Chapter 7 part 3 Demon

I had been at the outpost for almost a month and a terrible sign in war had been noticed by me the enemy had stopped scouting the region heavily.

The sudden reduction in scouts meant that an attack was underway and our post was either the primary target or meant to be the secondary target.

The men in the post seemed to calm down not expecting such tactics, several members of the guard post had trained with me in swordsmanship however most of them could barely grasp the swift moves I used.

Most soldiers used thin weak versions of the Katana as their close combat weapon and mainly focused on using other weapons such as bow and arrow to hold of any force that attacked head on.

The area around Hiroshima was extremely mountainous with very thin paths leading in.

I had advised the army to help me devise a trap to slow any enemy progression by barricading the paths into the city with boulders.

The commander of the outpost listened to my suggestions and warnings and finally decided to help out with my plan.

Every pathway had traps set with around 400 meters of drop traps, the city people had helped with out efforts realizing they too would be in danger if an attack was sent our way.

All preparations for defence had been made and we all stood uneasy, 3 scout units had been extremely delayed on return to the city.

Finally a scout had come riding in solo his horse seemed to be extremely fatigued and the man was in a terrible state.

The commander went straight to the scout and as the scout reported the commander seemed terrified calling all soldiers to their posts, horror could be heard in his voice and finally the commander called me aside.

The commander looked me in the eye and said "Kanji san there are 50000 men coming here they will be here in 4 days. Do you have anyway of fighting these odds?"

The commander was shivering in terror and I replied "I will ride out and stall their progress make sure you only trigger the traps in the fog and force them to slow in the paths."

Undoubtedly I could delay an army however even at my best the army would arrive here.

If I rode out for a day there was an opening between the mountains that could be blocked up trapping an opposing army in the mountains ridge giving me the greatest chance of defeating the army.

I had arrived at the mountain ridge and sent my horse back to the camp.

I had monitored the area and slowly yet surely I stacked up boulders on 1 side of the ridge and tossed boulders at the other side.

After a full day of working hard I had collapsed 1 mountain making the path open for the army much closer to the second mountain.

I had climbed up to the top and set trap hoping the entire mountain side would collapse into the marching army giving me a chance to fight and extremely reduced number of soldiers.

I had hidden myself on the top of the mountain as scouts ran in and out of the ridge setting markers for the army.

I had to hold my position to cause a huge disruption instead of causing minor delays.

Finally the army had arrived and they slowly marched into the ridge trotting slowly, as the next route to Hiroshima was a 14 day detour passing through 2 other military outposts.

The moment arrived and I threw a boulder into the sets of boulders I had set along the top of the mountain.

The boulders knocked each other out like dominoes and the reaction rippled down the mountain.

The edge before me had crumbled and rubble filled the path towards Hiroshima, the army was peppered with boulders and rubble.

I ran along the freshly broken edge of the mountain to the path that remained, each step set of small collapses of rock as I rushed to beat the army to leaving the ridge.

Suddenly as I made it 2 thirds down the mountain a large crash was heard as the back of the mountain collapsed.

A huge cloud of rock and dust rushed through the ridge, I had kept running as I finally had my edge to the combat.

The back of the mountain had fallen into another path leading to Hiroshima and the army could not progress till the cloud had settled.

I made it to the pathway leading to Hiroshima and draw 2 blades.

I had been dresses in brown robes till now so that while I was hiding, spotting me would be extremely difficult.

I had tossed my robe to the side revealing a pure black outfit, my pants resembled denim and so did my jacket however they were my nanotechnology generated clothing.

I had a total of 5 swords on me 1 on my back 2 in my upper holster and the 2 that were in line with my waist had been drawn.

The cloud of dust had died down and the army stood before me all battered and bruised.

The boulders that fell into the army had killed at least 2000 men, the rest were stung or injured by debris from the cloud of dust and rock.

The opening I stood before was only big enough for 5 horses to cross, I charged in as fast possible before the army could line up and charge at me.

The first horsemen had just reached me and I struck a sword straight into the horses chest, the hilt had already made contact with the horses rib cage and I kept pushing till the horses front legs were off the ground, I violently tossed the horse till finally it was flung into the opposing army.

My training had made me unbelievably strong and the enemy exclaimed stunned screams of "Demon!"

The army had dismounted and lined up in a surprising formation that was clearly made for the capture of powerful enemies.

The front line had pulled out spears and lined themselves for charge style attacks, this fighting style was used by foot infantry to crush horsemen on charge type assaults.

My strength was scary but what scared me was the precision the army had to counter my typical assault.

I had to slow my attack and I also noticed that a single horsemen had set off back to their command post.

I charged in and the spears pulled back forming a wall of spear tips I had impaled myself and started slashing shafts of the spears however the man lifted me of my feet and more spears rushed into me pulling my arms apart.

The staffs had been under extreme pressure as they started to shriek due to my exertion against them.

Finally the tips of the spears cracked of and my arm was free to move once more.

This time I slashed with my sword twice as fast and all that could be heard was the violent shattering and snapping of wood.

I backed of and spear tips were popping out of me as the nanotechnology assisted in pulling them out of my body.

Hundreds of spears had already been destroyed and finally my sword stabbed through a soldiers skull I twisted the blade and the man's head seemed to pop.

My blade swung out from the man's head as the heads of his comrades were slashed off in the next second I pushed forward and shoved the dead bodies into the army.

The disarray allowed me to claim a dozen more lives before I had been pushed back slightly.

The enemy army seemed to keep repeating this pattern with me and this forced me to keep pushing further and further into them.

Had been fighting for nearly 4 hours when suddenly the men of the army started riding out on the opposite side of the armies line.

I ran back and tackled a horse causing multiple men to topple over and the pattern seemed to start again with the man forming up yet another line of spears.

I had got back to the point of slowly reducing the armies number however at least 200 men had started their long last days ride to Hiroshima.

I held my ground fighting this army however something was definitely not right, the tips of the spears weren't sharpened and the tactic deployed was a delay tactics.

I had already figured out that I could kill around 20000 men in full out combat with 30000 men making it down the path before the trap reduced them in number.

What truly puzzled me was the odd strategy when they clearly could ride past me if they charged me non stop.

The fight was gruesome as I finally reached the fifth day of combat the army had been decimated by me only around 4000 men had made it to Hiroshima.

I had finally decided to use the dead horses as ammunition and tossed them into the army crushing everyone to death.

The general of the arm had left me with a scary final message, the demon lords are coming to get you.