Chapter 7 part 2 The red spidder

Japan was a vastly different society, the houses were built in sections giving people privacy beyond that the society had unbelievable cleanliness.

The streets of the country were cleaner then the homes of most people elsewhere in the world.

The people of the country were just as clean, having crazy standards for personal hygiene.

Kaguya had broken a few of the rules I had set out to ensure the societies could not progress.

Jackie had intervened and I had declared that her interference could be forgiven and action had not been taken to wipe out her influence.

Kaguya had thought the Japanese the art of centred society models making it extremely hard to topple this nation, despite this technology had been slow to integrate into people's daily lives as they relied heavily on traditional value.

Kaguya had thought them how to make scented soaps for bathing making the process the key part of daily life, additionally this extended life spans of people as they built immunity to diseases quickly.

The coastal port had no proper city to ensure any invasion would suffer heavy loses in progression in land.

The paths out of the bay were extremely narrow and the only source of food was fish with no fresh water sources anywhere in sight.

China had invaded Japan at 1 point in time but thanks to the water systems the invading army had almost completely died out before leaving the coast.

I had been left to my own devices as we fastened the net on Alexander, Kaguya had partnered her loyal soldiers with the emperor.

The town up this narrow path was Hiroshima, the Royal army had set itself up in the port in the event they needed to evacuate.

I walked into the town and a soldier had searched me looking for weapons after the soldier found 7 swords in my bag he had called for reinforcements to help suppress me.

The soldier looked me in the eye while standing on guard and said "Stand down or we will be forced to kill you here. I am Mitiyoshi Mitimi."

I looked at the man and realized I had been starring at him intensely as he searched my stuff and replied "Ow sorry Mitiyoshi I am Horas Kanji the friend of Lady Kaguya."

The man seemed suddenly offended at my statement and I pulled a note from my sleeve that was a reproduction of a message Kaguya had sent us.

The man seemed to drop his guard and his superior seemed to stand down as he was talking.

Finally Mitiyoshi returned to me and said "I see that you aren't accustomed to our traditions so let me explain a few things to you as we help you get into our guard post here."

Mitiyoshi had walked away from the searching point after handing me my weapons and allowing me to gear up.

We had walked into the town when he said "In Japan we call all people by there last name followed by san to show equal respect and to superiors we add sama, people on a first name bases must be friends or extremely closely related."

I quickly replied "My most sincere apologies Mitimi san please forgive my lack of knowledge."

Mitiyoshi turned to me and said "Kanji chan be careful how you speak since you are so young."

I had burst out laughing at the statement and replied "Well I'm older then I look Mitimi san plus I'm Kaguya sans superior."

Mitiyoshi looked at me as if I had spoken absolute hogwash and from my bag I pulled a small seal that represented the crest Kaguya used.

The crest was no holder crest it was the actual seal which meant it held the highest authority.

Mitiyoshi stood dumbfounded at the seal since Kaguya was well known as a retainer of the greatest warrior in the world.

Mitiyoshi seemed to compose himself as he said "If you truly the greatest warrior why not prove it to me."

I sighed and nodded in agreement to the challenge and Mitiyoshi put his hand on his sword.

Kaguya had warned me that the people of Japan had an extremely fast sword fighting style so much so that it topped Rameses sword fighting style.

Our dual started and the draw speed Mitiyoshi displayed was incredible as he pulled his katana, my draw speed was much faster still but I wanted to witness his fighting style.

Mitiyoshi made a huge swing at me with his blade moving with nimble tiny strides, I instantly blocked the attack and countered with elaborate flashy counter strikes.

Mitiyoshi had blocked 6 consecutive strikes when I finally noticed that his blade was 1 sided and backed of, Mitiyoshi seemed stunned and in the next second I struck the side of his blade and it snapped in 2.

Mitiyoshi had literally been left speechless as I finally said "Impressive fighting style plus what an incredible weapon to withstand 6 of my attacks."

I extended my hand to Mitiyoshi and he replied "I have never seen such an impressive swordsman in my life thank you for sparing my life."

Mitiyoshi took my hand and we continued walking to the outpost.

Mitiyoshi had explained to me how rare his sword was explaining that it took 6 months to have his forged by a master swordsmith.

I felt extremely sorry for braking his sword and had given him 1 of my blades to use unfortunately the blade was not a good match to his fighting.

The outpost was not in extreme danger however several scout parties had been found on the outer edge.

This was not a sign of a definite attack but it did indicate that Alexander had a plan up his sleeve to catch the emperor if he fled or fell back.

The army that held the port were merely 1000 men strong and what shocked me the most was that the enemy had 250000 men and the emperor commanded 1000000 men.

The emperor lost 500000 men claiming just 50000 enemy lives.

The emperor had 500000 men left however 300000 of those men were injured from the combat they had experienced.

Rameses group had headed to the field hospital and were investigating the weapon Alexander had this time.

The nanotechnology had also granted us the ability to talk directly to each other anywhere in the galaxy so after the investigation had concluded Rameses called me.

Rameses had called me up and said "Horas I hope you ready for this, Alexander has a new weapon that we didn't expect to find on earth.

You see on our previous home world we had a plant called the red spider it would poison your body and cause it to rapidly grow in strength in 8 days.

Unfortunately the plant had several side effects, firstly by the sixth day it left the body in crippling pain and on the eight day the body fell apart.

Immortals used the red spider along with several other herbs to grow hundreds of times stronger with no side effects however for mortals death was guaranteed by the fourteenth day.

If you run into anyone using the red spider be warned they will be hundreds of times stronger then normal and if I know Alexander he is using people many times stronger then normal people to take advantage of the drug."

I had heard what was said and replied "Well if that's the case we don't have to worry you guys have the armour and it's completely immune to all damage just tank their attacks and augment your swords with nanotechnology. Plus I'm sure I could beat anyone of them in combat."

Rameses sighed deeply and replied "The great 5 could defeat those under the effect of the red spider by totally crushing or vaporizing them normal immortals who are around half your strength can't even scratch those using the red spider.

Trust me if they catch you it's not going to be easy they will rip you to pieces however if you can get them to bleed let the blood mix into your blood and you could get the effect from the red spider.

Just for a by the way you are around 30 to 40 times stronger then a normal man but they are going to be 900 to 2000 times stronger then a normal man."

I instantly realized what would happen to me if I fought 1 of them, every attack I dished out would be brushed of followed by a thumping that would kill me if I were mortal.

Worse still was the thought of how the fight would unfold.

If the rare few using the red spider appeared leading an army we would lose instantly worse still even if they followed the main force if they had any more then 1 of them I'd have absolutely no chance of victory except by mixing in their blood with mine.

The chance of Alexander escaping was exceptionally high however to make sure he returned we needed to make sure that the plant was not taken of the island.