Chapter 5 part 4 The incarnate sage

I had turned around and a man stood in the door way he was as huge as the Barbarians but his face was clean and his stature was somewhat dignified.

I was lost for words looking at him when suddenly he said "Weren't you from this very village years ago. After all the last time you were here I was 2 months old."

I suddenly dropped my politeness and replied "Who are you and how in the world could you remember me from 80 years ago."

The elder suddenly walked out of the hut with the 5 men and the man sat before me and said "I'm an immortal, well more like an incarnate, my name is Amun."

I looked at the man and asked "Prove that you are immortal?" Amun drew his sword and then plunged it into his chest.

I reached over to draw the sword and Amun started pulling it out, I drew back my hand as he instantly healed.

Amun once more spoke "I can heal like you, but I am not completely immortal. I am the incarnate if I lose my head or if I'm vaporized I die, then I am born again and at some point my powers kick in and I remember my past lives.

I am older then the other immortals I was part of the first 14 humans in existence from my bloodline all the immortals were born and all 7 immortals with power come from unions of my bloodline and my twin brothers.

Currently the only humans of original decent are the immortals and their progeny all others are artificial so no more immortals can be born save for the 7 having children."

I had been taken back and asked "Who are the 7?"

Amun smiled and answered "Well my son Ra, Isis, Cronos, Zeus, Gaia, Hathor and last but not least you.

Before you ask how I know when I'm incarnated I pass into a weird state between existence and return to life as someone else plus I knew Hathor for a bit and I heard what happened in Egypt. Your power will eventually evolve and when we cross paths at that time I will tell you everything but now is not the time."

I was beyond bewildered and at that moment Amun gestured to me to follow, we walked out of the village towards the place I landed my ship and then Amun spoke once more "I do not know what life entails for you exactly but trust me you will learn from it. Alexander is in hiding trust me he will surface to fight you someday in the future, hunting him will not get you any closer wait for him to attack you."

I suddenly dropped my head and responded with "Do you know who my parents are? And why are you leading me away."

Amun smiled at me with a smile that radiated joy and he said "You a child of the great 5 that is all I will say.

1 more thing I see the pain and love on your face, remember love comes in many forms you will find all consuming love 1 day in the distant future but please don't shut your heart to the love you could find.

I don't mean that you should be lustful only that you should allow yourself to love.

Head back to Egypt and comfort Rameses tell him Amun sends his condolences and wishes him well but do not tell him where I am."

I had turned around to look Amun in the face and saw that he was gone.

It was clear to me he was different from the immortals and I was back at my ship.

I sighed deeply imagining what Helen would be up to and walked right in.

Helen dropped her clothes and followed me around in an extremely seductive set of underwear, I totally ignored her and plotted my course back to Egypt.

Jackie and his wife were enjoying the coast and sights learning new things along the way, I had no intention of showing up there plus Helen gave me the impression that she would force herself on me if I took her to such a beautiful place.

Finally we arrived in Egypt and I told Helen to dress up as the people here were in mourning for the dead from Alexander's attack.

Helen stuck to me like glue as I walked out of the ship she clung so tightly I could feel her lungs moving.

I didn't bother telling her to let go and I marched on into the new settlement.

Rameses had been hard at work since he returned and I walked up to him and greeted him with a handshake and conveyed the message from Amun.

Rameses instantly asked me to talk to him in private despite the instruction Helen never let go of my arm so we spoke in her presence.

Rameses started the conversation with "So where was Amun how was he and did he say anything to you about your parents?"

I looked at Rameses and said "Well he told me I'm a child of the great 5 and that I'm 1 of 7 immortals with powers including your sister however that's as far as he explained to me. Next he told me to come here and console you."

Rameses looked at me with a blank expression and then he said "You sure he said you should console me did he give you any other advice?"

I took a deep breath and started "He said that I should allow myself to love again he said I'd find an all consuming love again someday but till then I should be open to other forms of love and not just be lustful I believe his exact words were to comfort you."

Rameses began to smile and replied "The incarnate is the wisest person I ever met however Ra vaporized him every time their paths crossed because Amun was his father and abandoned him as a child. The information you got from him will likely have been for the 3 of us in this room. So who are you that clings to Horas."

I was a bit shocked and as I was about to introduce Helen she spoke "I am Helen the property of Master Paris of Troy. I don't think those words were for me all I want is master Paris to enjoy me in everyway."

My face turned bright red and then Rameses spoke "Paris has the name Horas in this city and he fell in love with a young lady in this city many years ago the 2 had an all consuming love and she gave herself to protect him. When she died she asked him to live on and love but Horas needs a far greater amount of time to heal his heart from that pain so understand he won't be able to return your love."

Helen released me and cried straight into the chest of Rameses, to be honest I was shocked at this and then I looked over at the 2 and noticed Rameses seemed to like Helen.

I had not uttered a word when Rameses looked at me with a look that said seriously and said "You seriously need to watch how quickly you steal women's hearts this poor thing will need consoling after hearing this. Helen would you mind marrying me instead."

I was dumbfounded what in the world did Amun mean by me comforting this womanizer he proposed to a woman when he lost his wife less then 9 months ago.

Helen pulled away from him and said "I refuse I will wait for him to heal his heart and then he can have me someday."

I basically choked on the statement as Helen literally berated Rameses.

Rameses didn't seem worried and replied "If you married to me I won't mind you sleeping with Horas if he ever agrees to sleep with you and I won't ask him to release you from his service. Plus his immortal and his been mourning his former love for 22 years now and will likely keep at it for thousands of years."

I was astonished at the statement and was about to flare up in anger at the idea of sleeping with another man's wife being tossed at me when Helen stumped me out.

Helen replied "Sure no problem but why not make me Paris's wife and you sleep with me till his ready."

I had enough and spoke out "I'm never sleeping with you Helen I'm a 3000 year old virgin and no way am I ever going to sleep with you!"

Helen instantly responded to Rameses with "I will take your previous offer I doubt I will live long enough to lose my virginity to my love."

Rameses replied "Perfect and since you marrying me I will have Horas make you a pod that will make you immortal."

I was astonished as the 2 walked off ready to be married, I still was shocked at the way Rameses had over come his pain from losing his last wife.