Chapter 7 part 1 Stepping to vengeance

The crypt in America was by far my greatest creation my technology had advanced greatly to the point it eclipsed Cronos's technology.

It was now the year 1436AD in my past 2400 years I had furthered my technology to the point that I had discover Nano technology beyond this I had surpassed the old immortal technologies software to the point that I no longer used the same base of software.

My energy technology had been cleaned up from Cronos's old technology where exotic particles needed to be contained and returned across the quantum state bridge which reduced the energy output of the energy source along with destabilizing linked technology.

My research into the technology had found that removing the filter technology and altering the initial energy frequency allowed the exotic particles to create the energy bridge making the power source far more compact and allowed it to produce unlimited power.

The energy source was now no larger then a AAA battery and was making my advancements in technology far more intense.

Cronos's shield technology had also been improved by me now it no longer deflected energy instead it used the bridge creation to transfer force or impact to other dimensions.

Despite the advancements the flight technology could not work with the advanced shield technology or with Nano technology based exteriors, this meant that ships had 2 shield technologies 1 for flight and the other for combat however the combat technology could only be used in space.

Weapon systems had advanced to allow exactly 4 weapons on the ship a ray type energy weapon that was not anywhere near the light based weapons of the suits, a missile weapon, a tractor beam based of the shield technology and lastly a rail type projectile energy weapon.

I had also built a new suit technology combining Nano technology, resurrection pod technology and shield technology.

Several other minor technologies had been combined into the new suits that basically made anyone wearing my suit technology an immortal.

Unlike the light weapon suits these suits had no attack technology and could not fly, an individual would experience extreme physical strength in the suit but that was the extent of the suits offensive technology.

I had wondered the American continents and all that I had found was a society had fallen apart due to some kind of natural disaster around the period I defeated Alexander.

Apparently the rivers had diverted underground and forced a new river to emerge killing out the society that lived here.

Several branches of the society had emerged living advanced lives with a balance achieved with nature, the people here were unbelievably agreeable and had made the requirement of intervention unnecessary.

I lived the life of a nomad with no tribe hunting and staying away from the tribes for the most part, Alexander had not interacted with these people and his ideals would not sway these people who carried history in words and songs.

Alexander had a strong way with words, resulting in him swaying control of people's beliefs and then he would rapidly gain support.

This was the information gathered from Rameses as he thought me how to hunt his brother.

Rameses explained to me that his sister was also very well versed in this technique of manipulation, she had been assigned as the most important immortal to revive to kill Alexander however Cronos would need to be revived first.

The Illumanati knew that 2 of the great 5 were traitors Zeus was the first who was confirmed and Cronos was the only person who could be cleared since he captured Zeus device.

The task had been set.

The sun had risen up to nearly midday when I received a secret communication from Kaguya.

The communication seemed earnest enough to have all 3 seekers deploy to Japan Kaguya had found a DNA match with a 75% match to Rameses.

DNA is a tricky thing to use to track an individuals children are easy to track for an individual as the child will always be a 50% match however siblings could range 0% up to 100%, Rameses had given us the information that him and his sister had a 25% DNA match while Alexander and Hathor had a 0% match.

This made tracking Alexander down through trace DNA a possibility running through battle fields and finding a DNA sample was pretty simple with a ship as the scanner could pick up and isolate DNA outside of living cells.

A huge fight had erupted in Japan with armies trying to destroy the emperors dynasty and Kaguya found a single sample of DNA matching our criteria belonging to the opposing armies.

This was a very strong possibility as it matched Alexander's past actions.

Jackie had been assigned to block of the sea route while I awaken the army we had in stasis.

The army would require several weeks to be educated then we would head out across Japan and slowly tighten our net around Alexander.

We also had contingent plans in place in case he escaped to destroy all his followers after all we needed to slow the advancement of man for at least another 800 years.

I had stood on the mountain peek waiting for the sun to completely set, the land was vast and open as such my ship needed the cover of darkness to operate.

I watched the horizon as the light slowly faded and every moment I watched the sunset I knew revenge would soon be mine.

I could not use the suit technology efficiently as my physical strength quickly diluted in it as well as it having no use in healing me it was purely a shield for me.

I was vastly stronger then before I could hoist a large cow over my head on the strength of a single arm and toss it.

My Chi techniques had been used to reduce the recoil from attacks however refining my power was extremely difficult the power hidden inside me refused to release no mater how hard I pushed at it.

My ship had finally arrived and I boarded it dragging in all my suits, the suits were merely about the size of soccer ball and once you touched the suit it instantly would spread across your skin bonding to you.

The suit had a few benefits that were not essential such as keeping the individual permanently clean and being able to project the image of clothing around the user.

My ship had to fly around the world keeping out of the daylight to ensure it would not be detected.

I had gone up into orbit and waited till nightfall in Egypt then descended.

The crypt was musky and covered in cob webs it had been far too long since I last had been here all the pods were set only wake up by initiating the command.

I walked down past all the pods to the lone pod in the furthest part of the room and wiped of the dust covering the individual inside.

Cleopatra was as beautiful as she had been on our wedding day and I stood over the pod crying as the emotions rushed over me remembering the terror we had faced.

I had wiped of my tears and now I walked up to the pods on the other side of the room and activated the wakeup sequences.

The troops got up and as they left the pods they each touched the balls that were the new armour I had prepared for them.

Rameses and Russell had got everyone ready for the mission at hand and I had explained how difficult our current journey would be as we would be walking out of Egypt.

The trip would take us an entire year as we had to purchase horses then start our ride up through the continent till we reached the coast of China and there we would cross over to Japan.

In this era we were unfortunately just a random group of people holding no standing or power so getting things would take us a considerable amount of time.

The army was out and into the world unfortunately for most of the army the world had changed a lot.

The new armies patrolled the roads blocking pathways and had challenged us as we passed through each territory unfortunately we had killed nearly 700 men as we crossed through territories.

Finally the long journey seemed to draw to its end as we had finally reached the coast and the army broke into 3 groups crossing into Japan at 2 different crossings with 1 group rendezvousing with Jackie.

I had set out to the southern tip crossing and as we passed through we saw the tell tale signs that Alexander had been through here.

The coastal cities had fallen into disarray as their leadership was eliminated in uprisings and the territories were left leaderless.

Armies from the main empire had suppressed the rebels and forced them back into order however the damage still remained.