraordinarily aggressive in getting my attention.

Troy had finally come into sight after traveling for 12 days and I marched on to the guard post where the elder guarding the wall noticed me and allowed me into the city.

Troy was a far more beautiful city then Greece however you could see that the city had been assaulted by the Greeks in their campaign.

The cities front doors had been remade and the tall wall I had made around the city still stood.

My name in Troy was Paris and I had been a person of note however I was never noble to the people of the city.

I marched on with the women to the kings palace and the king hugged me like a brother and looked on me with fondness as he was but a child when last he saw me and had learnt to fight from me to top that the blade of Troy had been forged by me.

The king introduced me to his son who was named Hector the man was a perfect figure and greeted me with the respect of a teacher.

At this point I explained my situation and the fact that I had lived in Egypt for years along with the fact that I had fought of the Greek army and won then I explained that the 5 women with me were my prizes from the Greek court and Hector took 1 willing women to be his bride while the king had the other 3 women freed of my care and sent them to work in his palace.

Helen had been extremely troublesome refusing freedom even with the king offering to make her his queen despite him being incapable of doing anything with her.

Apparently she was hours away from marrying Agamemnon's brother who had ripped of her clothes and that I had arrived 5 minutes before they would have been married.

Helen clung to me way too much and after several days in the city Hector gave me a full run down of what happened to the returning Alexander and the fact that he had vanished the very same day he reappeared in Sparta.

Helen's story with me did come to an end eventually in Egypt where she found a new husband and had several children but that would be the next major adventure of my life. In the next few day in the city I heard a weird rumour of an immortal man in the barbarian country.

I had set out on my journey to investigate this immortal and Helen had accompanied me.

The girl never gave it a break she tried to seduce me every time the slightest opportunity presented itself.

Fortunately for me she never took advantage of the times I slept to force her way on me, to be honest had she things likely would have went her way but to my fortune she never did that.

I had been on the road for 2 weeks when I finally called for my ship and used it to transport us to the barbarian coast.

I had finally convinced Helen to stay on the ship and allow me to go investigate however she made it clear that she would double down on her efforts when I returned.

The Barbarian coast is where the country of Britain would 1 day emerge, the Barbarian coast was not as it was described the people here were not absolute monster however they had no manners.

They practiced primitive marriage and ate anything they killed some had gone on to say that they ate people however that was not true of the majority of the people.

Painting a person in the blood of those they killed was considered a sign of victory.

The people on this coast wore large fur coats made from wolves as the predators were abundant.

I had left my ship near a boarder of the forest and marched on inwards and followed the sent of smoke.

This civilization unlike most civilizations had no grand cities and I had lived here alternating with Troy for most of my life.

I never tried to advance the people in this region however they had picked up some basic usage of metal having just reached the bronze age, most of the world save for the Eastern territories and parts of Egypt had not yet reached the Iron age resulting in most weapons still being bronze however my weapon was an iron blade forge welded to titanium.

I walked on for nearly a kilometre when 5 hulking huge men approached me and started fighting.

I fought back fiercely not drawing my blade and the fist fight continued for almost 40 minutes, finally the men seemed to accept my strength and extended greetings.

The 5 men walked with me to the city and had been pretty loud describing my fighting as excellent.

Finally we had reached their village where you could see at least 20 huts with mud huts being made into a path down the village centre, I walked on to the elders hut and greeted respectfully before the 5 men walked in ruffling up the elders food supplies.

This was a common custom of the people here as the elder acted as a provider to all people and was also granted tribute of all harvests and hunts.

The Barbarian people despite living what seemed to be a messy life were extremely clean bathing in lakes and rivers twice a day.

I had to think carefully of my aim in the region if I stated I was hunting an immortal the people would protect 1 of their own with their lives if I stated I wanted to live amongst them I'd be tested in a hunt then in combat and lastly I'd have to chose a woman.

Now don't get me wrong a strong woman can be beautiful but when her biceps were the size of your body it kind of took away from any beauty she may have, unfortunately due to my size carrying a women into a hut would never count for me as their legs or hands would touch the ground while carrying them over my shoulder.

Later on in history thanks to the Romans and Trojans the size of the Barbarian people came down making them far less huge and vastly more attractive.

I had taken a deep breath and as I prepared to ask to join, a man spoke up from behind me saying "Have some respect for the elderly, after all he is over 3000 years of age."