Chapter 6 part 3 Till death did we part( Warning contains descriptions of extreme violence)

Alexander simply stood over my nailed down body and he laughed at me over and over again.

Finally he called in servants and ordered them to rip the nails out of my body wildly.

Alexander ate his food watching as the nails were extracted from my body each time they removed a nail they smashed the tissue and bone around it and pulled out the nails.

This was a torture beyond the normal finally Alexander had his servants escort me out of the room and then he slept the next morning I had received clothes from my ship and my effects.

Alexander stood in his chamber with what remained of his suit and then he said "Well its time for my life to end so I will be dying now however I want to see you in pain as I die so here is the last torture."

The imagine projected up again and Alexander said "You get to watch you new beloved suffer your old beloveds torture don't worry after you kill me they will let her go."

I scream "Alexander stop! I have a new healing technology that could save your life and give you another 4500 years it's on my ship don't touch her and you can have it!"

Alexander looked at me then at the display and said "Hold on guys! Horas how stupid do you think I am you fucken asshole if you had technology like that your old love would have been revived."

I quickly replied "Hephaestus must have told you that night he attacked me in Egypt I offered the technology to all of Ra's army that's why Cleopatra is your brothers daughter."

Alexander stopped to think he held his face and said "Got yourself a deal I will reprogram your ship and my men will bring the girl hand her to you and I will leave. Men don't do anything to the girl bring her to the ship by the time you arrive we will be done."

Alexander seemed over joyed as he was running to the ship.

Alexander boarded and planted a little device over my control panel and in an instant all the screens want blank and then they rebooted with a new base code.

I walked Alexander over to the healing pod and started the process in less then 2 minutes he was completely healed.

Alexander walked about in front of me then he gave a smile that radiated with evil and he said "You better get running and catch your prize outside you never know when someone else could steal her."

I sprinted out the ship and as I got out the ship had taken of, I rushed to the street and there was Cleopatra.

I used bracelet to summon my other ship urgently and as I looked over at Cleopatra I noticed she had endured torture and worse, I held her in my arms hoping she was still fine and my ship finally arrived.

I rushed Cleopatra into the healing pod and instantly turned to head back to Egypt.

The ship Alexander had would drain power using the resurrection pod and the ship would end up crashing in the next hour or 2 in the mean time I had to get Cleopatra home and see how she was.

The pod had finished healing her and Cleopatra just looked at me and cried I got to her and tried to hold her hands and comfort her.

Cleopatra pulled her hands away and balled up crying, I did not know what to do and simply stood there watching her in pain.

Cleopatra had suffered watching my torture and then she endured her own, I had wanted to say something but nothing came to mind.

Finally the ship arrived in Egypt and Cleopatra ran out straight to the palace at the doors stood Russell and Rameses.

I walked up to Rameses and lifted him of his feet by his shirt and said "Why the hell didn't you keep an eye on her, Alexander made her watch me get tortured then he had his man rape her."

I loosened my grip and walked on towards the palace at which point Jackie came running up to me and asked "What happened to you are you alright. It was at this moment that I put my hand on my face and a layer of dried up blood that had been settled on my face from the nails was wiped of.

I realized at that moment just how terrifying I looked.

I walked into the palace and marched on down to the wash room, I washed my face cleaned of my arms and then I had Jackie take out 1 of the ships to hunt for the ship I handed over to Alexander.

I fully expected him to escape, the ship and pod had extended the life of a monster far longer then it would have needed to go on.

Helen tend to Cleopatra and cleaned her up unfortunately Cleopatra had not been willing to speak to anyone Rameses had been lashed out against by Helen, Russell, the guards and myself had he simply followed the procedure and kept Cleopatra with him like he was supposed to Alexander would have been dead and gone.

Rameses had felt the guilt worse then anyone and I had to still break the news to Russell and Rameses that Alexander had another 4500 years of life thanks to this situation.

Rameses had an extremely rough week as news of his failure spread amongst the other members of Ra's army, the entire noble court was set to commence that afternoon only 2 people from the court had been set to miss the session Helen and Cleopatra.

The court poured in as many members of Ra's army had prepared to join on the hunt for Alexander, I had to also mention that his current lease on life was 4500 years and the news only got worse as Alexander had conquered the world having made his philosophy spread across the world.

Rameses and Russell had not been in the centre of this meeting instead it was all me this time.

I had finally started by explaining what Alexander had planned describing the various tortures he made me endure, several of the army had attacked Rameses as the situation had been explained.

The room had to come together and pull each person of Rameses, finally I shared with them the secrets Alexander shared with me as torture and this time Russell had to endure several attacks as his brother had betrayed and forced his way onto a woman of the city.

Finally I explained how Alexander intended to be killed and then the room went silent as I expressed the exchange I had offered unfortunately I explained that Cleopatra had not been saved that faith.

At that moment Cleopatra had stepped in and asked for me to take a seat.

I had instantly obliged and then she started her tale "I had decided to follow after Horas as I've never been away from him in my life. I stowed away on his ship as soon as he got off I followed after him and was caught by Alexander and was then taken to a chamber close to where the ship had landed. Alexander questioned me and I said I was from the line of Pharaoh's of Egypt betrothed of Horas. He then tied me up and gagged me and then I watched Alexander torture Horas threatening to harm me if Horas didn't scream and let Alexander enjoy his torture. Then he explained how Hathor betrayed Horas by being with another man to torture Horas even more and then he came to me after Horas was set free and he offered me a chance to either watch Horas being tortured for 3 more days or I could let him… do things to me. Alexander got an answer from me and he did his things then he said watch tomorrow I won't touch Horas in fact he will kill me as you going to have more things done to you."

Cleopatra burst into tears and ran out of the room, at that moment I followed after her and I caught up to her grabbing her hands and pulling her close to me.

Finally I had embraced Cleopatra and she wept in my arms and said "I was supposed to bring you joy and happiness. I was supposed to be faithful to you and only you but instead I betrayed all I was meant to be to you and made you suffer double the torture."

Cleopatra stopped fighting to pull away and grabbed onto me holding as tight as she could.

I stroked the back of her head to comfort her and said "You did not betray me, you loved me so much you sacrificed yourself in ways you should never have had to. I failed to protect you and if you can ever forgive me and find it in your heart to love me again I would be honoured to have that life with you still."

Cleopatra looked up at me with tears flowing down her face and put her hands on either side of my face and said "I will always love you Horas, but you should never love me again!"

Cleopatra pulled away and ran into the palace heading for her room at that moment Helen grabbed my shoulder looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked me to talk to her.

Helen was crying when she said "Cleopatra has chosen not to live on and she said if you chase after her once she is back in the palace she will take her life. She loves you Horas and she can't stand what she has been through for you! She can't stand to watch you go through more torture just looking at her like Alexander wanted!"

Helen grasped my hand and fell over crying out in pain and as I turned around I saw a guard carrying Cleopatra's dead body she had committed suicide.

I fell over onto my knees and let out a wailing mournful cry saying "No!"

The nobles from the court rushed outside and as Rameses saw his daughters body he to fell into a breakdown of tears.

The 3 of us cried for hours as the other nobles tried to comfort the 3 of us Rameses had several individuals comforting him who wanted to hit him for his failure Jackie grabbed hold of me and carried me of to my ship.