Chapter 6 part 1 The master plan

I had got up from the river Bank and walked up to the palace with Cleopatra and as I marched up to palace Rameses noticed the stern look on my face and stopped me.

Rameses quickly asked "What happened Horas?"

I could barely contain my anger and I whispered into Rameses ear "Helen has been teaching Cleopatra to seduce me how could she do that?"

Rameses bust out laughing hard smacking at his thighs and then he pulled me close and said "Last night Helen thought her way more then how to get you going, she thought her to do much more so that you wake up and marry her quickly before you dishonour her."

Rameses turned around laughing heading to the palace and then I turned to Cleopatra who was right besides me and she gave me yet another devious smile.

Then she said "Well dad ruined my fun now you know you need to marry me quickly or else..." Cleopatra had learnt several things I could not fight against and my returning the love meant that I had no option.

I sighed loudly and said "Fine I will marry you tomorrow on the condition you promise not to do any of those things to me till we both comfortable?"

The idea of being seduced by Cleopatra scared me since I had great value placed on being honourable, it's not like I'd willingly go with the flow and give in but she was devious and even swimming at the river was a manipulation by her each time she would convince me to take her to the market then she would run off forcing me to chase her then she will dive into the river forcing me to dive in and see if there were any crocodiles.

I had my hands full from here on out my future wife would be an eternal adventure driving me crazy, yet keeping me happy.

She gave yet another devious smile and said "Promise! Huh I was scared dad's plan was going to get you angry with me but now I can be with you forever starting tomorrow."

She grabbed me in a hug and while shivering she put her mouth to me ear and said "I can't do any of those things it makes me so nervous just thinking of it. Thank you for giving me what I always wanted."

I embraced Cleopatra and felt her quivering as she held onto me.

I looked at her and said "Well now you got work to do Cleopatra weddings take a lot of preparation."

Cleopatra smiled at me and replied "I've been ready for 4 years waiting for you to propose I just got my parents to help my plan yesterday."

I had been out smarted and out played by Cleopatra.

The 2 of us walked up to the palace and Cleopatra skipped about merrily excited for the wedding.

Rameses had been standing near the entrance waiting for us to arrive and as he looked at my face you could see he was scared at the prospect of my response to his actions.

I had sent Cleopatra into the palace to eat and draped my arm over Rameses walking with him to Helen.

Helen and Rameses sat at the table in the palace with me and were absolutely silent till finally I asked "How long have you 2 known?"

Rameses seemed to search Helen's face for an answer then he spoke "Okay sorry about the crazy plan we had to get you 2 married already otherwise you may have never figured out you liked her. The plotting was mainly mother and daughter I just roped up the strategy for the wedding day."

Helen seemed to dress down Rameses with a look in her eyes and said "My daughter has not got the drive to get things done so I told her to bluff, all she needed to do was show up naked in your bed and the next day you'd be married after you totally freak out. So be happy this is how it went plus you missed 4 years of subtle hints that she likes you."

I had been drawn for a loop and totally dumbstruck never had Cleopatra said anything to me or even hinted to me that she liked me.

I looked over to the 2 before me and asked "Has Cleopatra been to scared to say what she wanted afraid I'd reject her hence why you too spoke to me yesterday?"

I starred at Rameses and said "So she is really your daughter after all suffering with extreme nervousness."

Rameses seemed flustered as he replied "I only never made it in 50 times it wasn't that bad."

Helen burst out laughing and said "Yeah in 4000 years we had 1 child thanks to 50 times."

Rameses had always suffered with nervousness around women and Helen always made it worse for him and so did I.

I had leaned back on my chair and said "Eavesdropping is rude Cleopatra stop dwelling in the door way."

Rameses looked at me confused and Helen starred at the door then Cleopatra responded "Sorry Horas how do you always catch me?"

Rameses had turned totally red in the face and I called to Cleopatra once more "Just come in, Helen and I will tease Rameses some other time."

Cleopatra walked in and for the first time I noticed she was a women, she had long black hair that reached to the her back her dress showed off her legs that were perfectly shaped and she was well endowed.

To be honest I felt absolutely stupid having not noticed before.

Cleopatra sat at the table and looked at Rameses then me and asked "Dad why does it look like you afraid of Horas I thought you said you could always beat him in a fight like he was a child all he got is immortality."

I looked at Rameses and said "I remember the decree you passed was that when I court champion get married I would be Pharaoh, maybe you want to fight me once more this time I won't hold back!"

Rameses seemed to shrink in his seat then he finally said "Horas is a monster I can't beat him Cleo."

Cleopatra stepped over to me and said "Can we go have fun I'm bored in the palace."

Helen never missed a chance to make Cleopatra or Rameses blush and said "If only you knew how to make Horas have fun with you, you'd never need to leave the palace."

Cleopatra turned red in the face and I chuckled then she responded "Mom why did you say that?"

Helen had a good time teasing Cleopatra and when Rameses attempted to enter the conversation and save Cleopatra embarrassment Helen only fired of more teasing till the 2 turned totally red after 5 more minutes I grabbed Cleopatra and took her out of the city on a walk down the river.

I had never shared the tale of my first love with anyone and I felt that Cleopatra needed to know the full story.

I explained everything that had unfolded in Phoebs 4000 years ago when I met Hathor, I explained how she died and why she wasn't resurrected.

I put my hand on Cleopatra's cheek and said "I have no excuse to not be ready and as you heard I have no expectations like your mum may suggest and lastly nothing will come between us as I told you. Don't worry about all the complicated stuff being married is all about having someone there for you to have fun with like how we have fun, they are your companion and strength. There is also coitus in marriage but it isn't the only thing in marriage, it's just the part that makes babies."

Cleopatra looked into my eyes and asked me "Do you like being immortal?"

I was still staring into Cleopatra's eyes and said "No I hate being immortal it's always painful as people keep dying, it's the same reason I made the resurrection technology optional to the minds last wish so those who wish to die aren't forcefully revived."

Cleopatra seemed to pull her knees in and then she said "I don't know if I will be a good wife like Hathor would have been but I will try my best. I'm just afraid I may disappoint you somehow."

I stopped holding my head against her and dropped flat into the desert sand and Cleopatra followed suit then I said "You are more amazing then you know Cleopatra, you definitely devious and mischievous but at the end of the day you will be amazing as my wife. You don't have to compare to anyone I just need you to keep having fun with me and learning. Life won't always allow us to be happy but we just need to find the joy."

Cleopatra grabbed my hand and said "Well I want to be heroic like you Horas."

Cleopatra draped her long hair over my face as she leaned in to kiss me then she pulled away.

I looked over at her holding her face in embarrassment and thought to myself my beautiful Cleopatra then I said "Don't rush that stuff we will have eternity."

Cleopatra stood up and ran around the out skirts of the city and after several hours she fell asleep with me carrying her into the palace like I always did.