Chapter 5 part 5 End of the era

Helen had shocked me a bit however Rameses had absolutely dumbfounded me, I had set in the same spot till sunset the next day trying to figure out what had just happened.

I had finally grasped a few things firstly Helen was marrying Rameses secondly I had to build Helen a resurrection pod thirdly Helen was in love with me and lastly Rameses had gone totally insane.

I had got up and out of the room and Hathor's father had appeared out of nowhere and spoke with me apparently he wished for his life to naturally come to a close now and asked me to repurpose his pod for Rameses new wife apparently he understood what had happened in the little meeting the 3 of us had.

Rameses was being pressured into marrying again and having a successor since he apparently would soon be too old.

All the surviving Egyptian women where extremely old or much too young to be his queen the oldest Egyptian woman was 60 and the next class of women he could marry was 5 so when he saw me drag a woman in I literally saved him from the 2 options he had.

I kind of realized that I had comforted Rameses, now I pondered on whether or not I could find love surprisingly enough I had got rid of my shot at love without knowing it.

Rameses wasted no time in preparing for the wedding before talking to me in private warning me to leave the city supposedly the only eligible bachelor left in the city was me and the 5 year old girl wanted to be married.

To be honest I wish I had witnessed the 5 year old propose to me it likely would have been adorable and hilarious.

I departed the city that night off to my crypt, Jackie and his wife had still been honeymooning in France with very little progress I set in my crypt reading away with information so complex I previously couldn't begin to fathom it however this time everything clicked with me and I had comprehended all of Cronos's research that had taken billions of years to conduct.

It struck me as odd the knowledge was not like I suddenly comprehended it but more like I knew it already somehow, the only thing that came to mind for me was the white place I had seen during my pain.

The weird white land scape had allowed me to view my memories and analyse them had it somehow improved my understanding as well.

I had set and pondered on this when suddenly an odd feeling occurred to me Amun reminded me of the white landscape he was calm and soothing just like that place I had decided to sleep for the night and find Amun the next day to find out if he knew anything of the white place I had experienced.

The mourning had finally come and I had got ready to go when I received a beacon for pick up coming from Jackie.

I had instantly changed direction heading to Jackie.

Jackie and his wife had met me in a distant empty beach and their they told me that 2 men in suits of armour had been found dead floating down the river.

What made this really suspicious was no one understood how to remove the armour as it had no clips or belts to unbind.

Jackie had kept track of where the bodies were buried and that night I decided to go grave robbing.

The bodies had been dug up and pulled into the ship and Jackie was right this was the same armour however I could tell why the users had died.

The armour appeared to have run dead and as a result the occupant inside the armour had died from being cooked alive in his armour.

I had patched in some power from the ship to the suits and they instantly released their users.

I had saved the armour and would properly clean it however the bodies had to be dumped back into their graves.

The way the armour arrived had given me a clue to where Alexander could be and myself and Jackie tracked up the river.

I had begged Jackie to take my ship and stay at a distance till I had completed the investigation however Jackie refused.

The trip up the river had taken 8 long weeks and unsurprisingly both scanning with the ship and searching by foot had turned up nothing.

Once more the thought crossed my mind Amun had told me not to hunt for Alexander.

I needed to speak to him once again and so I had set course to the Barbarian coast once more.

I had passed over Troy when I noticed the large army gathered outside its walls and once more I had a detour.

I ventured into the city and found out that the Trojan army couldn't come within 20 meters of the Greek army as they were filthy.

The smell was so bad that it spooked the horses when the Greeks landed and cost the Trojan army 1000 lives to Achilles group of warriors.

The fresh water source near the city had an been tainted and caused massive death in the Greek army at which point the Greek army started dumping their sewage and dead on the city wall forcing the army to abandon the wall.

Hector had been challenged by Achilles and Agamemnon had agreed the Victor of the fight would be declared winner of the war in the first fight Achilles had lost to Hector as Hector smacked him unconscious and the Greeks cried foul for hours and forced Hector to fight 100 vs 1 and Hector killed 99 Spartan soldiers and ended up ill from the smell and was stabbed by Achilles while he threw up.

Hector was killed by Achilles none the less by crushing his foot in his last action Agamemnon cried foul again and since then the siege continued.

Agamemnon surprisingly enough learnt that human waste made people sick and forced 3000 men to clean the streets of Greece and bring the sewage to Troy.

Fortunately for the people of Troy there were escape tunnels in the city I led them out to a vacant land that would later become Italy.

The Greeks fought the empty city for 55 years before finally realizing the entire region was so poisonous from the dead bodies and sewage they had dumped.

The soldiers had developed extremely well doing extreme chores and traveling to the point that they had become strong, managed to crush all bandits, clean up the region and become great again.

The Spartan warriors learnt to fight and used actual arts of combat to fight instead of dirty tricks.

My part in all the chaos was evacuating the city and saving the Trojan peoples lives all that had taken me 20 weeks.

Finally I had returned to the Barbarian coast and to my dismay Amun had died while hunting.

Ironically half a year had passed since I last was in Egypt and I had the 2 new ships in my crypt completed.

I handed Jackie a brand new ship and had said farewell to him and his wife as they set out on a journey.

I had helped my automated systems dig up more crypt space and expanded my European crypt to nearly the size of Cronos's crypt.

Soon after completing my crypt which had taken 5 years I had left back to China and spent my days in my home that was treated like a shrine.

I had then finally returned to Egypt finding that it had prospered thanks to trade from Europe as they needed weapons armour and food.

The Greek army had caused Egypt to recover so quickly a second city had been created.

Helen remained Rameses wife and was absolutely different as the queen, despite her love for me she eventually gave up on her love for me.

Rameses had finally accepted the new immortality he had till his father would be revived.

The major loses caused by Hephaestus meant that the nobles had to mix with commoners and worse still many of the more intelligent people of the time would vanish.

Relations world wide had entered into an odd prosperity and I had been relegated to a diplomat for China, Egypt and Italy.

Rameses had been extremely persistent that I not get involved in the wars of the world as my participation was considered chaotic.

In China I had been turned to a hero warrior and had multiple schools of martial arts made to acquire my power.

Jackie had settle on the upper region of China and setup a city of his own.

The emperor had remained a dear friend to me till his death at the age of 98 refusing the immortal advance.

The world flowed on passing through ages uneventfully all the while I bettered myself and my technology, nearly 4000 years had passed before my life had gained some kind of thrill.