Chapter 5 part 6 Cleopatra

Egypt had been 1 of 4 places that held me for most of history despite following the advice of Amun I had not truly fallen in love again since Hathor.

Helen still loved me but had come to understand my feelings thanks to Rameses, many women had tried to court me but none ever tickled my whimsy.

Eventually at this time Rameses had his first child and her name was Cleopatra, I had surprisingly loved the child and looked after her extremely carefully.

By the time the child was 3 she was extremely fond of me and had been educated mainly by myself and her parents.

Rameses told me to enjoy the new life to my fullest as it seemed to rest my restless heart.

Cleopatra was no sweet innocent child, in fact once she learnt that I looked after her she would cause trouble with others and force them to confront her in my presence.

Rameses laughed at the interactions between his daughter and myself tremendously, the child too was attached to me and clung to me for company, comfort and pleasure.

Cleopatra had been no more then 5 years of age when I conducted my routine decade hunt for Alexander, the child had worried herself so much at my disappearance that she became ill forcing me to come home early from the hunt.

The happiness the child brought to my heart was beyond joy and I did as much as I could to keep her happy.

The hunt I had cut short would later be the cause of Chaos in the world.

Rameses had seen me put Cleopatra to bed 1 evening and decided to talk to me.

Rameses entered a room down a long passage way and started with "Horas you need to stop babying her so much Cleo will soon be a women she is getting older and soon she will fall in love and get married."

I looked over to Rameses and replied "Well that's fine but I don't baby her. If a worthy man wishes to marry her all they need is her approval and they can have her, however if anyone makes her cry they will have me to answer to..."

Rameses sighed deeply and said "You take her out playing let her have fun as much as she wants to and once she falls asleep you carry her to her bed no matter where she falls asleep. Horas you know despite having been there for her, her whole life you are not her father or brother."

The words cut deep and suddenly I had started to sulk realizing that Rameses was saying I had no choice in who she would marry.

I begrudgingly replied "I understand after her birthday I will leave."

Rameses sighed once more and said "You could become her betrothed and marry her soon."

I loved the child but not in the manner Rameses had suggested and as I stood up he spoke again "Cleo told her mother and me that she wants to spend her whole life with you."

I instantly sat back down and replied "Maybe you miss understood her you know Cleopatra is fond of me like I'm family."

Rameses shook his head and replied "Cleo has 192 proposals already and myself and her mother explained what would happen when she accepted 1 and in that moment we told her she would no longer live with us and she cried and accepted it. However the 1 person she said she could never live without is you, after she expressed her feeling Helen and myself came to conclusion that she was completely in love with you."

I did not want this she had been a baby before my eyes, she had taken her first steps before my eyes she slept in my arms every time, I loved her but I could not accept that her love for me was romantic.

Rameses looked at me 1 more time and said "This is yet another price you pay for immortality, you need to learn to accept all the parts of your feelings and before you go break Cleo's heart talk to Helen please."

Rameses had walked off and I sat in the chair thinking all this over, being as old as I was made everyone feel like children to me however Rameses undoubtedly knew that Helen could get through to me.

Several minutes had passed and I walked on down the palace corridors towards the 1 place I knew Helen would be.

On the side of the palace was a terrace and every night since Cleopatra was born Helen would stand out here leaning on the far railing looking down.

I entered the terrace and walked over till I finally was standing next to Helen and I noticed she was crying.

When she saw me she slowly lifted here head and wiped her tears, I was shocked at the sight and asked "What happened why are you crying?"

Helen put on a light smile and said "You fell in love and ever since I've been crying over the man I love falling for someone else."

I looked at her and said "I haven't fallen in love with anyone."

Helen kept that slight smile and said "The moment you picked up Cleopatra I saw that you loved her in your eyes and I was so confused later I was conflicted and decided to stand out here and let out the pain and joy. Most nights I don't cry but last night I found out that my darling daughter loves you more then I do. Please don't fight your heart, you must understand she is not your child or sibling so there is nothing stopping the 2 of you being happy. As a women I am totally defeated beaten in love and beaten in being loved, at least as a mother I can save my daughter from the pain I have had for almost 4000 years."

I looked up at the stars and said "Only a woman who truly loves you can see right through you and over look all that you have done. I will go through with the betrothal but only once she is older after all I want her to find someone better."

Helen laughed at me and said "All that wisdom and love and you still can't see it."

Helen walked away from the rail and headed inside.

In a few years Helen would be betrothed to me it was not the love I had with Hathor but it was a love Helen had made me realize how I felt despite that I still couldn't stand the idea.

I had ignored all that had been said the day before and spent all day playing with Cleopatra, the young lady was a little more then cruel with me as she dragged me down to the Nile to swim.

The river was dangerous when the crocodiles showed up and Cleopatra would rub a cloth in blood and toss it in the water the moment she snuck out forcing me to fight the crocodiles bare handed.

I had finally finished of fighting the crocodiles when I saw her smiling and laughing at me as I walked out of the river, I looked up at Cleopatra's smile and realized once again Helen was right.

I couldn't truly notice the beauty and appeal of the young lady but I could notice her smile and in that moment I realized this was familiar to me and all of a sudden I felt a pain in my heart.

The very next second I noticed Cleopatra was not a child anymore she was a 18 year old woman and she had her arms around me cradling me.

I was a bit shocked and asked "what happened?"

Cleopatra looked me in the eyes and said "I don't know I just saw this look in your eyes and I couldn't help but grab hold of you."

I had no choice I had to ask her "Cleopatra how do you feel towards me?"

Cleopatra backed away blushing and said "My mum and dad told me I had to get married 2 days ago then my mum explained to me what marriage would entail and the only person I pictured with me doing any of that was you. Then my mom and dad told me that when I get married I will no longer live with them and that I will have to go to live with my husband. I cried a bit and then I said I can do it I just need to be with Horas forever he is all I ever need. My dad then said I had to also be away from you and I asked why aren't you marrying me. My mom and dad walked out all of a sudden and I wanted to ask you why you didn't want me."

I took a deep breath and said "I will marry you but it's not so simple for me. I can't see myself doing anything with you but playing and having fun. I want you happy and I want to see you go to bed every night smiling. If you can bare my irrational feelings I will find a way to be with you."

Cleopatra had put on a devious smile pushed her face close to mine and said "So you haven't looked at my body, you haven't wanted to just touch me all over…"

I had given her a straight up look into her eyes and she backed off saying "Mom told me that drives every man totally crazy."

Suddenly my mind ventured back to when Helen had tried to seduce me and I realised she used the same tricks.