Chapter 6 part 2 Alexander returns (Warning contains the disruption of extreme violence)

The next morning I was not anxious or nervous marrying Cleopatra would only change a small part of our relationship dynamics for the most part it would be a rule free courtship.

I had walked up to the hall all ready and Cleopatra had beat me to the hall Rameses was at the head of the ceremony Cleopatra wore a white dress that opened into a slit near the middle of her thigh and I wore my usual fancy armour shirt.

We had started the standard socializing ritual however Cleopatra seemed to be growing impatient as the socializing seemed to take forever finally the last person sat down and as Rameses was about to start the ceremony a messenger came running in from Rome.

Rameses looked at the page before him and instantly ordered "Everyone evacuate now! Soldiers and nobles divide up now!"

Everyone was running at the orders and alarms had been set off finally Rameses handed me the page and it read "Dear immortal scumbag it's time we meet again and before you think of fighting me I have my armies poised to destroy the world. Come to Rome and let's have a summit."

Rameses grabbed my shoulder and said "My brother doesn't hold peaceful summits you need to go alone he may burn you or poison you so remember to keep your guard up I will keep Cleo safe till you return."

Cleopatra had already been evacuated and I rushed out of the city calling my old ship that I had used 4000 years ago for some reason I felt that Alexander may steal my ship so the old technology would do fine and I limited to power source to a 5 day supply.

The ship flew in at the far side and just then Russell showed up and spoke to me saying "Keep yourself calm don't rush things remember when you come back we can host your wedding once more Cleopatra will be fine with us it isn't like what happened with Hathor."

Russell lifted his sword as I ran off and scream "To victory!"

I walked up into my ship and instantly called out "Take me to Vector designation Rome."

I had hunted Europe every 10 years looking for Alexander and I had set up places to set my ship down and give me easy access to the cities.

The ship came in extremely fast and turned into the city landing at the edge of the city.

I ran out of my ship and into the city, Rome had become much larger since last I had been here.

I had sprinted down several streets and got lost finally I found the Cesar's palace and marched up showing the message Rameses had handed to me.

The palace guard let me in effortlessly they didn't even attempt to disarm me.

Finally I reached the main chamber and Alexander scream "Horas the immortal! At long last you have found me!"

He gestured to me to take a seat then he to took a seat then he spoke once more saying "I already conquered the world so the previous threat is a bit late but trust me I got better things in store now."

I starred hard at Alexander and replied "You won't get away this time even if you do you will die pretty rapidly this time."

Alexander laughed loudly and said "Well you piece of shit seems you know I will die soon but at least I got a hostage to use to torture you for my last death."

I looked at Alexander and said "Impossible you got no hostage who could be used against me."

Alexander laughed hard and had a servant bring me a box and in it was long black hair with oils I knew that were used in Egypt.

I looked at the hair in disbelief and stood up screaming "Alexander what have you done to Cleopatra, if you …"

I couldn't finish the sentence my blood was boiling and what was worse I couldn't understand how he had captured Cleopatra.

Alexander laughed and stood up then he finally said "We will play a game immortal since I want to see you turn in pain 1 last time, you allow me to torture you with details of how I murdered Hathor your first love and this descendant of Rameses who you marrying will be spared from death."

I couldn't respond and Alexander marched over to a side of the room grabbed a metal bar and tapped it 3 times.

The bar glowed blue and in seconds an image of Cleopatra was up before me, she was in her white dress and from what I could see she was bound and gagged on top of that her hair had been cut and her clothes were extremely filthy like she had been pushed around 2 men stood besides her with torture tools.

I dropped into the seat and replied to Alexander "Let her go and I will allow you torture me till you die I won't fight back I won't even defend myself."

Alexander laughed wickedly and replied "Don't worry I will be dead in a few days so even if I wanted to torture you I only have stories to tell you then games to play."

Alexander pulled of his chest armour and revealed his rotting flesh that had spread from his gut the rot had reached till just bellow his navel and up to his collar bone.

Alexander grabbed a crossbow that was on a table nearby and fired an arrow straight into my face the arrow went straight through my cheek.

Alexander stepped forwards and grabbed my sword of my belt and slowly pressed it through my chest.

Alexander finally spoke saying "If you don't scream in pain I will have my friends extract her screams as I die."

I gave in and let out the pain as Alexander performed attack after attack, my screams were the real thing what I repressed from every strike finally nails and hammers had been brought in Alexander nailed me into his table piece by piece.

Alexander sat at the table next to my head and started speaking to me saying "You know I never thought I'd get to have this much fun instead let me tell you why your beloved Hathor died in Egypt."

Alexander grabbed yet another nail and drove it into my skull then he started his story.

"Hephaestus was my only loyal servant embedded among the army of Ra and he had told me everything about you. He didn't know you were immortal at first he just thought you were a freak of nature with monstrous strength, he had decided to abandon the cause around that time when he met your precious Hathor you see he loved my sister and always wanted to have her but she always turned him down. Finally he had a Hathor in sight who he could have so he lurked about her and tried to get her at every instant proposing to her several times. At this point he was out of the cause and he decided to kill both Rameses and you so he could have Hathor all for himself after all Russell was set to go into stasis a week after Rameses got married. Then you shattered his world and got engaged to Hathor so the fool set a lion lose near where you hunted and you killed it at this point he re-joined the cause begging me to help him get rid of you with assassins. Hathor caught him talking to me at this point so we had no option but to have an assassin kill both you and Hathor.

I promised him the frozen head fragments of my sister if he killed his new beloved so he set the assassins on you and that day he found out you were immortal.

The fool got out his suit on your wedding day to obliterate you however Hathor caught him and he captured her and told her he would vaporize you.

Hathor managed to make an arrangement with him giving him her body that morning before the sun could rise but Hephaestus kept at it several more times and told her he would let you go. Finally the assassin got in and tried to kill you then her but he messed up and just killed her Hephaestus had dodged a huge bullet. You know when you went on your hunt Hephaestus built the tomb Hathor rested in and he defiled her body several times before you returned. Well then he waited for years for my order and got fucked up by you and died I bet you didn't know all this." said Alexander as he bounced around in joy as I let out a howling piercing cry of pain.